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Everything posted by PlummMeanGreen

  1. One of our fellow alums just this AM was describing me all the terrible events of last week starting with the tragic death of one of our players, ie, a Southlake Carroll ex to boot; then a spider bite to an OL starter; then our OU transfer WR's freak accident that; then.....shall we continue? I know Coach Dodge will most likely be replaced and/or re-assigned before or after seasons's end, but for the life of me how much more can one man stand?
  2. Rick V! You Are Da' Man! A few years ago, I told you to your face you had the hardest (maybe worst) AD job in the NCAA's FBS in light of our "then" facilities, little hope for improvements due to money constraints and overall across the board apathy, but I have changed my mind because of what "you" have been able to pull off, ie, at the top of that list the start-up of a "lights out" new football palace most of us older types thought would never-ever happen in our lifetimes. Also, all the other great things that have happened for UNT Athletics under your watch. I have been wrong so many times about a few staff people up there the last 30 plus years using results (or lack thereof) as the barometer, but you as our AD have assembled a great support staff up there, will continue to do so when needed and have tweaked a few other's job descriptions in the athletic department which has been to theirs and our advantages as North Texas Exes and Mean Green fans. Congrats on that! Happy Birthday, Rick V!...................(and.....many..... more)! GMG!
  3. Was SilverEagle in the middle of this bru-ha-ha in any shape, form or fashion? You know, he's had training from Stephen Segall in the art of whooping UNT assistant football coaches when the moment demands it and this could be passed on to irate Mean Green fans at any time, too. (Sorry, Bill, could not resist that one). GMG!
  4. Before Leach's Red Raiders went into the new unchartered waters of Top 10 status, Leach was said to have been looking for brighter lights than he was getting in Lubbock and he was also having problems negotiating a new contract with TT AD Gerald Meyer, too. I don't know why Leach self-destructed with the James situation when he basically was telling the Tech administation and BOR's to go to hell. That insubordination alone turned me off of this guy even when it happened. We've all had those above us that we might not agree but we still give them the respect that they're due. Yes, Leach would probably do a bang up job in Denton, but I think someone else could to. IMHO, if we need to replace TDodge in the next few weeks or month, UNT now knows it can't go the "project route" of unproven coaching commodities for its next NCAA FBS Head Football Coach; in fact, our situation is so unique now that it demands we hire a name coach. Unique? How many times in the space of 100 years does a university debut a brand spanking new football stadium? So it is that that makes our possible hiring situation at UNT completely different than in most of our lifetimes. I think fate, karma or whatever you want to call it now demands this (name coach) for our next hire and all many of us older f@rt$ would say is: It's about damn time--been there--done that but done real good when we were there before during most of the 1970's--enough on that decade. And yes, I was a TDodge supporter back when we were looking just like many of you, but we had no idea we would ever be building a new stadium at the Mean Green Village--"IF" UNT had had new stadium plans on our table post-DD firing, all bets to have any HS coach for UNT would have ceased--we did try that with Dennis Parker which many of us seemed to have forgotten so in effect, we did not learn from our past. NOTE: Fouts Field through the years whether we would admit it or not most always in the back of our minds kept our true upwardly mobile expectations and aspirations in a downward mode. I like the fact that our new stadium is raising all our expectations; it's almost like a huge tide just washed onto the Mean Green Village and we're all rising right along with our new football battleship (if you will) that is so very strategically located between those 2 Texas interstates. And wasn't all of this such a predictable scenario of attitude for all of us in the UNT community? IMO, the New Stadium + A Name HFC equation is a no-brainer. We can't think small time anymore, folks, small time makes its exit on November 27'th when we close Fouts Field down forever plus.........small time thinking can no longer be in the cards because of that $175 million dollar stadium we are building as we all post! (just kiddin' on the cost total, but it did get your attention for one brief shining moment, right)? GMG!
