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Everything posted by UNTstormchaser

  1. Does anyone know if the St. Joseph's game is the home and home series we were trying to set up?
  2. I don't think it's hairbrained at all. I wouldn't give away TOO many, but maybe organizing some sort of raffle that is VERY well advertised, that is free to enter, where many free tickets are given away, could work. Or maybe we could offer some discounted deal where tix are half price and you can get one free concession per person or something. There's definitely room for growth in this idea. I hope you get the AD on board somehow!
  3. Well according to the EA Sports simulation system, it is possible. FIU was the only undefeated team in the country in that, but I've also had Colorado State go undefeated in the 2013 season so I'm not too sure about the whole realism aspect of the simulation this year haha.
  4. I'm willing to do whatever a student on a low budget will be able to do for this. Let me know how I can help and I'm there.
  5. Agreed. I really think they need to step up the advertisements, be it on TV, around campus and Denton, whatever. A student or visitor to the campus shouldn't be able to walk around campus all day and not know there is a game coming up. Hell, even make a loudspeaker announcement daily on the week of football games whenever the bell tower version of the fight song plays. If we can play music through a speaker on top of the clock tower, we should be able to make a game announcement loud enough for the whole campus to hear too.
  6. I love that a couple road games have been picked up for ESPN3 and SBN. I hate having to watch crappy statistical updates on ESPN.com.
  7. I don't want to be that guy, but: Apogee***
  8. In that case, you will succeed. This is the perfect game to get borderline students to come...watching us obliterate Southern will give them faith in our team.
  9. Agreed. The Athletic Dept. absolutely sucks at promoting games to students. There were like 2 small (like 2 foot high) signs on campus usually, and sometimes they weren't even updated with correct information. And they had people upstairs in the union sometimes, but who goes upstairs in the union? I'd be down to donate whatever my student budget can afford and if anything is going down I can spread the word to some students. I'd offer to get my dorm on board, but it's Mozart...I think if anything goes down the basketball players will be all over letting the people in Mozart know what's up. Let me be clear before I make my one negative comment. I love this idea. But, there is one issue. There are only 8,000 free student tickets. If we get 8,000 students to go, that's one side of the stadium all good. But the community and alumni have to be involved somehow or the rest of the stadium isn't going to fill up.
  10. And that's exactly what Romney did. He's about as republican as my left foot is a liver. The party did change, but Romney has flip flopped on all issues his entire life, and changed well after the party changed. Besides, Romney is from Mass.
  11. Man you did some deep digging for that one. I agree, I did phrase that pretty harshly and poorly, and it wasn't my intent for it to come across that way. I wasn't meaning to insinuate that people are dumb for agreeing with the ideals of CFA, but I feel that people are supporting CFA for dumb reasons. They are saying "Oh I support the first amendment, so I'ma go eat some chicken", when the first amendment isn't being challenged or blocked here. No one is saying that their owner can't speak his mind, they're upset at the fact that he donates to the places he does. But a lot of people are idiot headline readers (on both sides) who don't actually know anything about the context of what was said or why people are reacting, and that is what I was trying to say was dumb. Sorry for coming off as a rude prick.
