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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. So I get ripped on for forcing a valid concern with proven points that anyone who knew a lick about college basketball would have respected. Clearly the Dallas Morning News and experts as well as the couple of players I have talked with would agree with me. I guess there must be some basketball geniuses out there. And I like how my point of the minutes played right now were the concern. Not playing 30 minutes a game later in the season but right now... http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/spt/colleges/northtexas/stories/DRC_untgrambling_1202.286b53a14.html
  2. Josh is not aggressive enough and will end up getting blocked... Yes he is great player! BUT far overrated... You will see Tristan or George getting offers when they are done and Josh will be lucky to play overseas. You will see
  3. Yes possibly clutch though I rather have the ball in Thompsons hands at the end of a game.
  4. Our players just already look sluggish and having two games rest playing those minutes and then jumping into grambling wont be good. I am not saying we will lose, or even only win by say 15 points. But it will take its toll.
  5. It was not criticizing but more an opinion/ suggestion. How many team honestly run a 6 man lineup playing 35 minutes with starters and are sucesful in the post season or even make it to the post season? Look on espn and find Kansas stats.. see what their starts are averaging at this point. Yes... they will play more as season progresses but not for many weeks to months to come. By then our legs will be dead and our depth will drop off because Holmon or Edwards will not have experience riding the bench. We need to play them early and often during non-conference games especially when we are up 20 and sit are starters. As for the lineup. Dom shorter and Hogans makes perfect sense off the bench. A lot of teams still dont start their top 5 right?
  6. Our best players are guards? Shorter and White are sadly over rated and never consistent. Now George and Tristan they lead our team.... Dom is a better point then Josh and will always be. Josh is not aggressive enough and is getting to slow. -- Yes, we still have a good team and should have at least ten wins before we start conference ball, but anyone who knows anything about basketball would tell you we need depth and a bench and any team that has starters playing 30 minutes night in night out with 7 man rotation will lose... I believe you sir need some research to do, I do not know much about football... but basketball that is my sport research it Kansas, Duke Uconn, any top team throughout time... play up to ten players and no one avegrages 30 minutes by this point not until its game time in the playoffs
  7. One day... just logically this is about what the mavs do (granted Haywood has stunk it up so far) They dont start terry marion or haywood... instead they push Stevenson and Butler and stevenson for just limited time, but to allow fresh legs like the Jets to come off the bench. And we know Holmon can play D and has size to rebound. An answer to our needed 3 spot
  8. HAHA..... I have not even coached at the Pee Wee level yet... I would have to ride the Co tails of two of my friends. This is just a simple adjustment I would try for a few games, Heck it would not hurt the game after LSU before our conference play begins. Thats for sure. Outside of what zone D and a few motion or flex offense I could not do much.. and i still have much to learn about those, but thanks for the vote -- I just did not get how that got a now -3 when it was an honest opinion and not ragging on anyone coach or the team.
  9. This move would just help with depth and defense off the bench. Would it not? Its not some major change to the lineup. White and Tristan would have more opportunities to score, we would have solid guard play off the bench and great D. Its worth a shot. You keep them in for 5 minutes before subbing out Holmon and Edwards for Johnson and Hogans. And obvisoully your clutch and final lineup would still be Josh, Tristan, Dom, Kendrick and George
  10. Why cant you handle the truth? I was at the game with a friend who played and coached in college and was going to play D-ball before a injury and he would 100% agree with me. Did you not notice how sluggish we were compared to them? Have you not checked the box score? Take a look at it and remove those -3's from my post. I still think we will do fine against our conference but this is a huge concern of anyone. Increases the chance of injury, cramps, and simple body stress. All 5 starters looked tired with 7 minutes to go in the game. Tristan was bending over every chance he could get. Hogans was not hustling up the floor and white was not pushing the ball to the half court line. They ran right past our "press" defense. Lucky they wanted to settle to jack so many three's. They are a terrible team! (UTA that is)
  11. But we still need to make a few changes... Why not start pg-White sg-Tristan sf-Holmen pf-Edwards C-Odufua Bench: Johnson, Shorter, and Hogans... Knox when we um, need him
  12. Why would I get -2 for posting that? - Its the truth.... you know why we fell off this game? We played 6 guys the entire last half and then ran a full court press against 4-1 motion where we know they are going to drive kick out and jack it... especially behind by so many points. Yet we do not sub in Alonzo or Jacob... and instead of slowing the pace on offense we speed it up. Yes, a win is a win. But my point is entirely valid. This will not be able to last forever. And with no Alzee Mangrum or Mcghee Holmon needs to learn to play the 3 and quick
  13. Why are the numbers so important... why cant you focus on the win? -- Or more so how we just about chocked and assume that we can play 6 players 30 minutes or more a game and assume their legs will hold all year. Our conference will run all over us if this is the plan night in night out
  14. I meant to add the by like 24.... it was in the 20's... and should have been more
  15. Not that big.... they were a terrible team. A street ball team that jacked the three and never took it to the paint! We were up by 24 and should have pushed it further. With starters playing 35 minutes of the game we are in some terrible trouble ahead if we dont play Holmon and Edwards more off the bench. We played tired the second half and let a bunch of terrible ball players shoot and run all over us
  16. I guess it just depends on what side your on... for starters I would get the arena to myself and allow the university to use it not vice versa
  17. I realize that, but I would check back into reinforcing the wood! Since we are a long way from getting a new arena we need some upgrades...
  18. I apologize for this posting 3 times.... I am not sure how it happened???
  19. It use to have a hanging video board......
  20. Why dont they get the hanging score bored back....? reinforce the roof and have the hanging scoreboard back up there plus larger side screens and fix the concessions.... make the outer corridor of the pit more inviting to the fans...
  21. My grandmother has less of a hobble then Edwards
  22. You dont think Mcgee will be back? - isnt that why he went to Paris where we have connections... we need a SG anyway
  23. I thought it was some sort of mega beast consisting of Alonzo Edwards and Jacob Holmen....
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