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Everything posted by meangreener

  1. WTF? Didn't we beat them like 59-7 a few years ago?
  2. We're also the largest state in the continental US so directional schools being relevant seems logical. Either way, all I get are chuckles and laughs when I say that we're playing Middle Tennessee State. I mean saying Middle is funny enough but when you add the State...yeah, nobody cares.
  3. Why will those fugly cheap looking renders never go away?
  4. I did Fill, but then the SGA started whining because they prefer pack. My twitter account is @FillApogee but the hashtag is #PackApogee because they've already been using it for a while. However, I mean, the official hashtag for this campaign remains #hit30k so I don't care if it's Fill or Pack.
  5. This is blowing up on Twitter. George Dunham, Michael Gruber and UNT Athletics has retweeted me to say a few. Incredible. DFW retweets everywhere. ...of course the SGA was bitching because they prefer #PackApogee ...whatever.
  6. I'm not disclosing anything yet until I have official word that it is cool to do so and when I have a more solid plan. So that people don't run with my idea and take it in places we don't want it to go, I am not going to completely disclose the details of the project until we've done it but I will keep people updated on what is going on. I'm just taking it slowly, carefully and professionally to make sure this doesn't fail or go in the wrong direction. If I can get divisions of UNT on board, this will be all the more successful. So just hang on. I will say our goal is likely the Rice or UTEP game, but we will continue to push & market to fill all the games. In other news, we have changed the twitter name to @FillApogee so it's more UNT related but the official campaign is still "#hit30k" and #fillapogee. This is going to be a student marketing thing likely though, my goal is to not just fold up camp if we fail or hit or goal, to keep going. I plan for Mythbusters to be only one part of the marketing campaign, for this year specifically.
  7. I'm writing up a proposal after a really good meeting today. Hopefully we can keep up this momentum this project has.
  8. Got some really, really good stuff on here. Should have some better updates by tonight on actual plans to get the word out. In other news, the twitter account has 37 followers...I started it at like 5 yesterday. Totally impressive. Definitely catching some momentum!
  9. Man, Harry, you really pulled this from the grave. Talk about a necro.
  10. Ton of recruits are going to be at the game though, it's also family weekend. Need a good crowd.
  11. I agree, I have no idea why the Brigade isn't more jazzy.
  12. Yeah, I know. Ugh.
  13. Well, I may have some good news coming soon in regards to the design...but I don't want to say anything as of yet until I get some more details and discussion surrounding it. Thanks everyone for the encouragement, though. I'm definitely not gonna quit because of the negativity, we WILL get this thing filled. I can only do so much about alumni, but I want to get the students out in mass.
  14. SSP, you have a nasty temper.
  15. BTW, if anyone here is a graphic designer, feel free to send me some ideas or even rework something up.
  16. Yup. They told me and the guys sitting by us to stop heckling. Which they didn't. Never had that happen before. Once had one start trying to grab me as I walked down into the student section last year and berate all the students sitting there that it wasn't their section. She apparently couldn't read.
  17. Yeah, I like these but I'm not a huge fan of the background...I really want it to look as professional as possible which is the problem with doing the white/green scheme but I really do prefer that.
  18. Thanks for the advice. The twitter account @hit30k is now active so if everyone can follow it, and I'm going to post updates on new work, updates as I get in contact with the SAA and the AD, as well as just some more myths and the such! Also just talk about the team. It's mainly attendance oriented though.
  19. Yeah, I was struggling for that last one. Any help would be appreciated.
  20. There are typos, but this is a first draft.
  21. So obviously these are a little fancy so what I'm planning on doing is making an equal number of both and posting them all throughout the buildings on campus and surrounding places that'll let me. Then I'm going to make some lower quality flyers with just text mainly with debunked myths that I'm going to hand out on campus and see if I can get RHA to pass out at the residence halls. I'm also gonna make one with Uncle Sam that says "UNT NEEDS YOU TO BE AT APOGEE" and put that on all the bulletin boards. Also, I'm about to make a Twitter @hit30k in which I post updates on what we're doing, debunked myths and all the like so keep them coming! This post has been promoted to an article
  22. So obviously these are a little fancy so what I'm planning on doing is making an equal number of both and posting them all throughout the buildings on campus and surrounding places that'll let me. Then I'm going to make some lower quality flyers with just text mainly with debunked myths that I'm going to hand out on campus and see if I can get RHA to pass out at the residence halls. I'm also gonna make one with Uncle Sam that says "UNT NEEDS YOU TO BE AT APOGEE" and put that on all the bulletin boards. Also, I'm about to make a Twitter @hit30k in which I post updates on what we're doing, debunked myths and all the like so keep them coming!
  23. Like that one. Can someone give me the official history?
  24. We always lose at home is myth #1. Worst college team in Texas. #2. We've never been good. #3 CUSA isn't "big time" football. #4. That's all I have for the moment.
  25. Give up on here, not give up overall.
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