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Everything posted by PlummMeanGreen

  1. They will count, but some of us actually think UNT can do what La Tech has done for years and that is win numerous "Body Bag" games, too. Some of us also think UNT can recruit like Troy who has put a helluva' bunch of their players in the NFL. Question: How many NFL players has UNT put on active rosters the last 10 years? Back To La Tech Who We Get Beat Out On Too Many Times On Texas HS Football Products: The Bulldogs beat Alabama 2 years in a row if memory serves (and numerous others true Big Boy schools for that matter). Can we say UNT should just beat SBC schools, go to the Big Easy and then get our heads handed to us on a silver platter? This new hire needs to get us out of that bad habit which some seem so damn comfortable with as their true NCAA panacea. It would not be anywhere else but we know (of late) Denton is not anywhere else, now don't we? Why do we still set our FB goals so Dickey'esque? You know, lose all our OOC games, then shoot fish in the SBC fish barrell runnning the table (like our first 4 years), go to a bowl as a Bottom 25 SBC FB Champion (or close to being in the Bottom 25) and then seeing most times how so far the SBC FB Champion really is in recruiting against the rest of the FBS (except of late with MUTS and Troy). Still not what I feel our majority wants to do. Just check Harry's Poll unless its been stuffed again with skewed voting. GMG!
  2. SAM Coach, are you still on the same kick? If we were any FBS league except the SBC (which even most its top teams are down this season) conference wins might pack more punch --but in 10 years of the SBC we have (still) not had any of our schools in the Top 25 and I'm not sure even Top 50 (although I stand to be corrected on that one). So just sue us, SAM Coach, because Harry's polls still say most NT Exes want to go another direction with this hire. We've tried all the others the last 6 hires. Can you accept that w/o making all this so personal to (it seems) mostly you? Be around Mean Green football since the early 1970's and then try to understand where some of us are coming from, OK? GMG!
  3. The very last part of your post, untjim1995, that I underlined is a scenerio many of us could live with. A very strong Canales supporter (with few posts) very class-like sent a message of apology to me this AM about some past PM's and apologized for one particular poster (whose moniker I will not post). The apology was easiley accepted but I still tried to explain to him that this has never been about a personality whatsoever but was merely just many of us just wanting to try another hiring direction this time around. I told him if not Chico in this role it could have been Coach Doe, Coach Smith, Coach Johnson, etc, but it was never about Coach Canales at all. I think that is how most feel who still want another direction. GMG!
  4. Jack, this is just not Abner's, Mean Joe's, Kenny Washington's Mean Green football program anymore (for the moment--at least) so we may sometimes be wasting our time even trying to understand some of whats been going on of late but... ... BHF? (Before Hayden Fry) One fellow alum (a Canales supporter BTW) was reminding me the other day how North Texas had actually beaten the #2 ranked Ark. Razorbacks the same season which would end up in Fayettville in what would be called "the Game of the Century" against Darrell Royal's UT Longhorns. The late great Ronnie Shanklin told me at Fort Worth's Dos Gringos for lunch one day back in the 80's when he was recruiting for Corky how years later a Razorback from that Frank Broyles team called him out of the blue one day and told Ron "hey, you guys actually did beat us in that game which the SWC referee threw in our favor." Of course, since Ron was involved with that play, he told me while eating some great Mexican food he did (in fact) catch that ball. I was still in High School during that era of MG Football, but I sure do wish I could have seen some of those Mean Green football teams. How lucky you fans were during that era of our MG football history. Question for GrayEagle: I know you will shoot straight with me, but could have Fry's teams beaten any of the Joe Green teams? My response would say "no" they could not have but give us your take if you have time. JP
  5. Old timer NCAA BB sportscaster Dick Enburg (sp?) actually said the single-most event that catapulted NCAA basketball to the next level as to make it a nationally followed sport was the big UH (Elvin Hayes) and UCLA (Lew Alcindor) matchup in the Houston Astrodome of which I was lucky enough to have attended back in the day. Enburg said until that matchup in the Dome that NCAA basketball was mostly just a regional sport. . .
  6. Interesting, GreenEagleEye, and its your business the names you list but I'm not sure I'd start putting people's actual names on this board when it concerns how much they give or how much they don't because they're pissed. Some of us have been told things from the actual source in the past but would not break their confidentiality by posting their name(s); unless, they said do it or they didnt care one way or the other but, heck, some of these kinds of people have friends in low places if you know what I mean. (Just kiddin') GMG!
