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Everything posted by Greenrex

  1. "...the coach who almost never punts and almost always kicks onside after scores. The strategy has made his teams consistently successful and provided him minor, cultish fame. He is 77-17 at Pulaski, with two state championship appearances. It’s weird. It also works." https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/sports/wp/2015/08/13/the-highly-successful-high-school-coach-who-never-punts-has-another-radical-idea/
  2. "Experts" in our little betting group are going with SMU as a 10 point favorite...can only hope they're wrong.
  3. No mention of crab legs in that bag.
  4. I wish I could feel good but this is painful to read.
  5. She's maybe 35ish give or take. (Alma Mater: University of North Texas '02)
  6. "What are you thoughts on your time at SMU so far? It’s been great; the reception has been wonderful from the faculty, administration, to the high school coaches. It’s all been really good." http://www.texasfootball.com/college-news/view/181197
  7. No biggie...just football stuff... "Barrett has moved on to his home state of Texas and transferred to the University of Houston." http://uweekly.com/and-then-there-was-none/
  8. http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaw/2014/11/12/louisiana-tech-womens-basketball-coach-tyler-summitt/18899013/
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  9. My guess is that we are Incarnate Word to fans of Alabama, Georgia, Texas, etc.
  10. Not one of us is trying to bury our team. It's already buried. We were hoping to dig it up and revive it after all these years and against all odds. We had one good year that now seems so long ago. In the highly (HIGHLY) unlikely scenario of winning out, we probably would be ignored over by all bowls.
  11. Rice by 28
  12. Appologies for http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2240219-smu-is-the-worst-team-in-college-football-but-has-seen-tougher-days?utm_source=cnn.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=cnn-sports-bin&hpt=hp_bn15 (It's okay to Bleacher-flame)
  13. Thanks! I hope it works here in Atlanta.
  14. +100...and, thanks. GMG!
  15. Try this: http://www.iuhoosiers.com/collegesportslive/?media=460455
  16. I hope someone posts a picture.
  17. Don't get me wrong, this has nothing to do with anyone's poor grammar or spelling because really, who cares? It's just that there are times when I might consider paying for a few extra red down-arrows.
  18. Atlanta GA Directv listed on channel 628. Gametime notification: "Blacked out in your area" Same with the "Nationally" televised game with La Tech.
  19. Doesn't work in Atlanta GA area...Thanks anyway.
  20. A half dozen years ago UNT/TX would have been listed by the odds makers as "Off."
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