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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. A lot of students have night classes which greatly affect attendance. Tuesday and Thursday are huge for night classes. On a side note: did anyone read the DRC article about Alonzo? Should we renew his scholarship next year? They say he needs some pretty major surgery. Where do we go if we do not have Alonzo or spencer next year?.... im going to create this as a topic now actually
  2. cant we get a merkin if we need that?
  3. HAHA.... im sure he would find something to do.... a trip is a trip right?
  4. Would you not take a free paid for trip to another state? hell, I know if University of Hawaii offered my son a visit I would be gone in a heart beat. It might take two or three visits for me to decide if that is really the school for him...
  5. http://www.baseballwebtv.com/Video.aspx?videoID=30659#
  6. Because ever since he was what 11 years old he has been on the national radar for baseball? Mentioned on ESPN and CBS sports... for baseball.... People in other states only know him.... for baseball. He has been on the major league prospects list for quite some time. Now... with that being said if he hits a bump in the road with injuries to his arm then basketball could be possible. But I do not see it anywhere near his future
  7. Seriously, ever since Tyler Hall has gone to the end of the bench with an Injury we have not really won a game... Perhaps it is just like the Knox factor of a couple months ago haha
  8. If Florida Atlantic wins they will not be in a play in game... any one else and yea sadly its a toss up.... but no one in our conference should ever get below a 15 seed
  9. Yea, no news station ever covers us when we win... they only cover our losses and then dispose of our wins. I cannot stand Dale Hanson! "What is North Texas?".... what a joke for being a "local sports caster"
  10. Correction 5 missed free throws and 3 turnovers
  11. Tristants man has had at least 2 open 3's and he has missed 3 free throws with no defense... both of them should be in the dog house Josh passes up on KNox when the man is wide open! What a joke
  12. anyway.... we cannot hit a free throw
  13. I wonder which team really needs this win more. On ESPN some WK fans are already talking about a loss and a embarrassing season. I still think that outside of Florida Atlantic, Western Kentucky and UNT are still the favorites to me.
  14. I would say they are the closest thing to a rival in our conference.... who else has been on our level over the past 4 years? No one. This is our time to be seen at the national level and let people know what the green are capable of doing. (Even though our records do not show it, these are two great veteran teams who can really ball)
  15. Were you not the guy who posted the quote from his facebook exclaiming that he was coming to UNT? I would say we have a chance, especially with the grade issue. I do not know how to make it clear. But I promise this. I am not guaranteeing he is coming or what his chances are. But I know for a 100% fact that Royce Johnson has said he has interest in UNT. I know I can trust the coach who I heard it from though it was more or less in passing. I do not hear as much working at a middle school but there is always talk with coaches there wanting to get connected at the high school level. I also know that when Phillip Miller played DHS that he talked about the strong recruiting class UNT already had. He is holding an offer from UNT but is not planning on taking it apparently. (Do we really need another 6-1 guard anyway? not sure...) But he talked Jarion Henry and Jordan Williams. They have talked about playing together and the interest is there. That is all I know... sadly I have a full time job and a family so I cannot dig real deep on this one. So I guess we will just have to play the waiting game on this one. Either way we have a great class already coming in with 2 open scholarships and a great coach. We will be in good shape.
  16. Yes sir! Tony is out at the can academy in fort worth now
  17. The kid is 6-8, left handed and throws a sick 87 mile an hour sinker plus a 93 mile and hour slider.... where do you think he will end up? And he is pulling this even after elbow surgery
  18. That has already been posted on here over 2 weeks ago... I will trust what his coach said over what someone saw he posted on facebook....
  19. From what I gather... and this is from some local coaches... but yes he holds an offer from UNT. He is from California, but his grades and USC's scholarships issues have left an interesting situation. Phillip Miller and Trey Norris both claim he has UNT square in his sights but this could change. Aside from what has been said, our chances are decent. I am very excited to see how this all pans out. I have Dillard and Henry on the top of our to do list, after we acquire the sun belt championship and bring home a tourney win.
  20. Spenerc, Williams, Odufua for a game, Know for a game, mcGee, mangurum.... I still like what I see moving forward, especially for next year. Holmen has really stepped it up and become a decent 3/4 player... not sure where he will fit next year but I finally saw some post play out of him as well as attacking the boards and making some threes. He really lights a fire under my britches!
  21. He does not get back on D.... but we also need to talk about our guard play. Josh struggled and when Domo pushes the ball he gets ahead of himself. What about Holmen though! What a game! Our problem is we run man defense and have no depth.... but wwe fixed some things. Domo was the only one on the team who could run with number 2 and I was telling Johnnys wife they have to make that fix at half and move josh on 5. At least they fixed that, they are adapting
  22. Mo, he stepped in with the talk ... we just finished it on the court
  23. HAHA who do you people think you are? Everyone on here acts like they are the S%$# at basketball what a joke. I am no longer a student but when I was there my boy Gene and Ced ran the courts I tagged a long and I do not remember any of you punks there. Shut your mouths
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