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Everything posted by jml2010

  1. I think UNT got a great deal on the new stadium and this can be something that the students/alumni can be proud of and rally around for years. I personally enjoy driving by the stadium seeing what all has been accomplished I will also add that is amazing how much stadium construction/renovation has taken place across the state of Texas in the last 5-10 years. UT just finished a NorthEnd zone expansion to go over 100K seats. A&M is talking about closing in the south side of Kyle Field that will put capacity around 90-95K. Texas Tech just finished a major renovation to their stadium and put capacity over 60K. TCU, while decreasing their size, is pumping 100 mil IIRC into their stadium renovation which will have the ability to expand to 50K. SMU built a nice football facility. UNT is almost complete with their new stadium and TX State is set to start expanding their stadium to 30K.
  2. Not sure what you mean by that.
  3. Fair enough. I know that I have possibly angered some fellow UNT students/alumni and that was not my desire. One of things I appreciate about UNT are the professors. The School of Business didn't accept 4 of my freshman/junior level classes, so I was forced to take/will have to take those classes again. 1 was Poli Sci 1040. I absolutely loved Kimi King. She is a bit out there but a professor who for the most part cares how her students do. My 2nd favorite professor is Don Powell. He's tough but fair in MGMT 3720. Even though, I hated the class and how she expects non-music majors to know everything about music, I like Dr. Alonso-Minutti for Music 1600. UNT has a lot to of offer and while they will never be my 1st love, I am greatly appreciative for the chance to get a 2nd degree.
  4. NTX, I own so much space in your dome that you need to start paying me rent money. I was hoping to stay out of the war of words with you but you are obsessive and need help. You got blasted by the BE Expansion mods for accusing me of being someone I wasn't. Then you left because you didn't get your wish. Now you are on this board in which you have no affiliation stiring up trouble. Between the supposed Houston TV market and modest increase in attendance, you guys have been screaming from the rafter tops to anyone that will listen. Where did I call coog57 an idiot? I merely pointed out his assumption that UH needs a 60K seat stadium was funny. UH over the last 35 years hasn't had the need for a 30K seat stadium unless a big boy comes to town. I honestly have no clue because that was before I started at UNT. I do know that UT, Tech, Oklahoma, Oklahoma St, TCU, SMU, UNT and Texas State have completed/or in the process of completing/starting stadium renovation/construction. TCU, SMU, UNT and Texas St are doing this without the help of BCS money. What is UH's excuse? I just found it humorous that some UH fans are laughing at UNT when UH plays in Robertson Stadium and can't complete stadium financing. Remember NTX, I am a student at UNT and you are a guest. I don't hate UH. I do hate some UH posters who over glamorize UH. You are correct, I don't think UH deserves to be in a BCS conference. Other than a TV market, what has UH done to warrant a BCS invite? Does UH win C-USA on a consistent basis? Does UH have a history of selling out or coming close to selling out over the last 35 years? I have already explained to you that I have family that graduated from West Virginia and Pitt. I find expansion talk interesting and enjoy the back and forth among most of the members over there. Why does it matter? It could be OU, OSU, Tech or Baylor. I enjoy the privacy of people not knowing where I have my 1st degree. The internet is serious business and I have no desire for people to know my identity. Why does it matter? I don't post over there. I merely browse that site to see what is being said.
  5. A&M and UT didn't keep UH out, the state legislature did. UH, TCU, Rice and SMU simply had no one in power that demanded those schools be included. Also no doubt that Tech-UH game was epic. It was especially nice seeing their fans rush the field after beating an unranked team by 1 point. Even though most Tech fans could care less about UH, they got the last laugh in a 35-20 victory last year.
  6. 1.I haven't called UNT fans deslusional because I haven't seen them bragging about their attendance numbers. UH fans brag about getting over 30K for the 1st time since 1991 and they think they need a 60K seat stadium( according to coog57)Even though 2010 was a good year for UH in terms of attendance, history has proven that UH struggles to gain the support of the city, their citizens or students/alumni. http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=215&f=2804&t=7622095 2. Even some of your own fans are questioning the AD's ability to finish the stadium finanicing. http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=215&f=2804&t=7643302 3.Here is a link to a thread where a few Coog fans are laughing at UNT's new stadium and claiming that they will outnumber UNT fans. http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=215&f=2804&t=7312693
  7. Honestly, between working, raising a family, going back to school and the 4 or 5 trips to see my original alma mater play football leaves very little time for other activities in the fall. I also fully admit that I had gone as far professionally as I could have. I decided to add another degree to my resume and pursue a new industry that is stable even in this ridiculous economy. UNT, much like UH ,is close to home for people that do not have the option of going back to their original alma mater. Unfortunately, students like myself and countless others doing the same thing at UNT and UH does not scream school loyalty or lead to active alumni following their respective schools after they graduate. There are a few exceptions but most large urban schools do not have a large following.
  8. Hi NTX. Good to see you again. Now that you have slammed me for pointing out facts that can be backed up by your media guide, can you dispute anything I said? NTX is correct. I am getting a 2nd degree at UNT and the UH game will possibly be the only UNT athletic event that I attend in the near future. It's not that UH is a big name opponent, it's that I hope/wish for UNT to pull the upset in the opening of the new stadium. Since you brought up stadium funding, has UH finished securing financing for the new stadium? Have several posters on Coogfans laughed at UNT's stadium? NTX, I do not wish to get into a war of words with you on this site or any other. I was respectful in both of my posts and I hope you can do the same.
  9. Most UH fans are good people who support their school. They have a few delusional fans that think they are better than they are. For example this guy on coogfans. coog57 Heisman winner Rating: 2.8/5 this site 16953 posts this site Ignore this Member Send Private Message Posted: 6/30/2011 6:50 PM Re: Houston, we're gettin' ready for ya ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Very nice stadium. We want one like that but twice as nice and twice as big. The only problem with this comment is they would need a stadium that seats 60k fans. Other than the 2007 Texas Bowl, UH hasn't played in front of 60K fans in Houston since the 1977 UT game at Rice Stadium. Heck since 1976, they have only averaged 22K fans per season. Maybe UH has finally turned the corner after the 2010 season in regards to fan support but I seriously doubt they will ever need a stadium that seats 60K fans. Before NTX slams me, please know that he will accuse me of being someone else even though a couple mods over at the BE expansion boards have acknowledged I'm not who NTX thinks I am. I have a degree from a Big 12 school and I'm seeking a 2nd degree from UNT. I look forward to opening the stadium with UH and hope/wish that UNT can hang close with the coogs and eek a victory.
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