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love north texas

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Everything posted by love north texas

  1. This is what was sent. Dear UNT community, One of the steps in getting approval for a capital project is to get approval from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. On Thursday that board voted to reject our current plans for renovation and additions to the University Union Building. Although we had followed the procedures, the board members had concerns about the scope and cost of the project. We were disappointed with that decision but the board repeatedly told us that they understood that we needed a new building and that it was a good project. This is a student planned and student funded project and we believe we will be able to meet the concerns of the board and move forward. We are in full support of this student led initiative and will keep the campus community fully informed of our progress. Thank you for making UNT a great university. Sincerely, V. Lane Rawlins
  2. Was that included in the GoMeanGreen new member bag? Mine only had a copy of Grumpy Old Men to watch.
  3. Good grief, sometimes reading this board makes me feel like I need a rulebook on when to cheer, when not to, when to rush the field, when not to etc. I wish we would just be grateful people are there and have pride for the program- even if they break your sports rules. This is coming from a girl that doesn't know when/when not to cheer. So I am a little worried people are secretly seething that I'm cheering at the "wrong" times!
  4. Harry we LOVE this picture! Except for that girl on the end in the black shirt... (I swear it says UNT on the front! Anyone know how to photoshop?) Can we somehow get this picture?
  5. You guys are amazing! Thank you SO much for responding really quickly and with such great ideas. I don't know how many saw the sign yesterday, so here's a picture. Sorry there was only time to make one!
  6. love north texas

    ESPN sign

    From the album: Untitled Album

    GoMeanGreen's intellectual handiwork!
  7. love north texas

    Untitled Album

  8. The cinnamon sugar pecans that are by the kettle corn place are the BEST. I eat those things the whole week after until I can get more at the next game.
  9. I know we're wayyyyy late getting this out, but please tell me someone has a brilliant idea for an ESPN sign for tomorrow. We're desperate, so we'll take even the terrible ideas at this point (I know you guys have some ).
  10. Michagb and I will be there. Stop by the Admissions table at the Pep Rally!
  11. Grubes is looking into this. I'll let you know when I hear something. He said she was an amazing person. It's heartbreaking.
  12. I did my part and bought 4 today. They're on the front counter by the cash register. I almost missed them by only looking in the university section. Thanks Josh for putting this on here!
  13. I hope you're all going to the Pep Rally on Friday (if you're coming in then) and the Tailgate on Saturday! Admissions is giving out sweet fans, which I know doesn't sound that cool, but I promise they are. I'll get you one if you stop by our table! And of course, the signs will be out in full force at the game. We might even need to make some Houston specific ones!
  14. Thanks so much for all the love! We really, really appreciate it. You'd be surprised how long signs take to make. At this point, we're planning to make more Thursday as well: Dear Sunbelt- it's not you it's us. A general UNT football sign And one for Chancellor. We still don't have anything brilliant for him. Ideas? I love the idea of a hit rating sign. I'm sure we could do that! We're also getting them laminated this year, so we'll have them the whole season (trying to learn from our soaked signs at the FIU game last year). We haven't ever had any trouble bringing signs into Apogee. I also brought in huge heads last year and they didn't say anything. We're pros at this point
  15. Okay, friends. You are hilarious and we're loving these signs. BUT, since we work for the university we probably can't have one that talks about the chancellor or Dilonga (at least in that context). We're thinking the Sunbelt one is appropriate and we're still undecided on the Byrd one (I can't decide if it's on the same level or worse than Mitch-slapped!). We LOVE them all, but do you have any other funny, but more tame ideas? Or, can you tell us who you think should have a sign and we'll think of ideas? Grubes said he'd put an all-call on twitter too so we can get more ideas, but we don't know who should actually have a sign. We really, really appreciate your help! Our signs were so fun last year because of your ideas.
  16. Grubes has already agreed to hold the "you got mitch slapped" sign! ... And he's right about his attire and attitude. I don't think I've met anyone who is less SMU-like, other than the Dentonites that don't bathe.
  17. Have you tried to enter an academic building on campus when people are smoking right outside? I hate walking through smoke every morning just to enter my building. They did a random student/faculty/staff survey to see if people were in favor of this. I think most people are. There are a decent number of universities that are already smoke free- http://no-smoke.org/pdf/smokefreecollegesuniversities.pdf.
  18. Are you going to creep on one of our tours again tonight? Or was that a one time thing?
  19. Whoa now! My half of the posse (I upgraded us from crew cause we're way more intimidating that way) isn't trouble, it's michagb's half you'll have to worry about. Btw- I debated whether to even post this. I know our posts give Green P1 tired head.
  20. You, my friend, have won yourself a sign! I laughed for a good 30 seconds at this. We'll post pictures from the game so you can see your cleverness together with our handiwork.
  21. My mistake! Let me go grab my burlap sack because I feel so much better about it being stormtrooper helmets we're wearing.
  22. Let me get this straight. We're going to have a pillow fight in bikinis with burlap sacks in a forest wearing darth vader masks. Is this what guys who post on message boards fantasize about?
  23. your new profile picture really makes me laugh!! it's SO cute!

  24. Preferably a family that wants two girls. We're already done with college and have full-time jobs, so the expenses on your end would be minimal.
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