  7. Cerebus, you speak as one with the wisdom of Soloman and as one who very much knows our past culture. (Stay away from wayward women or the barber shop for awhile, though).
  8. Why beat around the bush, just tell me how you really feel here. I sometimes use big letters because some of us have watched too many damn football games at Fouts Field the last 30 or so years (give or take) and we just have to have the large letter Readers Digest type edition of BIG LETTERS at times. Otherwise, a magnifying sheet will suffice.
  9. Now you done gone and done it VideoEagle. As a kid, my late sis' took me to see that Walt Disney horror movie of a dog that has to get shot-gunned down due to rabis and to be honest, I have not been the same since. (I have 3 dogs who are my most spoiled kids who get Greenies for treats "and bad breath" every day of the year).
  10. Steve (off topic) but are you still in the Tech School recruiting business? PM me on how that industry is doing as far as GSL's and Pells are concerned when you have time. I enjoyed my 25 years in that sector of education and hope you are having as much fun as I did, too. Jim PS: How bout' JJ's teams win over Texas Tech last PM? He will be the first coach to get us inside a Top 25 BB poll--watch and see. Hope this coach will want to stay awhile, too.
  11. Maybe so--maybe not
  12. There you go again, Quoner!
  13. Actually, I am satisified with the response from the President's Office. (And I sent them a box of Charmin from Sams Club as it is). It was actually one of my better letters with full statistics & past history to back up most said and I guess I've most always communicated letter to every UNT president since Jitter Nolen. And some of you haven't and if not "why not" because in this country we still have Freedom of Speech last time I checked the interet; albeit we now have a new Internet Czar. Czar? I thought only Russia had Czars. But no, today is a Mean Green Day to savor with a Big 12 win last night. No epistles and no rants but short stuff, maybe just icons smiley faces only (unless I'm absolutely called out but probably not even then. Congrats to Coach Johnny Jones & team beating the kind of schools that will IMHO make our basketball program be in the next few year (or earlier) the first UNT major varsity team inside the Top 50 (Top 25?) and it won' take him 35 years to make that happen, either. Of course, how old will each of us be in 35 years? GMG!
  14. Besides the OU guy when will we get another to compare with a 25 year journeyman "assistant" coach who for whatever reason he and his politicos have some sense of entitlement for this job at "OUR" school? Hey, 25 years as an assistant and now North Texas is the chosen school to make his HFC's debut with wins over pathetically weak SBC schools as his measuring stick? Who at North Texas will be able to use those cognitive skills to interpret that alone? Something is beginning to smell afoul with all of this "hurry up & make this happen" M.O. and I hope the right ones on campus will just do more research here. Can he recruit Texas? (So UNT would give him a 5 year contract as to get the answer to that question)? How many more 5 year plans do we really want in Denton? Seems we've really had our quota of those the last umpteen years. I hope this Prez' and the BOR's will really think about the P.R. aspects of what they are going to do very soon--no matter the hire. I defer to the signature below:
  15. Hopefully, it will be the "Dr. Rawlin's Announces A Proven FBS HFC Hire On Monday" Bowl Game. GMG!
  16. A PM from one of the Sicilian's hit squad has made me change my mind. Sicilian, right? Go over to the UTA board and try to get him hired there! Just tell the Movin' Mavs people he's been a HFC the last 25 years and this year he's beaten some mighty powerful SBC schools to get on an alleged candidate list at UNT. Also, tell them to get ready for a no hold barred self promotion that Professor Harold Hill (The Music Man pied piper) would be proud of. Can you handle it?
  17. The upside of all this is that it will still be the very influential opinion of President Lane Rawlins (along with Neina's recommendation) who will make the final decision on all this. Won't it be a relief that it will not be any of us? That group including the AD who will sift and filter all the resumes looking at all the "projects who some may still wonder if they can recruit Texas high schools" versus "those former HFC's (like Fry was) who have done it before, ie, those who have done it before at the FBS level with success"; yet our powers will find things in some of those resumes that GMG.com posters are not privvy' too I would also wager. All we see is all the external surface stuff from candidates who may really want our job--our powers will be able to dig much deeper and see other things--good or bad. In fact, I think that is one of the real strengths of which the Neinas Group excells which will help North Texas make a decision. I still defer to those who are getting paid nicely to hire probably the most important hire in UNT athleic history in light of the higher stakes of this new stadium. I am sure they do not want to have our 6'th (or 7'th?) hire in a row of a coach that will not have more wins than losses when he leaves Denton, either.
