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Christopher Walker

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Everything posted by Christopher Walker

  1. It was great to see you too, Todd! Sorry my fencing was covering your paver!
  2. Hey guys. So as I mentioned a few months ago, I took up the call to represent our alma mater in the 132+ Project on /r/CFB, which is detailing every single division 1 college football school in the nation during the offseason. Today was our turn and I just submitted my post ten minutes ago. Have a gander! I made sure to make it a comprehensive doozy. http://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/1how8l/132_teams_in_132_days_north_texas_mean_green/ This post has been promoted to an article
  3. Hey guys. So as I mentioned a few months ago, I took up the call to represent our alma mater in the 132+ Project on /r/CFB, which is detailing every single division 1 college football school in the nation during the offseason. Today was our turn and I just submitted my post ten minutes ago. Have a gander! I made sure to make it a comprehensive doozy. http://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/1how8l/132_teams_in_132_days_north_texas_mean_green/
  4. You do realize that having a green pass had absolutely no bearing on primary parking around Apogee today, right? Like, it shouldn't. It didn't. And we're all better for it. ----- The real issue here folks was WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT PUNK ROCK ABOMINATION OF THE NATIONAL ANTHEM THAT THEY PLAYED BEFORE THE FIREWORKS STARTED?!?! It was despicable.
  5. Gross.
  6. Eh, I don't know about all that. But I know of an excellent venue to watch some fireworks on Thursday.
  7. Guys, come on now. Show at least a little respect here.
  9. I read through our section in the checkout line. Fairly spot-on in my book, but there's at least two games I think will go the other way: Bal State and MUTS.
  10. I'm finding pretty good airfare roundtrip for about $208.
  11. Wow. Get ready for the mass confusion of Petersen/Peterson.
  12. Well, I'm going and am hoping to hang out in a section with fellow Mean Greeners. The rest of my weekend will be spent hanging out with old Georgia friends I grew up with.
  13. Oh wow, after reading others' posts, dang. I came here in mid-2009, so I guess I missed out on the peak of Bean's existence. As a lot of people are saying, it's the concept of the store being there rather than the sign itself, and frankly the sign redo still looks horrid. As did the Oscar-winning documentary Gasland at one of the Thin Line Film Festivals a few years back.
  14. I seriously wondered what was going to happen to our scheme Tight-End wise once Power was gone. Hope this Chris Loving guy works out well. Nothing excites me more about the possibilities of an offense that features a TE with the hands to both block and catch well.
  15. What in the world kind of idiom is that?!? Geez, Warren.
  16. Yeah, this crummy Verus real estate (who we also get to blame for Sterling Fry Street and their crummy shops and the laughing tock that is Smiling Moose Deli) somehow got into leasing out that space. Purportedly the guy who owns this particular installation is a Lewisville-cash-in-on-Denton's vibes-type, so we're really, really resenting him. This just looks absurd: Where have you been? Cool Beans is very much alive and kicking and definitely hasn't lost any space. In fact, they just opened up their adjoining parking lot as a beer patio. While I love Fry Street and all, you obviously haven't had a chance to come back and see the Square area in its beer resurgence. OSDH&CP and Paschall Bar are the shiz. *Also. Who ever goes to the non-Square Beth Marie's location???
  17. I just chuckled aloud while sipping a Strongbow at Banter at that.
  18. Hmm... alright. Breakfast: Lunch: -or- This exact spot at Mellow Mushroom for their recent addition of a 3-6 Happy Hour, where I load up on half-priced wings and beer. Dinner: Drinks: Where I start my night:: Where I finish it:: And really, this town is going through a bit of a restaurant renaissance, save for the abomination of a Subway that will open soon on the Square. Damn them and their inappropriate encroachment of our hollowed ground retail space.
  19. Yay. Someone who recognizes things for what they actually are outside the North Texas bubble!
  20. I was about to be like, "what?! What happened to Coach Norton??" Then I looked things up and remembered that my high school has an obscene amount of football personnel. That being said. Cool! ---- Also, anyone else notice that Nathan Tune will be returning??
  21. These videos are becoming more and more horrible. I don't have much love for URCM, but there are some folks there that could whip Athletics at this stuff. These video trailers they keep putting out are just bad. Now this is the pinnacle of what these videos should be, the apogee if you will: Now I'm not saying to do this, but perhaps an adjustment in our videography and promotion philosophy to something closer to this is well in order. That, and they need to sell their crappy prosumer camcorders from 4-6 years ago, catch up with the times and go with the HDSLR or digital film look.
  22. What old logo? The Big Least?
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