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Everything posted by TheRiojas_AD

  1. Beer tasting??? Do tell..
  2. I got mine at Apogee yesterday. Full size.
  3. Thanks for the updates! Coach Mac is making friends everywhere he goes!
  4. Tim #Duncan has just surpassed Kareem Abdul Jaabar for the all time blocking leader in the history of the #NBA

  5. "The Spurs do stuff that nobody else does. If they aren't careful, they might attract the affection of fans everywhere" http://t.co/0OeyN5Mh

  6. Almost out for summer. Then it's time for work!

  7. Tim #Duncan should easily pass Kareem Abdul Jabbar as all time postseason blocks leader... During this series! #GoSpursGo

  8. U.S. Senator Rand Paul Threatens To Cut Off All Pakistani Aid Unless Doctor Is Released To US - http://t.co/6sYgw7nB

  9. Voted for @RonPaul in the #TexasPrimary today. Proud to have cast my vote.

  10. Graduates With a 4 Year Degree.... http://t.co/XrvpKwy0

  11. For many of us the great obstacle to charity lies not in our luxurious living or desire for money, but in our fear of insecurity. -CS Lewis

  12. Steve Chapman on Whether the U.S. Is Headed for a Fight With China. http://t.co/ujKmI31Q

  13. Saddest wedding picture ever: drone massacre of Deh Bala wedding party http://t.co/PBKTPbXY

  14. This is pretty much how it's going down tonight boys and girls. #GoSpursGo http://t.co/RDLizOfE

  15. #Hot today in the Mid-Cities.
  16. Lift The Name (at Younger Generation Church) [pic] — http://t.co/XsVCULWT

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