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UNT Alumni Lifer

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About UNT Alumni Lifer

  • Birthday 07/27/1970

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    Pflugerville, TX
  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing, outdoors, Mean Green Football!

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  1. Well, trying to post the pics didn't work!
  2. Royal Australian Air Force 3rd Squadron https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=lnkPmy0O&id=885E0ACE8623756A4AE193AEB5F0758997A462BA&thid=OIP.lnkPmy0OwQAbmCNL7m_-RAHaLH&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fphilbuckleytravels.files.wordpress.com%2f2013%2f08%2f20110408_9999_24.jpg&exph=2496&expw=1664&q=Raaf+3+squadron+&simid=608001794350844548&ck=94E63C846CF8DDA41E3978605D94BB8B&selectedIndex=6&FORM=IRPRST https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=YSWZTtGM&id=51A9F8D9EC980B39B50EF4C57C31EA3587068BBF&thid=OIP.YSWZTtGMV94fIXBvSQ6qDAHaD9&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.3squadron.org.au%2fPix%2fModern+Day+Photos%2fF35+A35+003+3SQN+Symbol.jpg&exph=437&expw=818&q=Raaf+3+squadron+&simid=608004744903722055&ck=82118D0316F30B55174194908FCF0EFB&selectedIndex=15&FORM=IRPRST
  3. Wish we could! I'm a Navy vet & would LOVE to see us play a good series with them like we did Army.
  4. Great post Rick, as usual. I love the SOW. I believe it's one of the coolest logos in sports, but I'm a bit biased. It's really cool seeing one so similar on a military jet.
  5. So I've researched more & the RAAF squadron might not have started using it until around 2007. Possibly the pic I found was not from 2003. I'm actually going to reach out to the squadron to see if they can give me a year they started using that logo. Still pretty cool the similarities!
  6. 2005 sounds about right. I would imagine UNT would have received permission to use a similar logo. It's not the exact same but close enough that permission should be required. I believe I've heard of or seen another instance of an organization using a logo similar to a military unit. Maybe it's not a big deal with defense departments.
  7. I'm a Navy (aviation) Vet & military aviation enthusiast. Not sure if this has been brought up previously, but I came across some pics of a Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18 Hornet & the new F-35 with a VERY familiar squadron logo. I can't remember when UNT rebranded, but I found a 2003 pic from this squadron with this logo. You can Google "RAAF 3 Squadron" for more info. Is this where we got our SOW? I was pretty shocked when I saw it.
  8. LOL! Nothing wrong with an obsession, as long as it's legal! However, I hope we NEVER use the the interlocking NT. Too generic, & SOW is 100 times better. Just my humble opinion.
  9. It's a standard color shell they already have. I would imagine they're not going to make our color green until we sell enough units to justify their cost.
  10. We've heard so much praise for Dunbar - from Garrett & in various articles. He's such a playmaker & has the skills to really make plays. BUT THEY BARELY USE HIM! Am I missing something? I just don't understand. How is he supposed to ever find a groove or get into any kind of rythm if he barely plays?
  11. UNT Athletics website shows 9pm CST on Fox Sports 1
  12. Hilarious. Yeah, it really does look pretty dark.
  13. VERY COOL. I like the checkerboard look. I don't understand why we don't have more green in Apogee. Most major programs' stadiums are filled with their colors. Apogee looks very plain & needs a color upgrade. Maybe that will help get fans more motivated to go to games (other than winning, of course). Surely it would help motivate players. It's all about the attitude. GREEN, GREEN, & MORE GREEN!
  14. AGREED. I also think those were the best helmets so far, & the best uni combo so far. I definitely don't want to overdo the black, but it did look good on TV.
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