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Everything posted by meangreener

  1. That's what I'm saying. Maybe I'm just a homer but seriously, our stadium sounds just as loud as many 50K stadiums sold out. It's comparable. Whoever designed Apogee is a genius. Rice couldn't even hear for the end of the game, and they played at Kyle. I found that interesting.
  2. Rice is notoriously awful at traveling. UTEP will bring as many as Houston did-if not more.
  3. I was impressed with the students. I think everyone realizes now that this team is special and to enjoy it.
  4. They had 8 chances to get it in from 5 yards. The referees wanted them to have the TD. Superior team vs an "unimpressive D", eh? Those Rice folks don't seem that smart.
  5. I got here in 2010 and the spirit is night and day. Those students that were there will come back on the alumni side.
  6. The student section went a bit overboard...there was some very nasty chants coming from our side, though.
  7. DMN will still have us behind TCU & SMU.
  8. Here's the deal. This team doesn't really rack the stats or win "pretty." They win in a way that hasn't been seen since the 70s and Rice's coach even said that. Smash mouth teams are rare today. They can make excuses all they want. Stats don't win. This is a fun team to watch with so much confidence it's scary.
  9. That chant gets people fired up like never before. So loud. People always et involved. Thanks to the people who run the video board who clearly read this. So loud.
  10. I will say, Apogee gets loud. Really loud. Everyone goes to the games now is 100% into them. That place is electric. Just listen to it on the TV then go listen to Louisiana Tech. Night and day. Also, thanks for the North-Texas chant on the video board, whoever reads this board and took our advice. Was excellent. That chant is scary good.
  11. Saw a group in letterman's jackets on the alumni side by the 30.
  12. I think it'll be in the 27-28 range but no sell out. I'd love to break 30. As long as we don't lay an egg to UT next season and continue on our torrid pace, SMU will be the first sell out.
  13. Honestly, they just sound a little butthurt. Nothing to see here.
  14. Great post. Exactly. Why this was a must win last night.
  15. This part was just outstanding. What a defense. I have so much confidence in them.
  16. Students will come back. They were so rowdy. Just need the alumni.
  17. My goal is to get that student turnout back (biggest ever) and hope the alumni show up for once.
  18. That's about right. I did all I could for the student side, we just had our biggest turnout ever. If we can get the students to all come back and the alumni to show up, we can hit our goal for UTEP.
  19. I just had my creative writing professor remind everyone to go to the game like 4 times so I think we'll be alright if a creative writing professor is harassing English students to attend. Also, Kerr has been renovated but still sucks. They still burn the hell out of taco meat, overcook noodles, bathe pizza in grease and fill the place up with smoke because they don't clean the grill when making burgers.
  20. This circlejerk is getting really intense.
  21. Please do. I'm not going to be a creeper and just randomly take photos of people. That being said, how pathetic.
  22. Well, I've only seen 8 Apogee After Dark shirts and one guy with face paint all decked out.
  23. Well, golly gee, I just walked in to Kerr for lunch and it's 2/3 Green/Black (with UNT logos.)
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