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Everything posted by meangreener

  1. It was. But they didn't show up. I know A LOT of people who held tickets but didn't go. Attendance will be 21K.
  2. I'm proud of DT and I was one of his biggest haters. I'm aboard.
  3. Nothing, they aren't enforcing it. The attendance was the same as Southern. Also, the heat kept the students away. It was painfully hot. It was still an excellent student turnout. There will be more versus Ball state.
  4. No, but there's more than there was versus Texas Southern and Troy.
  5. 23K. Not excellent but I'll take it.
  6. There will be good attendance on both sides.
  7. 28K. I've heard they had to overflow students. There's a lot of buzz around this game. Just had a random customer at work tell me he was bringing 10. Students will be here in force. Frankly, I wouldn't even be surprised with UH level attendance. People are football crazy right now, people are underestimating how many people want to see live football, throwback uniforms, anniversary, Worm, first game of the season...way underestimating how many people will be at this game. There's a lot of buzz. There was plenty of people at the SMU game despite the heat.
  8. Where was the multicolor? Talking about the 60s? Epic long replies? Plumm you disappoint me!
  9. This is my issue. Frankly, due to NT40 and Talons, I think it'll end up being one huge mishmash of young alumni/students. Which is cool...frankly, the young students annoy me as I get older.
  10. We've had decent attendance at hot games in the past. Your brother needs to man up.
  11. That Rice game...that was hot.
  12. I'm not worried about them. I'm worried about our fanbase melting.
  13. Because they're smack dab in the middle of the student section...students are just going to sit here in overflow. Not to mention the NT40 and the Talons are in these sections. This is going to be a disaster. And the band. We've already hit overflow for student seats and are on a record pace. I would pay for those better seats.
  14. This could be like that ECU game where people passed out.
  15. 102 degrees. Really wish this game started later in the day. This is going to be brutal. However, this is a huge homefield advantage, but I'm still concerned about the heat.
  16. Uh oh. Hope he's alright...
  17. That's why it's been selling like crazy, right?
  18. The amount of complaining over bullshit is so high. It's really funny too that these are flying off the shelves. I WISH we'd do PanEctor. I have AMAZING PanEctor shirts, instead of those crappy Groggy Dog ones. PE makes FANTASTIC stuff. Oh well.
  19. The fabric is a bit distressed.
  20. It's the Daily. They have the journalistic integrity of FOX News.
  21. I'd find it likely that Fry owns it.
  22. I feel like everyone either forgot or doesn't know that shirts with helmets was a style for a long time. Hell, the Cowboys and the Browns used a helmet for their entire logo for a while. It's a great shirt if you like the vintage look.
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