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Everything posted by ChristopherRyanWilkes

  1. You know you're from Texas when,sadly, all your exes really do live in Texas..

  2. I've seen the man-made beauty of the east coast cities,but I'm convinced nothing is better than the God-made beauty of the Rockies and the mountain west. Farewell Colorado,not too excited to head back to the "prairies and lakes" region of Texas.

  3. It's starting to creep me out how nice people are in Colorado. Stop being so happy to live;I get it your state is awesome.

  4. After senseless tragedies like what happened in Newtown it is human nature to try to find a solution. I've seen liberals rally for stricter gun laws and conservatives argue that if the teachers were armed this may not have happened. The harsh but honest answer is there may be no solutions here. It's very difficult to formulate policy or prevent random acts of violence. This is a very tough pill to swallow for many including myself.

  5. The Newtown shooter had a "personality disorder," Virginia Tech shooter was "a quiet loner," the Columbine shooters were "bullied outsiders." I can think of many people who fit all those descriptions,none of which massacred human beings. How about we stop trying to label these killers as anything but the scary truth of what they are: pure evil.

  6. I'm not ashamed to admit as a man that seeing a man like president Obama cry brings a tear to my eye like nothing else. Such a senseless tragedy.

  7. I just realized the struggles of dating an Angels fan with this Josh Hamilton signing. Please pray me for guyz

  8. Does Paul McCartney just take any gig given to him these days? I mean I think he was great in his day but thinking about him singing any nirvana songs makes me cringe.

  9. Seems like there's never a dull moment here in Denton/ at my apartments lately. Please ladies if your boyfriend is abusing you do not be afraid to report it. Also if you live in an apartment I can speak for most men do not hesitate to ask for a guy's immediate help in that situation until the cops arrive. Stay safe out there

  10. Two tragedies in the NFL and two emotionally charged victories. It's never worth the loss of a life but is it safe to hypotheses that tragedy motivates teams to victory more than it effects their psyche during the game?

  11. Josh Brown really has it out for the Dallas Cowboys

  12. Johnny Football wins heisman and hopefully a Notre Dame win and it's a good year to be a Texas Catholic

  13. Reading my psychology and the legal system book, apparently attorneys, scientific methods, trying to use demographics to determines juries is all ineffective. The most effective: psychology trained jury consultants. Skeptical, book, skeptical.

  14. I just saw a flea walk across my dog's flea collar like it was the red carpet, dog owners: is there any product that actually kills these things?

  15. North Texas' women's basketball team just got screwed out of beating #13 Oklahoma. Bad bad reffing.

  16. Thoughts on tonight's reffing*
  17. My thoughts on the game.. GMG in the background.
  18. "The opposite of love is not hate,it's indifference." Elie Wiesel

  19. I don't know what I'm more excited about,my 21st birthday on February 1st or the return of the walking dead on February 10th.

  20. Seems like a lot of bandwaggon notre dame fans popping up,y'all don't know what it's been like to be a notre dame fan for a whole three weeks like me.

  21. If Greg McElroy remains the starter in New York that would bring the number of starting quarterbacks in the NFL from Texas to I believe 10.

  22. I was walking when a man asked if I had 60 cents I could bum him. I happened to have change and I don't like carrying it so I gave it to him. He told me "ill be honest with ya I was gonna go buy a beer" Moral dilemma:would you rather not know how homeless people spend your change?

  23. The professor in class asked "how many of you think slavery is acceptable?" As a rhetorical question. Only black guy in the class jokingly raises his hand.. Not sure if its okay for me to laugh.

  24. Don't talk to me about what I post on Facebook in real life. I post it because I get computer courage,it's kind of like liquid courage but you can't take it back because it's permanently on the interwebs.

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