Yeah an APP whose purpose is to only allow the user to donate is one of the silliest ideas I’ve heard in a while. The development and maintenance cost would be fairly substantial.
A larger application that covers everything Mean Green Sports (including donations)? Maybe. But I wonder how many would download, other than the hard core fan that’s already donating. (How many of you have the official Mavericks or Stars app?)
If you want to capitalize on on-game moments for donation solicitation, the key is to remove as much friction as possible. Have a QR code on the video board. Take it to a mobile friendly website. Make sure the donation option is integrated with APPLE PAY, GOOGLE WALLET, PAYPAL, and VENMO so nobody has to fumble with a credit card. Take in the cash.
Asking users to download an app, fill out a profile, enter in credit card information, etc. is a really big lift.