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chomp last won the day on September 19 2016

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  1. This is the most recent presidential search update that was sent to the faculty on May 1st. It sounds like the net is being cast pretty widely. I've bolded the part that strikes me as particularly interesting on a direction that the search might go. Dear members of the University of North Texas community: As Chair and Vice Chair of the UNT Presidential Search Advisory Committee, we would like to provide you with an update on the search for President Smatresk’s successor. On March 1st, 4th, and 5th, the Search Advisory Committee conducted its listening sessions to solicit feedback from UNT stakeholders on the qualities and characteristics sought in UNT’s next President. The information gathered from these sessions subsequently played a critical role in guiding the development of the UNT Presidential Search Leadership Profile and search announcement. Ultimately, the Search Advisory Committee finalized the Leadership Profile and search announcement on March 15th and during the week of March 18th, the announcement was posted in the following venues: American Association of State Colleges and Universities Asians in Higher Education Chronicle of Higher Education Diverse: Issues in Higher Education Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Inside Higher Education Insight into Diversity Hispanic Outlook Journal of Blacks in Higher Education Women in Higher Education In addition to posting the search announcement, the Search Advisory Committee distributed the Leadership Profile widely to potential candidates within and outside of higher education across the United States to solicit their interest or nominations. Our search consultants also initiated their outreach and recruitment efforts concurrently. Given these activities, we are pleased to report that the Search Advisory Committee is now actively reviewing prospect files and engaging potential candidates for this wonderful leadership opportunity. It is our expectation that the committee will begin conducting preliminary interviews in the near future and in the coming weeks, we will provide additional updates on the status of the search.
  2. 100% this. The easiest place to see this happening is the way that each time the SEC has expanded, it has killed off several major historical rivalries. The last SEC expansion killed Florida's annual rivalry with Auburn, one of our oldest and most competitive rivals. This expansion will no doubt kill others, all in the name of TV marketshare and revenue generation. Coming off a losing season this past year and not a lot of optimism for this coming year's Gator team, that 2024 schedule is going to be a brutal one for a head coach who is likely to be feeling a lot of heat.
  3. In the same way that I couldn't argue with the idea that players should be able to earn whatever they can through NIL, I find it just as hard to argue that players are not employees who should be able to market their services for what the market will pay. Having said that, if players are employees open to the highest bidder with little actual connection to the universities that they play for, what exactly is the point of college athletics? If I'm going to pay to watch a paid employee throw a football or shoot a basketball, why should I choose a college game over a professional game? In the past, I spent my money on college sports because there was at least the illusion that the players from my school attended the same school that I did or were students in the classes that I taught. There was a shared university experience that connected players and alumni across decades. Once that is gone, aren't I just left with paying money to watch someone who just agreed to get paid to wear a particular college jersey?
  4. I’m not sure if there is anything specific in terms of student mental health support that you have in mind, but I know that UNT has put more resources into student mental health in the midst of COVID. It is also very easy for faculty to refer students for help from UNT’s CARE Team, if they see something concerning. I have filed referrals on a number of students who needed help and the CARE Team has been very responsive.
  5. This schedule is great. I have not been this excited about a UNT football schedule in all of my time at the university. Does anyone know why the AAC has not set up the last week of the season to maximize the number of rivalry games? There are several obvious rivalry games (UNT-SMU, UNT-UTSA, UAB-Memphis, etc) and some potential budding rivalries (USF-FAU) that seem like they would be perfect for that last week as rivalry week.
  6. It blows my mind that with all of the enormous strides that this university has made, the programs of national and international stature that it has, and the genuinely excellent students that attend it, the folks that market UNT consistently seem to think that they are trying to market some sort of Carnival cruise.
  7. Wow! This is so exciting! What college football fan hasn't been dreaming of the day when players are paid millions by shadowy groups connected to schools, the players have no real connection or loyalty to the schools that they play for, and we can enjoy compelling league matchups like UCLA-Rutgers and USC-Purdue! While there has always been greed in college football, it is poetic justice that it is the over-the-top greed of the SEC and Big Ten that will kill the game in the end.
