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Everything posted by meangreener

  1. I've just about given up.
  2. Ball State is a BCS buster this year. Everyone likes to say that win wasn't huge...but it was.
  3. I'm not offended by their trash talk. They have one conference title since 1948, play in an off campus stadium way too big for them that must feel like an empty cavern and pulling 10K to games. It's a 70K stadium. That's embarrassing. They're also in New Orleans, which is a place one visits but doesn't live.
  4. Are we sure East Side is going to be playing it? It's the Canned Fest this week, which is across the street from their place. I'll be at the fest, call me a bad fan.
  5. Can somebody more in the know see if East Side is having a watching party? I'm not going to Hooters, sleeze central.
  6. Hardest hitting defense in the league.
  7. Well, crap, I forgot. I'll drive by during errands later. I also love the new Scrappy and that he's holding the battle flag, because that needs to be our secondary logo.
  8. I'm over by the Language building, I'll look at the hours and post them.
  9. I think they're open until 5 or 6 on Saturday and like until 4 or 5 on Sunday.
  10. I was in there a few months ago and it looked like it was going out of business. Crap everywhere, roof was falling apart, old, crummy, nasty, etc. I guess the new ownership has completely remodeled it, because it's bright, new, clean, and not cluttered at all. Also, they have amazing and cheap apparel. Grabbed these two beauties: The Scrappy one has that on the back. It's really awesome, I'm impressed with how clean and new it is. Also, the hours aren't useless like they used to be. Thought many who on here thought it'd be closing would like to know it's not! Also, only UNT stuff...with a teeny bit of TWU.
  11. Intrigued to see the Gang of 5 being included.
  12. I'm going to get in contact with some people around campus and see what I can do to help spearhead the promotion from the student side.
  13. The Wing Zone is not, and I repeat, not where the expansion happens. The Wing zone will remain with an expansion to 50,000. The expansion is above the student section, bringing the stadium to 50K. That is the stadium's trademark and they won't get rid of it. Don't understand why everyone thinks that way. Even the two buildings in the concourse that are wing zone are shaped that way as are the pieces on the roof of the bridge. It's a design element.
  14. How was 21 terrible? We had that for two games last year. I think it's miraculous that we have a contingent of 14K that come no matter what after all the crap we've been through.
  15. I saw Styx and REO in Houston at the ol' Astrodome when I was a kid. Was a great show.
  16. I pass that a few times a week on my way back from work, they have had that since last year.
  17. I think this game will attract a lot of UTEP fans and also UNT fans. This will be homecoming, this needs to be the 30K game.
  18. What game are we trying this with? UTEP? UTSA? Needs to get started soon after the MUTS game if it's UTEP.
  19. It would be the AAC & MWC. But I don't think they will let it happen, a break.
  20. Kliff is staying at Tech until he's forced to leave. It's cute that UT thinks they have the sway to get Nick Saban to leave Alabama. The level of arrogance is astounding.
  21. Is that the only comeback you have? Are you 10?
  22. Well, so did we against Georgia and we still suck. ...
  23. Hey, so if we don't have basements in Texas, where exactly do you play D&D?
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