Excellent post, clearly a number of us have a distorted view of were we stand in collegiate athletics. Im very sorry but the big 12 just isn't an option and anyone affiliated with the big 12 that would allow that to happen would be put on meds. At this time our primary focus should be recognition; winning games against well known teams and demolishing our competition in the Sunbelt. If we can acheive those goals, then and only then, will our true potential as a program become relevant in larger conference circles. It's only a matter of time.. A bowl ap. and a big ten win in DM's first season would be truly profound.
Moving forward, after we accomplish the previously mentioned goals the MWC and CUSA should top the list of potential candidates. When the program is stout and we beat some teams we should'nt have beat, eyebrows will raise and the transition will be effortless. Beating IU shows these guys are starting to take themselves seariously and coach Mac knows what hes doing. The ugly duckling eventually became a swan, UNT is set to do big things in the NCAA.