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Everything posted by outoftown

  1. Absolutely crazy. I don't know what happened, since Virginia Tech was in the same flight and did a whole lot better. Everything was so tough from the beginning today and the bad vibes seem to have been contagious.
  2. ouch, this has turned real ugly today. +13 for the day, +2 for the tourney, 12th place, and we could not drop Jason Roets (who is 3 shots behind second last in individuals) brcause Marco Scarola shot +9 (after shooting -6 yesterday). I was wrong, before: this is not a hole to climb out of, it is a veritable pit.
  3. I am sure they are gonna make a comeback... the problem is the comeback will probably fall short because the hole they just dug themselves will be to big.
  4. Why did you have to say that? It just refreshed.... +4 But to be fair, the course seems generally tougher than yesterday... still other teams are having less problems
  5. it hurts to be +3 particularly as it is not only the course. Virginia Tech is in the same flight and 6 shots ahead of NT for both the day and the tournament
  6. Not to rain on your parade but I would say day 2s have been 50-50. There have been good ones and not so good ones (rarely as bad as day 1 though). Day 3 on the other hand has pretty much always been good this season. But there certainly is a realistic chance that this ok first day turns into a great overall tournament. NT starts on the back nine today. That might be a good thing, as this way they can drop birdies early on and have confidence when going to the more difficult side of the course.
  7. Day is done for everyon. NT is tied for 8th, 3 shots back. Everything still possible.
  8. As far as I know: top 5 teams get to go. of the remaining teams and the other indivduals only the best individual gets to go
  9. Absolutely. NT is totally back in this. Only 3 shots behind 5th now. absolutely doable. Pacific is not a great team (they were seed something like 12th in the regional). And the way the last few holes shape up it might be even less by the end of the day.
  10. Thor, there might be something to what you said. dropped quite a few birdies now, at -5 now. That is 6 shots behind 5th place right now. 6 shots back would doable with two good days. edti: sorry i see you were just writing same time
  11. Starting to drop a few birdies, at least not losing shots any more. looks like the worst is behind NT (let's hope). back to even and tied with baylor for 11th. 17 shots behind the leader, 9 shots behind TCu and 5th spot (which is where we need to get). In other news: South alabama started really strong in their regional (second close to the end of the day), SMU and their star coach did not have a great day and are 2 shots behind tulsa and 8 shots behind 5th spot at the end of the day.
  12. Yeah... problem is that this leaves no margin of error for anyone else
  13. This is turning into the terrible start we have kind of gotten used too. +1 when there are a ton of birdies out there. already 18 shots behind the leader after less than half the day, and tied or behind teams NT has no buisness being behind. It would be very important not to lose to much today, the field is tough and taking loads of shots back on day 2 and 3 will be very tough, so it is paramount they start improving today and not tomorrow.
  14. there was one by someone else... i don't know where it is gone... http://www.golfstatresults.com/public/leaderboards/team/static/team4403.html sadly slow start as always already 4 shots behind 5th place.
  15. The Golf regional is about to start. My hopes are high for this team. It won't be easy but qualifying for the finals is absuletly possible. They need to get 5th out of 14 Go boys.... and a better start than usual this time please
  16. To put it simple: if Mac goes 1-11 this season and gets fired, I could very well live with a coach Cristobal, .... I am not sure though that we could get him. edit: this is not at all to say that I expect Mac to have a bad season.
  17. Updated this, changed it to the order of the schedule and started adding Myerbergs previews too. I also added a few infos on fan boards (no claim to completeness or that I have not missed the best sites). I mostly do this for myself, but figure others might find it usefull too.
  18. I get that, but for us right now it is not interesting to play them even. We have enough local gamesand don't need to add one just to add one. With TxS we would need a little extra for it to be interesting. I don't blame TxSt though if they thought that would not be interesting to them, but even would not advance our schedullling.
  19. I think that what the move to C-USA provided more than anything else is a good bargaining position when it comes to local games. You can never have enough local games, but NT is not starving for those anymore. I say NT should take any texas FBS opponent on if they give NT a "fair" deal. That of course does not mean the same for every opponent. For TxSt that means a 3 for 2 in NTs favor. For most others it means an even 2 for 2 or 1 for 1 or so. We are not starving for local games as much as for example SMU or Houston, and SMUs partly reacted to that with deciding to take NT on again. Houston is nice, but NT already travels down there once every other year. Baylor, Tech TCU etc are all lovely, but not at the cost of getting less home games. NT is already in trouble again for getting 6 home games in 2015. I guess with A&M I could live with 1 for 2 if we got additional cash that let's us buy a home game with someone else. With UT let's say a neutral one at jerry world and one at their place and some cash.
  20. even tough we lost this match, I would still like to say: good season, ladies.
  21. not looking too promissing right now. we lost 3 first sets, won one and are still fighting in 2. need at least one of those lost first set matches to be turned around
  22. not at all looking good in the first set on courts number 1 and 4 (down 1-4 or 1-5) it's tight on 2 courts and we lead with break on 2. we need to win the tight matches too.
  23. eraly (very early) lead in 4 singles matches, down in 2
  24. Wow. really incredible also with the low results table and all. very, very nice
  25. Sure that is nice too, but I was more asking about the teams though. I really don't know when is the last dime a team got this far, says kinda more about the state of a program. Also: please forgive my ignorance about T&F and I guess S&D would be the same. I am interested: how well did these individuals do at the finals? I just realized that tennis has the chance to get there today too if they do beat TCU (not totally impossible).
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