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meangreener last won the day on March 6 2014

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Community Answers

  1. Welcome to the forums meangreener :)

  2. Hey, I remember fifth grade! [uNT90's response: I bet you do, since you're in fifth grade.] (Someone should really lock this thread.)
  3. Might want to fix the formatting, you didn't do a good job putting it in. Here, I'll do it for you.
  4. I don't speak too good on account of my Art degree, sorry bubba.
  5. Already been posted, Guy Fieri. Dat formatting.
  6. Maybe you should just finish your degree.
  7. Hmmm...that stitching does take some of the allure off. Does anyone know who makes them?
  8. I really like them. I don't care if some people think they look feminine, I'm going to pull the trigger.
  9. Fair enough. You make a good point, I can't really disagree with you because that is true as well. Thanks for actually reading my post and not just telling me to get off your lawn.
  10. So you didn't even read what I was saying. Cool.
  11. I'm not even arguing the 19K. I couldn't care less about the actual numbers. All I'm trying to say is this is Texas. We have expectations of greatness. Not a lot of the schools mentioned do. Maybe if you'd side step the "get off my lawn" attitude you'd understand that I'm freaking complimenting the fan support we have. But nah, don't read the post.
  12. Because the fans don't care, I wouldn't call it difficult. There's no outcry from students for a better stadium like we had. Texas expectations>>>>>>>>>x1000000>>>>>>>>Idaho expectations
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