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Shark84 last won the day on August 24 2018

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  1. Allen ISD also cares about their student athletes and athletic programs.
  2. I did and got the same lame statement that they gave to the Record Chronicle. Excuses and no accountability. Oh, but they want our teams to do well as long as it doesn't interfere with our teacher's luncheon.
  3. Vegas line is Oklahoma State minus one, so we would have been 2 point favorites at home.
  4. I emailed President Keller and this was the reply I got from one of his assistants. Thank you for writing President Keller and sharing your concerns. The UNT community is proud of our Mean Green men’s basketball team and their success advancing in the NIT. While we would have loved to host the quarterfinal round in the Super Pit, pre-existing commitments – including a campus-wide event and a long-term external contract – are taking the men’s team on the road to face Oklahoma State tomorrow at 8 p.m. While it is not uncommon for higher seeds to travel during the first three rounds in the NIT to accommodate facility availability, we hope our passionate Mean Green fans cheer on the team as they fight to advance to the semifinal round in Indiana. Best regards, Christiana Flores University Brand Strategy and Communications (on behalf of president.unt.edu)
  5. That was to host the Big 12 wrestling tournament, not a faculty appreciation luncheon. Big difference.
  6. They need to put up a statue of Bill over at DATCU stadium. He's as much a part of North Texas as Jack Buck was the Cardinals and Harry Carrey the Cubbies.
  7. Maybe Eastside will put together a fan bus. I know a lot of people who would sign up to go.
  8. I'm not putting down alumni watch parties. I really enjoy the ones John Williams hosts at Eastside. But that seems to be the athletic department's answer to building the fan base.
  9. Please send President Keller an email at president@unt.edu and voice your displeasure. I know it won't change anything but at least I feel like I got a chance to let him know how a lot of alumni feel about this blunder.
  10. It would be great if we could start scheduling games with you guys during the regular season in both basketball and football.
  11. Then you move the damn luncheon!!!
  12. Since the University screwed this whole thing up, they should at least charter 3-4 fans buses to Stillwater so the team can have a decent UNT fan turnout to support them. But that may cost $$$ so that will never happen. Total bullsh-t. If anyone cared in administration, they would try to do something to make things right. It will never happen. And please don't try to promote lame watching parties with pom poms and necklace giveaways to make up for this colossal screwup!
  13. I hope you are right but I don't see that happening at UNT. We are a very liberal school that doesn't value athletics.
  14. I wouldn't blame Hodge for taking the first job he's offered. The players have to be pissed as well.
  15. This is just another reason why we aren't in a power 4 conference. This would NEVER happen at a big time program. Our guys fought to earn the #2 seed and we have to give it away. Beyond embarrassing. UNT doesn't give a crap about athletics. To them it's just a necessary evil.
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