  8. Leave it to the UNT System to not be able to actually read the ranking. According to the article, UNT is one of only 2 North Texas schools that rank in the top 10 for the State of Texas. In the ranking, Rice is #1, UT #2, UTD #3, UNT #9.
  9. This thread has some really good discussion. As someone who does work in this area, I should emphasize that the U.S. does not have a missile defense system capable of defending the American homeland from the Russian nuclear arsenal. The U.S. has a very limited capacity system based in CA & AK that might be capable of providing some protection against a very small (single digits) ICBM attack against the U.S., but even there, there is no guarantee. In fact, the one thing that would sharply increase the risk of a Russian nuclear attack against the U.S. would be a Russian belief that the U.S. was soon to implement a missile defense system capable of securing the American homeland against Russia's arsenal. As grim as it sounds, the U.S. and Russia (and, before that, the Soviet Union) have tacitly agreed to hold one another's cities hostage with nuclear weapons to prevent nuclear war. I only mention this because it explains some of the tightrope that the U.S. has attempted to walk in responding to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
  10. Putting the merits of the lawsuit aside, responding to a flyer lying around by writing anonymously on a chalk board "please don’t leave garbage lying around” and then subsequently complaining in a lawsuit that microaggressions "suppresses alternative viewpoints instead of encouraging growth and dialogue" is some A+ level irony.
  11. I still cannot help thinking that the P5 is a bubble just waiting to burst. I don't begrudge players demanding the transfer portal & NIL and the financial rewards that come from it. I also can't gripe about coaches trying to make as much as they can. But, the end result is that for the P5, the connection between players & coaches with their schools is getting weaker and weaker. If the allegiance of players and coaches is only driven by who pays top-dollar & the schools do nothing to create the same educational experience for players that it does for regular students, that means that alums of P5 schools share no connection to the coaches & players from their schools and are doing nothing more than rooting for laundry. I realize that this has always been somewhat the case, but today it is much more explicit. That's why it gets harder and harder for me to care as much as I once did about my own school. This is where I think the G5 has the opportunity to be an alternative where someone playing for your school has actual meaning.
  12. Could not have said it better.
  13. Being an a-hole who wasn’t winning put Mullen in the position to be fired, but the fact that he was getting killed in recruiting made it a lot easier to do it now. I imagine the $12 M he’ll get paid not to coach might help cushion the blow a bit.
  14. While everyone has mentioned UNT’s investment in facilities as key to the AAC invite, I thought that it was interesting to see USF pointing to UNT as an example that it needs to follow. https://www.tampabay.com/sports/bulls/2021/10/22/what-usf-football-can-learn-from-this-round-of-aac-expansion/?fbclid=IwAR1m3AFDlfNTTlrCy0ZZFNplCTSTW9omYuesipNSz6PWapmsdRPizXRVlok
  15. The fact that the first booster to plan to bankroll an entire team is a Miami booster is the world's least surprising development. Part of me is starting wonder if the long-term consequences of this are going to be worse in the end for the P5 than the G5. One of the draws of college football has always been some combo of the tradition coupled with the idea that alumni & students share something in common with the players from our school. I realize that the college experience of most major college football players has always looked a good bit more different than that of an average student, but that gap has been increasing over the years as schools pour more and more money into fancy facilities, transfer rules have loosened, etc. Things like what this Miami booster is doing (and you know boosters elsewhere will do the same) to take advantage of NIL are only going to increase that gap. At some point, I suspect that it is going to get harder and harder for a typical alumnus of a P5 to see any more connection to a football player from their school than they do to the pro football player in the nearest city. I suspect that UNT athletes are pretty representative of other G5 schools. The students that I see in my classes at UNT take similar classes to their peers and seem to have an overall experience at UNT that looks a lot more similar to that of what many non-student athletes at UNT have. Perhaps that will translate into future alumni from schools like UNT caring more and seeing a deeper connection to their student athletes than I think is looming for the P5. Then again, I'm someone who has always enjoyed minor league baseball more than major league, so maybe this is just wishful thinking on my part.
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