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Everything posted by Greenrex

  1. The lost column is replete with easy wins.
  2. The long ball remains one of the most effective plays in football, but defenses have forced the game’s best QBs to change their approach. Here’s a visual breakdown of their tactics. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2022/01/21/allen-rodgers-deep-pass/?utm_campaign=wp_must_reads&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_mustreads&carta-url=https%3A%2F%2Fs2.washingtonpost.com%2Fcar-ln-tr%2F35d2380%2F61ec0e2c9d2fda14d701978f%2F5bd39801ade4e2323ef16c75%2F47%2F100%2F61ec0e2c9d2fda14d701978f
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  3. It would be easy to change it to Diddle Ariana Grande
  4. I have read the explanation of how the NET is calculated but, I still don't understand it. NET rank as of today, Wednesday, January 19, 2022: North Texas #55 (9-4, #2 C-USA) Miami FL #82 (13-4, #8 ACC)
  5. Low energy. Both teams.
  6. Congratulations to North Dakota State ! Good game ! Lord Mercy they have fun !
  7. On a related personal fan-travel note, my wife and most of her family are graduates of UGA and of course are avid fans. Although I did graduate work there, I will always bleed green. Anyway I got two tickets to Monday's national championship game in Indianapolis and we decided it was not worth the risk as she has autoimmune issues. Plus, we didn't go to the Frisco Classic ! Besides, we attended the 1980 national championship game in NOLA. So, we gave the tickets to our only two nephews, also UGA grads, who are going up Sunday and coming back Tuesday. (phukin tickets were $1500 each).
  8. Probably still true.
  9. Today Jan 6, 2022
  10. "The Bucs wanted Antonio Brown, the football player. They had no use for the baggage that was part of the complete package." https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2022/01/05/antonio-brown-tampa-bay-bucs-released/?utm_campaign=wp_post_most&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_most&carta-url=https%3A%2F%2Fs2.washingtonpost.com%2Fcar-ln-tr%2F35addf2%2F61d5d5da9d2fda3f8b82a58c%2F5bd39801ade4e2323ef16c75%2F56%2F70%2F61d5d5da9d2fda3f8b82a58c
  11. https://www.ncaa.com/rankings/basketball-men/d1/ncaa-mens-basketball-net-rankings
  12. We have one of the most uniquely appropriate and memorable tags in all college sports and it is extraordinarily recognizable and associated with North Texas. Thank the Good Lord we possess legal ownership of it as well ! GO MEAN GREEN !
  13. TCU
  14. Everyone was so young...and full of...hope
  15. No. Miamo would be playing Wake Forest.
  16. Me too. It’s just a couple little letters but it shouts “Us and Them” as clearly as “D1 and D2” !
  17. Yes. Mercy Lord I can't take the pressure. Yes !
  18. "The 'shaka' hand is an iconic gesture in Hawai‘i, but its origins are uncertain, and likely involve a brutal past." https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/hawaii-shaka-hand-origin?utm_source=Atlas+Obscura+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=a0315d8f76-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2021_12_16&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f36db9c480-a0315d8f76-63210137&mc_cid=a0315d8f76&mc_eid=4b07dcefd4
  19. I wonder if Miami has a cross-stadium chant like, "MI....AMI" or, would it be "MIAMI...OF OHIO" ?
  20. This might be a Fine time to give Mason a shot.
  21. I hope the new conference does a better job with tv availability !
  22. Frisco Football Classic Pregame.... Join fellow Miamians for a pregame at The Green Gator from 12-2 p.m. https://www.miamialum.org/s/916/16/interior.aspx?sid=916&gid=1&pgid=18826&content_id=27892
  23. Interesting stuff, oldredhawk ! I was wondering (just too lazy to look it up) if y'all had ever played the other Miami in any sport?
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