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  1. Say's who? You can lick the excuse lollipop all you want. I'm not. These jobs don't grow on trees as they are very limited. If someone wants one of them bad enough they'll take 4 years. Look at Mac. His ego is as high as the Hurley Administration building. He would have done anything to get back to being a head coach. He would have taken 4, but I doubt we have anyone with the nads up stairs to force such a negotiation.
  2. Those teams are led by coaches who took over someone else's players and improved in year two. Nothing Mac has done this year gives me a reason to think it's gonna get better next year in his year three.
  3. Whose the moron that keeps signing coaches to 5 year contracts?
  4. Get a new football coach that understands it's 2012/2013......not 1975?
  5. Not surprising. Hopefully things get better around here before we run off every donor we have. As far as tickets go I'm hoping the next time we host a major program, say an LSU in basketball, that our ticket management people print enough tickets ahead of time?
  6. Good for Brian. He was always a class act. He did his job well while also being able to clean up other people's messes around him. Hopefully he can parlay the job with the Cowboys into something back closer to home near New Orleans.
  7. http://www.arkansass...n-talking-point Apparantly there is a level of accountability at ASU and they expect everyone to raise the bar. Good for them for that.
  8. Isn't everyone getting sick of walking into xyz store in the metroplex and seeing more Texas State, TCU and SMU gear on the shelves in DFW than North Texas? There is a reason for this, and some of it is controllable. But pointing out who is actually responsible for not doing their job, ie....collegiate licensing, mershandising etc, on a fan message board gets deleted? Until this fan base collectively stands up and demands that those in charge do their jobs this program will continue to play second fiddle to everyone else in Texas.
  9. I think GreenBat was plenty justified. It sounds like to me Skiver got his ass handed to him by a 50 something year old on the court, pussed out when it happened, then decided to come here and throw a jab at him the only way he could, anonymously on a computer. What a joke.
  10. Ha ha ha, you have to ask?
  11. Right, as long as the next one is somewhere around jackson square this weekend Also, according to Vitto Stephens wowed the selection committee with her presentation and lack of coaching experience. It's happened before and could always occure again. We hope it does not. I know it's a great excuse to let those who sat in that room off the hook, but there is no way Battaile acting alone made us hire Stephens. That is a dishonest excuse if I ever saw one and it's times to put that one to bed.
  12. I agree. Since he was somehow able to secure a 7 year contract extenstion without gaining a thing last year(no wins over a ranked team, no conference regular season championship and no post season play) with a team full of seniors in his 10th season, then he certainly won't have his feet held to the fire next year with the season resting on the shoulders of three sophomores.
  13. Yes, WHAT A COACH! Since his rant on February 22nd, challenging his seniors to get off their @$$e$ and take care of their business on and off the court, Pat Knight's team ran off 6 straight wins. Pretty good I would say, to take a nobody(yes, I know they aren't really, being they are 5-5 lifetime in the NCAA) like Lamar to the NCAA tournament with a 70-49 win over McNeese State, in only his first year.
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