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Everything posted by Runner

  1. Even if they bring back the PAC whatever number you want. It would still be considered a G5 conference. So what’s the point of leaving the AAC. Just my 2 cents worth.
  2. In all fairness there is not much else to do in Boone. UNT has to compete with the metroplex for the entertainment dollar. Same thing here with UTSA we have to compete with the Spurs and Longhorns.
  3. Why so much penis envy?
  4. Too funny you guys are doing to us what SMU does to you.
  5. Money good, ass whipping not! Oh well got to pay the bills.
  6. HOD Bowl not possible UTSA plays Baylor in OOC in 2017
  7. So many small minded people on this board. Why so much hate towards UTSA and the Alamodome?
  8. If the Alamodome is such a piece of crap than why is the final four coming to the dome next year?
  9. Should be no problem just walk up to the box office and buy the cheapest ticket and sit with your UNT Brotherens. Plenty of tickets available 45k open seats. Have a safe trip!
  10. I may not make it to the end of the hallway but I'll knock down some picture frames along the way! LMAO! Have a great season Mean Green! See you on Oct. 31st.
  11. Love you to man! Lol.
  12. At any of the local KFC locations.
  13. No it's not a joke. It's been advertise on local TV.
  14. Yes, it's KFC bucket deal. For $20.00 you get a bucket of chicken two sides and 4 tickets to the UNT vs UTSA ball game.
  15. Ok, so who sucks more UTSA or UNT? I say us! Looks like we will end the season at 2-10
  16. Runner here. It was a great win last night. Let's cap it off with a UNT win tonite. Beat the s*** out of tu!
  17. 92,001
  18. I'm cutting it close. What is the drive time from SA to Denton? I'll be leaving Saturday morning.
  19. UTSA - 33 UNT - 27 I hope it's 1000
  20. Original or crispy???
  21. Why buy the Cow when you can get the milk for free!
  22. Yes it's ours (football) for the next 25 years. Having said that it was fun playing with you boys and girls. Oh and I hope you WIN Thursday night. TRICK-OR TREAT!!!
  23. So much BUTT hurt here. Never said we were a Bama. We already have a dome no need for another stadium. Yes outside of the Spurs we are the only game in town with 1.5 Million population in the metro area. Not doing to bad for a three year old program "Go lose by 30 to someone" you say. Have you heard of bad karma? Some is coming your way!
  24. So you know what it feels like to be the 5th best in the Metroplex. TCU, SMU, UTA, UTD.
  25. If this happens then we become another UNT right?
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