  12. I agree the entire thing got way blown out of proportion due to the media. That happens all the time, because our media is mentally impaired and driven by cashflow. Whether or not it's healthy is irrelevant...eating at Chik-fil-a isn't healthy either, nor any of the fast food places, and some of the biggest companies in the country and world, and it's perfectly legal to eat there. The insane obesity epidemic in the US is not exactly a good the for the future of our species either. Besides, marriage or no marriage, gays are going to have sexual relations with their partner. So basing an argument around the safety of sodomy against gay marriage doesn't actually make sense. If you were arguing for the legality or illegality of sodomy, that would be different. That is very true that gay marriage legislation continually gets defeated, but the margin of defeat is shrinking dramatically and quickly. Fifteen years from now when the people of my generation are between 30-40, the people who are under 10 years old today are voters, and an entire older generation beginning to die off, I don't see gay marriage being nearly as controversial an issue. The divide is going to die off the same way the racial divide did. If you could poll people in 1900 about whether or not they supported black rights, the resounding answer would be no. I feel the same type of shift is occurring with the nation's (and the world's) view of homosexuality. It isn't a big deal to most people anymore, as opposed to the way it was even 15-20 years ago. Regardless, legislation will end up being passed with or without the support of the popular vote, because this is a civil right's issue, and it won't end up being settled the same way people settle whether or not we should fund a new city park. People that are ranting at Christians as a whole are idiots, and Christians that are ranting at gays for wanting equal rights are idiots. When it comes down to it, anyone that is either lumping an entire group together to get angry at, and anyone that is trying to force their beliefs onto others, are idiots. I think we can all agree about that. But, the reason gay activists are upset at Chik-fil-a is because of where they donate, and it's their right to be upset at that if they choose to be so. It's also the right of anyone to stand with Chik-fil-a, if they choose to do so. And, both groups have a right to peacefully demonstrate their thoughts in any way they want. Again, I totally agree that it wasn't shocking. I wasn't shocked nor upset by what he said, especially given his audience. I could give a damn what a private business owner says or thinks. As long as he isn't saying anything like "KILL THE GAYS!!", then there is no issue. I think mainstream America found it surprising because the majority of people walk around every day with their heads up their ass, so they have no idea what anyone says or does until someone slaps them in the face with it. But I disagree that people wouldn't react the other way around. About a month ago, Oreo came out in support of gay marriage by posting a picture on their facebook of a rainbow oreo cookie, and people freaked out about it. It didn't hit the same level of publicity as the CFA thing, but it got pretty big.
  13. Based on their unbelievable defense, and strong offense minus the QB position, yes. Mettenberger is incredibly talented, and can actually throw the football. But it remains to be seen how he actually performs on the football field.
  14. I think having a fan fest type of thing that is open to everyone is a cool idea. But if any feels slighted by the fact that all the real practices are closed to the public, even if you donated, too bad. It's McCarney's policy, and considering he's a damn good coach and knows what is best for the team, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt. Sure, I'd love to be able to go watch practice to kill a couple hours every once in a while, but I can't. So, no biggy.
  15. According to their fans, yes. But the jury is still out on Mettenberger.
  16. Remember Romney has been a democrat in the past before too. I don't care that he has tried to run as a democrat, he isn't one. He isn't a republican either, because he's so far to the right that he deserves his own special class: "dangerous psychopath". Note - Anyone that is as far left as Phelps is right gets that same class name.
  17. I agree that anal sex is not exactly the safest thing to partake in. That (and my lack of attraction to men) is why I do not choose to partake in it. But, biology aside, the government can't decide what two consenting adults can and cannot do in their sex life, and marriage has no relation to whether or not sodomy will occur in gay relationships. That's been my point all along. What I meant by selectively using science is how you have completely ignored the fact that there is indisputable evidence that hundreds of other mammals do homosexual things, so it isn't just humans. There's actually some interesting research being done about whether or not homosexuality could be a means of natural population control. Obviously, a gay couple of either gender cannot naturally have children, so based on that fact alone there is premise for the research. I don't know whether I agree with it or not, but it's certainly an intriguing possibility. We share the same ideal on how one should form their opinions and ideas. I like that, it's nice to see people of other opinions also being reasonable.
  18. My bad then KRAM! I've just become so used to accepting the fact that any sly remark goes toward me, not only in this thread but in general on this topic. GMG!
  19. That was last year though, this is a different season. Players left and new ones have joined. I think LSU should be #1 to start the year, but preseason polls rarely are even remotely correct, so it's really a poop subject.
  20. I know you're referring to me. It's so ironic how people supporting CFA claim that everything is okay because of free speech, but I'm not allowed to voice my different opinion and disagree with people. Some free speech. Just because I disagree with someone's views doesn't mean I do not tolerate them.
  21. Cool to see FIU getting some love. I'm glad we don't have to play them this year. In my first dynasty mode in NCAA Football 13, FIU went 12-0 and made the NC game, and then get destroyed haha.
  22. It will be a sad day when I graduate and have to pay for my tickets haha. Good to see some more people coming on board.
  23. I think this is a fantastic idea. It would be so cool to have something like that on campus. Even for students, the stresses of classes and exams could be eased by taking a quick visit to the aviary to observe some beautiful birds.
  24. So we can all remember to give thanks that we don't live in Kentucky.
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