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  1. Given the whole Matt Ariza (I think that is his name) situation being fake, I am trying to be slow to judgement. However, this is not a good look at all for the boy. And if it was covered up, there needs to be quite a few openings at those schools as admin gets kicked to the curb. Potentially 13 girls at Ole Miss?
  2. Let's freaking go!!! Make it to the 53 old man!
  3. Thanks for updates Harry. Sounds like Rodgers had a good day?
  4. I wonder if the staff liked what they saw in our opener against them.
  5. I would like to know too. Doesn't look like he had much impact at Creighton and I think only has one year left (maybe wrong). I'm not seeing much to get excited about.
  6. Let's not forget too, Coach McCasland is the reason we have Coach Hodges now. He may have left, but he left us in darn good shape with a (seemingly) solid coach and a reputation that is much greater than when he got here. Best of luck to him in Lubbock... Until we knock them out of the NCAA tournament next year.
  7. I'm holding on to slight hope this is all leading up to an April fool's prank on Tech by McCasland... Otherwise, he is gone.
  8. UAB due to conference affiliation. But whichever, they better be ready for a fight.
  9. Whelp... If we have to lose Grant, better send him off by winning the whole NIT!
  10. Looks like he knows what he is doing. Not sure what happened last year, but it looks like he had great results for the past 5-6 years apart from that
  11. It could set up for a pretty great intro to the American.
  12. And if you look in the other thread about their assistants... It shows.
  13. RIP the next recruit's bathroom.
  14. I do wonder how big the Brinks truck is that Morris was given.
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