  5. "IF" we need a new coach... What name coach is out there like Schnellenbuger of FAU who might want to get back into coaching? Probably younger than Schnelly' was when he re-ignited his career. Someone who may also have a nest egg from his previous Big Time stops and is not going to be concerned so much with what UNT pays him but the personal challenge he would have of building a football program that just happens to have a new stadium in which to recruit toward? That combination could be intriguing to some of these kind of former success story coaches. Coach Schnellenburger was not a good fit at OU. Coach Fran was not a good fit at TAMU; in fact, who would be in College Station? How long has it been for any coach at TAMU to use all those resources but didn't? UNT might go after somebody (not necessary Coach Fran) who didn't fit somewhere else. Coach Fran's son would be a major college project and I don't think UNT needs that for this moment in time--I think we just had a project. Anyway, what coach out there that was not a good fit for their previous job but might be just what the doctor ordered for North Texas? Anyone know of other such coaches names that might fit this criteria? Many may laugh, but how old is Barry Switzer? He was actually said to have inquired about our job after Dennis Parker was fired. He was tired of sitting on his sofa in Norman from what many heard--well, Jerry Jones finally got him off that sofa. GMG!
  6. I think that UNT has to post a job opening for a month as I recall after DD was let go. Don't know if that still stands or not at UNT but... ...TDodge will not publicly throw in the towel but mentally he wouldn't be normal if he hasn't already said in the back of his mind that, "this UNT gig is just not mean't to be." "IF" we have to replace Dodge after he loses another and cannot reach 7 wins, then I think Rick V has to post a job posting thru the usual university channels and then start putting out feelers for a "name" coach. Folks, you just don't hire an assistant from a losing program and I hope UNT does not break that trend. UNT needs a name coach more than any program I can think of; especially here in Texas and specifically in the DFW Metroplex. Name Coach + New Stadium can warp speed us into something we've not seen since the last time we had a name coach IMHO. We need to dominate the SBC, but we also need to go to the next level and beat some name OOC games, too. This will no longer be a "Fouts Field-laden" football program--the expectations from all across the board (including us, the fans) will naturally be higher when we cross the interstate into our new palace. "IF" we need a new coach, UNT might have to get a name that we will be play a part of his own personal recycling of a career, but we have to get the attention of recruits and with the right name coach you can. Recruiting? This is where we are losing the games no matter how close they are--hardly a revelation. Which "name coach? Who knows but in the next few weeks I'm sure we will go another cycle on that, too, but maybe this time with some fresh new names. We need a name coach who has the collegiate experience to win a good percentage of games because he has out-coached his opponent's HFC. We also need a name coach who will help us market the hell out of this new football palace that needs to average at least 25,000 per home game next Fall. This new stadium will get the attention of many out there who would fit the name coach criteria and I don't think he will have an empty cupboard of football talent when he gets to Denton. I got to listen to the last part of the game after a DJ gig I had earlier this evening, and I just couldn't believe these young men had to go thru another heart-breaker, but 25 years from now when people look at career wins for UNT coaches, these close losses will not register in the online UNT football media guide as far as Todd Dodge's tenure in Denton is concerned. I am so sorry for TDodge as I (like many of you) think he is a class act who just has not been able to put all the pieces together in Denton. Just my .02 GMG!
  7. Would have been a nice touch from the construction company if the new stadium topping off occassion could have had a special green and white Texas flag flying on the top for people on the 2 Texas interstates & beyond to see. GMG!
  8. OK, FFR and SUMG (and the rest of ya') I take the bite because I want to do my part. Yall have inspired me to do what I have not been able to due to this>>>>>>>>> As another medically uninsured American I have had some health concerns the last few years that hospitals actually like to be paid their bills concerning such and in those last few years that has put me (as many other Americans) in a financial hole and behind in my gifts to UNT. So... As some of you know, I DJ events many weekends and even some weeknights in the DFW area. For Fort Worth area events a DJ can get anywhere from $1,000-$1,400 (or more) for most 4 hour events. In Dallas, for weddings those DJ's make a killing (pardon the business jargon). Here's My Deal Which Could Be Good For UNT, You and.....Me: For anyone who books my DJ services who is part this board or has a UNT connection & mentions this Mean Green Stadium Building Fund here is how it would break down: For Any 4 Hour Event (wedding reception, birthdays, karaoke events, reunions, etc) that I book with any GMG.com member: An $800.00 quote for any 4 hour event with half that amount ($400) being written in a check (by you) to the North Texas Stadium Fund. You decide yourself if you want to put "on behalf of Soundworks Productions" on the check note area or not. I'm not expecting an avalanche here since many of you are probably not in need of a DJ for anything, but (hellsbells!) if I get only "1" out of this that is an additional $400 more for Mean Green Football Stadium Building Fund that you (the client) and me (the vendor) made happen. BTW, if you want to add it, this promo includes free karaoke (over 17K tracks on my laptop) for your event and karaoke is usually a $100 extra. I DJ with a laptop for the most part and have a very extensive music library of songs of all genres--I do mean "ALL" genres. (For non-wedding events I might ask permission to display a DJ tip jar if it would be OK). My website is: www.soundworksdeejay.com If anyone needs a DJ for an upcoming wedding or special event, please fill out the "Contact Form" at the bottom of the website's first page, mention the Mean Green Stadium Building Fund promotion then click "Submit Information" and all your information will go directly to my email. We will eventually talk over the phone to see if we are a good match for what you want at your event. For references, check out the "Endorsement" page of the website. GMG! PS: I'm behind on my gifts to UNT, but I hope for a 4'th quarter Hail Mary sorta' come-back! PS II: Have already had a contact on this special promo for an upcoming wedding.
