BRO! tonite we beet them no gud rajin cajin! I wen all way to arcansaw to see tha game! it reel long driv but it worth evry secund. it was a reel scare gam and no gud rajin cajin cheet. bro they cant even spel LMBO! one tim durin a cheer they just go U-L! that all they did! LMBO! and then when we shot fre thro! they yell. STOP THAT KICK! how dum that bro? this not futball! this bascetball!!!! oh well bro. they prolly just tuched in tha hed or somthing. but bros we did reel gud tonit. even tho refs cheet like madd dog tho! they ned to go back to futloker or something. they reel cheet! so next up we play arcansaw stat. that gunna be reel gud gam bros! GO MEEN GREEN!
p.s. tone michel my noo hearo!