"TEN months after graduation, only 60 percent of the law school class of 2014 had found full-time long-term jobs that required them to pass the bar exam. Even that improvement over the class of 2013 (a 57 percent employment rate) came with three asterisks: Last year, the American Bar Association changed the job-reporting rules to give law schools an extra month for the class of 2014 to find jobs; graduates employed in law-school-funded positions count in the employment rate; and the number of jobs that require bar passage fell from 2013 to 2014." Here's the article... http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/25/opinion/too-many-law-students-too-few-legal-jobs.html?emc=edit_th_20150825&nl=todaysheadlines&nlid=61843218&_r=0