  9. Seems like to me that OSU has always had problems finding the right fashion statement for their unis'. Dare they ever try UT's burn't orange? Last time I saw a game at their stadium there was rust all over several sections of their stadium seating but... ...ol' T. Boone Pickens sure made one helluva' football palace out of OSU's stadium named in his honor (and for his humongous donation). GMG!
  10. No bar being set at all, but If I were setting any bars we'd been in the Southwest Conference about Year 4 of Fry's career in Denton. That was most all of our goals those of us on GMG.com old enough to have been around when we were shooting high for "so called" bars or barometers of success--a practice we quit doing almost the day Fry signed a contract with Iowa of the Big 10. You say, uh, Big 12? Now really...where did the realism suddenly go? GMG!
  11. Why so negative? Everybody loves somebody somtimes to quote that great Dean Martin song line, and just who knows, maybe with this New Stadium @ The Mean Green Village, our prospects for new suitors will now get us some new love? GMG!
  12. Of course, another "not so scientific" poll since many outside UNT visit GMG.com and vote for what most of us would not. For instance, those SBC'ers visiting will most always vote "NT Luv's Ya' Belt--Stays Put" NOTE: If polls or certain threads make you so tense, why do you continue to read them? So...just another re-alignment poll which we can all blame on the Big East and TCU! GMG! PS: And what is your logic with the choice you made as far as UNT's long term success in said new conference? ...and something to just kill more down time since that is what most of us are on here doing as it is. GMG!!
  13. ("Jim" of The Office look into that TV camera reserved for those solo looks from all its casts--I like Pam's the best). GMG!
  14. Heck, Jim, I worked with you all that time and never knew you were a PK! Of course, yall will always claim it was us DK's (deacons kids) who led yall astray, right? My first ex was a PK and she sure pulled a fast one on me for damn sure (just like her mother,ie, my ex mother in law did to her own "minister" husband) so it is so true........the acorn really does not fall far from the tree. I am a living testament, been on anti-depressants ever since, went to a "counselor" who told me most men would have committed suicide from all that I had gone thru thru the years ("thanks, counselor") and I damn sure better quit while I'm ahead. NOTE: I told that counselor I wanted to live to the end to see how this would all turn out and that some things in life were a permanent solution to a temporary problem plus I had to be around to see my alma mater have a brand new state of the art football stadium one day. I know--this has been wheels off. GMG!
  15. The upside is that UTSA and TSU(SM) don't have to waller in a non-revenue level of an NCAA co-existence forever as others will. This part will have been handed to you (somewhat) on a silver platter if yall get thru the waiver part--both schools should build a statue of Karl Benson because he's the man who would have made it happen. Some will say you 2 schools will have almost had it too easy in fact, but that is probably those of us who have wondered aimlessly forever. (We have young alums who have never seen a UNT HFC who had more winning seasons than losing ones, career-wise. Yet UNT has thru the decades had poor leadership, ie, those who really never had a clue about the rewards of being successful in the upper echelon of NCAA football, especially in Texas of which most of our leaders of late have not been Lone Star natives. It was their cluelessness that kept UNT wandering in the NCAA wilderness for 3 plus decades and therefore lost many alums along the way because they would not do what Gretchen B. had the b@lls (if she had been a man) to do. I think her plugging our new football stadium was part of her personal demise at UNT quite frankly and no one has yet to say it wasn't. In fact, has there been any explanation as to why she was fired? I am intrigued with UTSA's situation. You have a great city and a decent domed stadium to start out with--not a bad way to debut any football program. Not sure that UTSA can emulate South Florida because of being in Texas, but I think yall could become good OOC foes for UNT in due time. Most of us in the DFW Metroplex like an occassional trip down to Austin/San Antonio from time to time--mine as a Texas history enthusiast of which your area is most rich. I wish yall luck. I think TSU(SM) has a tougher road to travel but they do have their selling points and I mean........Arnold the Flying Pig @ Aquarena Springs at the top of that list? UNT cannot top that in any way! (Come on TSU'ers--we're waiting)! GMG!
