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Everything posted by meangreener

  1. Everyone forgets that Skladany is a top tier defensive coordinator...
  2. I'm not mad, what he said was true. Teams did anything to win and you had 20 fans in the stands.
  3. Troy game was the worst QB and kicker performance I've ever witnessed. Ever.
  4. I think this defense will be damn good this year. Maybe a little weak vs the run, but lights out defense overall. Our offense will be the problem, imo.
  5. I think that we will be just fine at QB. There's a lot of talent. I expect to see a wide open system, this year, as well.
  6. Jesus Christ.
  7. Mindblowing that Thompson still can't get it done. Good Lord. Why do Dan and Chico still insist DT is the guy? Come on. If there's no clear standout then it shows to me that DT should not be starting. As a senior, he should be the leader and be a clear standout. Ridiculous.
  8. Scotty Young will be likely starting at a school that had one of the most prolific air raid offenses in years last year. We could've had Young, but Chico and Mac wanted Berglund instead. Personally, Berglund is our savior in my view and will take us where we want to go. If he doesn't...Chico and Mac have explaining to do over why they picked Brock over Young. I'm tired of hearing excuses about him not being ready. Take a page from Tech. Berglund will make stupid mistakes but his ceiling is far higher than DT or McNulty. So with Berglund, I feel like we'll ALWAYS have a chance no matter who we play. With Thompson, I don't get that feeling. But our football admin loves DT (Capper tweeted about how his statistics stacked up and called him underrated.) I'm surprised Mac isn't throwing Brock out there. He has a Seneca Wallace type QB now. Brock looked promising in the Spring Game. Either way, I think Mac and Chico realize the pressure to perform this year and I'm looking forward to a wide open offense. If we suck, simply, I'll learn not to trust them.
  9. Shiner is great beer and love the fact that it's usually considered a domestic.
  10. Yeah. And my parents taught me how to enjoy alcohol properly without turning into a drunk at age 21 like most other western countries do... So I've had a lot of local brews and left mostly unimpressed. St. Arnold Divine Reserve 13 and Summer Pils is where it's at...
  11. I haven't had a good local beer and I've tried most of the local breweries. It's not St. Arnold... I need to try the Denton beer.
  12. Cowboys are the only team to not have stitched letters.
  13. Shasta is a pretty cruddy mascot, sorry bro
  14. RV really loves bodybag games. He said so at the Caravan. We don't need them.
  15. A lot of bars have this...
  16. Are you...saying...that screen is better than stitch? I...just...huh...?
  17. How the hell did they afford the Flywire jerseys? What the hell, UNT? Do we not realize that having the top end jerseys attract better recruits? I like the classic look but Flywire it at least. I would love a modern looking jersey. We'll never get it. I love the new SA jerseys.
  18. Can I just get...a sticker? I'm just so happy this is actually happening. Now hopefully someone realizes making Flying Worm apparel for this game would also help fatten their pocketbook.
  19. He doesn't understand. How cute. Y'all are already in the process of bandwagons go to the Texans from the last time I was there...seems to me SA likes new and shiny things.
  20. I mean, it depends. Cowboys games are indeed terrible, the new stadium is horrendous (even though I hate the Cowboys, Texas Stadium games were a lot of fun) but it really depends on the stadium and the environment. I love going to Reliant. And I love going to NT games.
  21. That's really cool that your city is so shitty that its taken them so long to get a football team and that they're so desperate they're loosely clinging to an FCS startup! Here in DFW, there's three other football teams to compete against. In Houston, there's three football teams total. In San Antonio, y'all are casual Cowboys and Texans fans with no team of your own...boohoo... So that's why people were like "Oooh, the UT Junior College has a team! Beep beep!"
  22. Y'all certainly don't stack up well against even UTEP.
  23. Likeness as in there is a player on UNT with #16 from Gunbarrel, CO classified as a "Scrambler" QB who is a 6'4 sophomore weighing 215, is really fast and has a hell of an arm as well as a rating of 79. He also looks a lot like Brock Berglund. For example, though, the Manziel in the game was modeled after him...and it looks a LOT like him. Frankly, I'd be a little pissed if EA Sports was making money off of me without receiving any of the money they make...
  24. My pro-athletic post about how the haters are wrong had 20 likes. Check yourself.
  25. But they're still fans and hope for the best for UNT. That's just the way they react. I'm that way often. Some of us don't down the green Kool-aid.
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