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Everything posted by UNTexas

  1. What is your obsession with NT? You have been on here for years? I mean, you are good at trolling but I don’t visit other schools sites. But I for one don’t really know why people even think about SMU either. I just don’t care.
  2. True to a certain degree but you forgot the rest of America.
  3. I’m white. Wtf!!!??? Nothing wrong with me!!!! Why you gotta throw me in with them!!!!
  4. Drinking beer and watching football
  5. I don’t know why anyone here gives a sh$t about SMU or why they are even being discussed unless discussing dead hookers. Their own fans don’t care. They bring like 100 people to Denton. It’s sad. So many better universities in this conference that will be fun to watch play. Tulane and me partying down there? Come on…
  6. Y’all get the death penalty again?
  7. What?
  8. How soon will we leave CUSA and what year will be our first football season? Assuming all goes through well of course. Thanks.
  9. I like like the set up far more than MWC. A lot more. I just hope our basketball team can compete in this conference. Football is gonna be tough on us.
  10. I don’t think anyone is being tacky. Half my family and a lot of friends went there and they are angry about a lot about the university in general even outside athletics. Tell them to look at the money UNT invested that they didn’t. Coaches pay. Facilities. Academics for the University and specifically athletics has done great. We absolutely have geography and a better market. That’s true. We are also almost double the size of them in a huge market. How have all their sports performed in the past 10 years? Football has been to 1 bowl game. Basketball fell off the map. (They use to be great when we had season tickets growing up.) I know most UTEP fans get it. Some think the world ends at the state line or Horizon City. I think some are probably mad because schools like UNT and UTSA came in, took advantage of opportunities, and moved on. And hopefully it works out for us.
  11. Unfortunately the MWC isn’t expanding and who knows what happens to CUSA. I really don’t know how UTEP navigates this. Unfortunately the WAC might be on the table. We know all too well the 1aa relegation. I don’t see Independent as an option.
  12. What are they saying?
  13. I use to live in EP. All my friends said she really hurt UTEP in more than just athletics. Look no further than a 100 percent acceptance rate. The University declined because of her in a big way. That said, I would say they are in a very bad place right now. They can’t be an independent.
  14. I do agree. I am actually very surprised they haven’t contacted y’all. I don’t get Some of the other teams. UTSA is a good TV market and doing well this season and Rice is a big TV market and academically amazing. Not so sure if the others.
  15. I do find it kind of funny that a week ago CUSA wanted an alliance or merger with the AAC and the AAC was like, naw, we will just destroy you.
  16. I will say that when we played in the Big West it was rough traveling out west for the team. Those were some long days and late late nights. I know fans don’t mind but it was a beating especially with the time change. However, for fans and families it’s tough to get to away games. It might not be a great move from that perspective.
  17. Even if we did want him, could afford him, please explain why he would come to Denton to face the cyclical dumpster fire that is our football program? I mean it in the nicest way but it’s all true. You don’t go from LSU to NT.
  18. The P6 thing is awful.
  19. Let’s talk in 3 decades!!!!
  20. I flew to El Paso once, got a hotel, spent the weekend there and watched NT get blown out. It was an annoying waste of time and money. I won’t do it again when I know they will get destroyed.
  21. Losing! It’s a tradition!!!
  22. When we beat them in 97 someone poured a drink on me from above in the ramp into the stadium. I could smell tequila mixed into it. I always thought it was a bit silly to smuggle in booze and then waste it pouring it on me. Alcohol abuse…
  23. Is this the end of cusa?
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