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Everything posted by MeanGreenD

  1. That appears to be as true as when he was named UNT's new head coach
  2. SO if UNC wins by 50 over the #1 team, and USC beats Stanford, you believe the committee will put Ohio St in over a conference champion (which the committee says the value, see last year) and have 2 B1G teams in the playoff? I could see UNC getting in, but it would have to be a convincing win and Stanford would have to lose. Hopefully Stanford can take care of business and take Clemson's spot if UNC wins the ACC Championship.
  3. Article has been retracted by Carlos Mendez of FWST and in his latest, he basically says Vito is his source and he was just reporting what Vito said last night. In more words or less...
  5. At this point, I'm pretty much sold on who the new coach is. All this chaos, confusion and then the glass breaks...classic Stone Cold...
  6. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Sources: TCU’s Meacham headed to North Texas, Frogs can hold on to Cumbie, <a href="https://twitter.com/calexmendez">@calexmendez</a> <a href="https://t.co/ubkkeOtmxF">https://t.co/ubkkeOtmxF</a> <a href="https://t.co/iDgJdLCBK0">pic.twitter.com/iDgJdLCBK0</a></p>&mdash; Star-Telegram Sports (@sportsdfw) <a href="https://twitter.com/sportsdfw/status/671438124392714244">November 30, 2015</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>I don't know how to embed Tweets, but Fort Worth Star Telegram is reporting Meacham is "headed to North Texas". People unassociated with UNT are reacting to it.
  7. Yes, he may have edited though? Idk...he just tweeted that. If you search "Meacham UNT" or "Meacham North Texas" the Twitterverse is acting like it's official. @‌SportsManCave just tweeted: "TCU co-offensive coordinator Doug Meacham will be the new head coach at North Texas"
  8. This could all be the media trying to be the first to break it, and therefore getting it completely wrong.... I feel like the kid in Billy Madison, "so is he lying or are you lying?"
  9. Literally, minutes ago. I just keep refreshing twitter and this tweet popped up: http://www.scout.com/college/tcu/story/1617827-meacham-leaves-tcu-for-unt-head-coaching-job TCU co-offensive coordinator Doug Meacham will be the new head coach of the Mean Green football team, according to the Fort Worth Star Telegram. "
  10. Carlos Gomez of Fort Worth Star Telegram just tweeted this article: http://www.star-telegram.com/sports/college/big-12/texas-christian-university/article47177975.html It would seem as if all these "sources" are not on the same page. By his account, Cumbie will not be going to UT and Meacham will be coming here. TCU appears to be willing to invest in Cumbie so he doesn't leave, not sure why Meacham would stay....
  11. It could be, but the crew working our game was the worst crew CUSA had to offer, according to tweets prior to this call. The crew working the Bedlam was probably the best the Big12 had to offer given it was the de-facto championship game. Seems much more likely a terrible crew in a G5 conference would be more prone to mistakes than an elite crew in a P5 conference.
  12. When I got home from the game, my Dad told me how disgusting that was, both hit and behavior. I couldn't have disagreed more. Happened right in front of my seat. Sunday morning, turned on SportsCenter while they showed highlights of hit after hit after hit including OU & OKSt players having stuff exploding from their helmets after a collision. I found myself in the locker room after the game. Carlos was talking with his teammates about it. Joked about he was "smallest guy on the field". He's taken hit, after hit, after hit (y'all remember a couple years ago when UTSAs Okatcha (sp?) lit him up!?) Carlos' reaction is misinterpreted. He was fuming and throwing the deuces was a way of throwing the middle finger at the refs. Had the refs let him play the game of football, the game we all love because there are so many big hits, then he may have ended his career the way he really wanted by catching a TD in the closing minutes. You'll see this same hit over and over throughout the bowl games and playoffs, and it'll be celebrated by everyone in college football.
  13. I don't get it either. Dodge's biggest problem was bringing his entire HS staff with him. Seems as though the circumstances are different. As you said, he is getting experience at this level now. What does he have to show for it? Well, DeAndre Washington leads the Big12 in rushing yards. That says a lot for a team that doesn't have a ground & pound philosophy. TTU's QB has thrown for more yards than any QB. 500 more than Boykin, 700 more than Mayfield. I would be pleased with this hire.
  14. https://thehayride.com/2015/11/breaking-syrian-refugee-already-missing-in-baton-rouge-area/
  15. Yea, he keeps saying we'll miss these players. Although, he says that every year it seems. Couldn't believe Smith's drop that was a drive killer. Or Carlos not going north & south. Both plays ending drives, and both plays because it seemed as though the players were afraid of contact... I've been a big fan of Carlos throughout his career, but this year has made it very hard. He has a very poor attitude on the sidelines which leads me to believe he has a poor attitude in locker room, weight room, etc. We really aren't losing a ton of difference makers, and the ones that we are losing, it might be addition by subtraction.
  16. Twitter is blowing up. This has probably had more impact than it would have during a tailgate.
  17. Butch Jones: Cam Tucker:
  18. There is an ad on Craigslist to buy him for $10, so he would by far be the cheapest candidate for the job. Another Aggie fan commented on a tweet linking him to job by simply saying "RIP North Texas Football"
  19. As @‌MeanGreenTexan told me, the first step is admitting you have a problem. We're here for you brother!
  20. According to the latest poll "RV Take 2" it's actually 91.4% of the people here...
  21. In order to help my fellow Coach Canales fans get through this transition, I'm organizing a Chico Support Group at his favorite Denton Watering Hole East Side Social Club. Come drown your sorrows and see the game ball from last week up behind John Williams' bar. Raise a glass to the man and watch the Mean Green battle LaTech. If you cannot make it, feel free to comment here and allow us to help you get through the 5 stages of grief. Denial Even though the writing is on the wall, you refuse to believe that anyone other than Coach Canales will be leading the troops onto the field vs. SMU next September Anger You're ready to fight anyone who dares comment that Chico will not be here next year Bargaining "If we run the table, he should be the head coach" If that happens, his visor will have a Gamecock or Terrapin on it next season Depression You're in a funk as it finally starts to sink in as you read comments from his family and understand him & RV are like oil & water, that he'll be gone Acceptance The sooner you can get here, the better. You'll be able to appreciate these final four games and soak em in. You'll start to look at the candidates being mentioned and get excited about who we could bring in. Accepting the future will allow you to live in the present. No matter which stage you currently find yourself in, you, like me, can make it all the way through this. We've got 4 more shots to lock the gate. It's a time to look for improvement in our young players and wish success on everyone associated with this program. Please keep negativity out of this thread, it will hinder your fellow fans ability to make it through this. Just when they might be making it to acceptance, negativity may catapult them back to anger. " "I will never stop fighting the fight, determined to win the day. For it was by perseverance the snail was able to reach the Ark" - Anonymous" - Coach Canales
  22. Technically, didn't he say he wouldn't campaign for THIS job?
  23. haha, yea, figured since he stated he wouldn't campaign for it, least I could do for him was campaign on his behalf. In fairness, I did post earlier today a case for Major Applewhite. I'm coming to terms with losing a coach that has become a friend through the years. I've moved on from the denial stage of grief to the acceptance stage. So unlike a certain AD, I am able to move on from denial :)
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