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An Aquarian

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About An Aquarian

  • Birthday 11/20/1990

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  1. I'm glad somebody said Sam's a better job than UAB. They would've had 2 national titles if my NDSU Bison weren't in the way (I'm from ND). I wonder how the UAB search went. It's kinda surprising he wouldn't go there over FCS (even though it's not better). UAB may be where coaches go to die career wise.
  2. Sam Houston's a very good FCS program and could be a spring board for a bigger job for Chico. I wonder if he thought he couldn't get a FBS job without head coaching experience?
  3. I agree on the shooting I guess but we miss a lot of easy shots it seems like. Even jump shots.
  4. We have an actual offensive system?
  5. Thoughts: 1. We were favored by 9. 2. Where in the hell is Chris Jones? It's almost like he's regressed since freshman year. 3. TJ Taylor was clearly our best player. I'd like to see him play more. 4. At least we made it over 50% in free throw shooting. 5. I'm getting tired of us passing the ball around for 20 seconds and then driving with 10 seconds left. 6. How many easy layups are we going to miss?
  6. We were.
  7. Nice post. And God yes we do. I was screaming shoot!
  8. This. Getting beat by double digits at home is not, and should never be, considered a win. Also, I miss it when JJ would take off his jacket when he got mad at the refs. Nothing against Benford, just an observation.
  9. A couple thoughts: 1. Man that free throw review stuff pissed me off. If you make a mistake, it shouldn't benefit somebody if they already mess up. I don't get the rule that you can let two shots go by and then go back. I would understand if it was before the free throws. 2. How in the world was that a flagrant on Keith? Did I miss something? I was near the top in the wheelchair seats so I'm seriously asking. 3. Gah free-throw shooting. I seem to remember us being bad last year too but maybe it's my frustration. To me that's coaching a little bit but I don't watch practice I guess so I don't know how much they work on it. 4. Our offense seems to be "Let me go 1 on 1 at this guy and hope it works." I'm not a basketball expert so I could be missing stuff but really frustrating. 5. Why were we running time down at the end? I realize it was a loooong shot for us to win but it's no shot if you run down 20 seconds every possession.
  10. That's all well and good but will they run them? 2 different things.
  11. Glad someone likes my post!
  12. Agreed on the students. I'm all for heckling but most of their stuff is just dumb. My personal favorite is when we were playing Lafayette and these idiots kept yelling stuff like "Everyone from Louisiana's stupid!" YOU SUCK after every missed shot was also a favorite. When I informed them our coach (JJ was coach at the time) and a good number of players were from Louisiana, if they sucked so bad, we shouldn't be losing, and they and their heckling sucked they called me a d bag and then stole all the rest of my chants. My favorite interaction with the other team was when Denver's women's coach offered to give me beer and pizza money before the game if I didn't rag on them too hard. Also, number 2 from Incarnate Word had his shorts on backwards for the whole first half . The band would chant "Shorts!" every time he got the ball. I believe it took the students until the end of the half to figure it out. However, when he came back out for halftime with his shorts on the right way the student section and band gave him a standing ovation. Not much interesting about the game that others haven't said. Loved Williams attacking the paint.
  13. People get too hung up on divisions (BTW Georgia Southern is very good FCS program that would've contended in the Sun Belt the past few years). If they have players that can play, they can beat you.
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