  16. This Benson feller seems to me like a real glutton for self-induced punishment. Wonder if we should send UNT alum Dr. Phil for a visit with the commish'? GMG! PS: Hey Dwayne of Minden! I'm MrGreenJeans over at BB&B, but I can't get a post in edge-wise. I'm a kinder/gentler poster as I near age 60 this November. What up?
  17. Oh yes, I remember those indoor meeting/picnics in the large conference room alright! lol! Wait a minute, I just heard another catfish jump in my pond, Jim. GMG!
  18. And North Texas would be better for the MWC than SMU. Comparing each of our respective constituencies makes it a slam dunk for UNT. Let them check all the present day demagraphics as far as TV rankings drawing power is concerned, ie, how many TV sets by the school who has the most alumnus living in DFW for starters. Let them come see a ranked SMU football team at Ford when they are playing a school who does not bring traveling fans. That would be the answer for them and the clincher for us, that is, if sound and logical reason would actually rule the day. GMG!
  19. Uh, we get in any conference that has the present #4 team in the top 10. That kind of ranked opponent gives North Texas a better barometer for success to aim toward than any league we've been in to date. We jump at it! Who wouldn't? Turn Neinas Loose For UNT On All This! And then when University of Houston sees that CUSA is not going to ever have a Top 10 ranked school year in and year out like the MWC could have, they jump in with a fellow Texas public university! Of course, UH could be asked first out of pecking order respect. Ain't re-alignment talk fun! GMG! Scenario II: TCU goes Big East, SMU Goes MWC, then UNT goes CUSA. Wala! Either way we are ahead of where we are and there is not ONE SBC school who would turn down a similar opportunity if offered to them, either. As some of us said 25 plus years ago, "it would be amazing what a spanking new Major College FB stadium would do for our football program's upwardly bound possibilities. GMG!
  20. Jim, having worked with you a few years ago, I can tell this is a very, very, very down day for you I.T. guys, you lazy sumbich'! GMG!
  21. Boise State dropping out of the WAC made a future with that league a complete "no go." Hawaii will soon drop out and then what do you have? A league with La Tech as its #1 team? No, the WAC was just merely a passing fancy and something to speculate about on this forum. We really do have bigger fish to fry IMHO. SBC for sure ain't no Highland Park, but it's also not a trailor park where tenants don't know if they should stay or move out, either. GMG!
  22. Our program will all but have to be a clone of the Boise St. football program before many of the aforementioned schools accept us into "The Club." It still all boils down to politics--guess it always will. Moreso for UNT with the private schools than public. It took a 20/20 tie with UT back in 196? for UH to lose their "cooty-status" state-wide and that is when Darrell Royal said "we need UH in the SWC." MORE TO IT: DKR wanted UH in the SWC so they would also have to recruit under SWC rules, too. GMG!
  23. Yes, and in a much more palatial home to boot. GMG!
  24. Of course I have to raise the question: Wonder how non-UNT'ers or our SBC opponent posters registered with GMG.com would vote in this kind of poll? Something that would appear or seem positive for North Texas and Mean Green football? (not) Carry on... GMG! Frankly, I don't know what avenue would be best for UNT but what the heck, we (as always) are still just speculating on yet another subject. Game Day--hurry up!
  25. Some of the Frog elect on their smack board already think it's a done deal, ie, this Big East thing. If so......can you blame them for not biting at it? The best part of all this if they do leave is that we will have non-stop re-alignment threads on GMG.com during football season and the La Tech folks will start packing their bags for CUSA (they think)! GMG!
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