  18. Hot Air Family Stadium.....If there is not already enuf' of that already on GMG.com, the turbines will supply the rest. OK, go ahead, start the attack now on that one! LOL Seriously, Mean Green Stadium until we find a corporate sponsor.
  19. SAM Coach, it is a given already that I want a proven HFC commodity. Whats the deal here, you don't read all my posts or something? I did say I will accept who our Prez' recommends (and I will) after Neinas gives him the skinny on all his group has researched for the most important HFC in Mean Green football history, but I think I know who will not be on the short list and if he is............I will support my school decision. Is that OK with you? So.......Get back with all the other guys in your group, SAM Coach, and tell them they are wasting their time stalking my posts. And then tell said same group of which GMG.com seems an intregal part of their campaign tactics that they really are hurting their cause more than helping. No educated person on our campus (one weird oxymoron there) would concur with such tactics, especially since some of the less than nice PM's several of us have received from your group have been kept in our computer archives just in case some on campus ask to see them. I defer to President Lane Rawlins with his Big Time school background and will trust his huge influence in this most historic HFC's hire...that's really about all many of us can say about this from now on; at least, most of the time.
  20. Yet..........the Canales supporters never cease to amaze with their rebuttals even versus those coaching at much higher places than UNT. I can just see it now: Jesus C. would suddenly be on our UNT candidate's list and then the other new group that has inundated this board for the last few weeks say this: "Well, Jesus could only turn the water into wine at that wedding feast, but our guy would turn it into a fully stocked wet bar and............with all drinks for free." Sorry, that was a bit devlish' --I retract.
  21. Heard Venbable was a Texas HS recruiting goat ropin' son of a gun. Whoever we hire would probably know that Houston is in south Texas (near Galveston) and Dallas-Fort Worth in the northern part of our great state (near, uh, Denton), but should he might also have a general knowledge of where Tenaha, Timpson, Bobo and Blair, Texas are, too? Interpretation of That? Small Texas towns where project recruits and a staff who can evaulate talent at smaller Texas HS settings of which some such recruits might turn into good FBS college football level players. I don't care who we hire, but am really trusting (and defering) all this discussion going on at GMG.com to our new Prez'(with his BOR's input, too); again, our UNT president who had the same title at much larger athletic outposts than UNT with Washington State and Memphis. I believe our new Prez' will listen to Chuck Nenias who UNT is paying nicely for us to maybe listen to his recommendations? And then......... whoever Neinas suggests UNT actually highly considers in light of the very high stakes now with possible the need of (hopefully) a familar face kind of hire with FBS HFC experience to enhance & help sell to the casual fans our New Era/New Stadium/And Need of a Corporate Sponsor (to basically pay for the rest of our stadium that our UNT student fee will not pay for); anyway, then our UNT powers gently persuades RV what direction we probably really need to go on with this next hire (since our past hires have not taken us to any Top 50 finishes might just be one of their criteria)? NOTE: Of course, Top 25 would be nice but we need to jump this huge hurdle of getting past where we've been for quite a long, long time first. It would be a win-win for any AD at North Texas to want to share this hire with a new president since the Todd Dodge hire just didn't work. I have no idea how many bad football hires an AD at any FBS level school is allowed? And then how long till our powers start wanting higher echelon hires to start producting (minimum) Top 50 football programs. (Boise sorta' showed us if the can be in Top 25 then surely North Texas will soon be able to be at least a Top 50 fixture? Or do we keep our goals where they've been most of us Old Gun Alum's adult lives? Young Gunners, on your behalf, you don't want to wake up suddenly being 60 and see your athletic dept. has not in most your lifetimes produced any major varsity sport with any ranking inside the Top 50. So.......Local Media (all 1 of you) are you really in support of the same ol' 6 & 7 in Denton? What level of the the FBS would you, Denton Local Media, have the most fun reporting on anyway? Your answer would tell us much;)
  22. Semantics? Defintion of Terms? You guys need to defer your future thoughts on all this to Lane Rawlins from now on. He will be the one you need to convince--not anyone on this forum. For other posters to whom this fits, notice how the group that wants another HFC hire direction this time around are not private messaging yall ad nausem as to try to change your minds? Again, defer all your new HFC posts to the one who will decide. Otherwise, all you are doing from now on on this subject is working on your keyboarding WPM (words per minute). GMG!
  23. I stand by what I will thank you for highlighting so effectively and one of the main themes with some of that group was: "How come this guy's obvious smack board hit squad think there is such an "entitlement" for him to get our UNT HFC's job? 25 years as an assistant coach and beating SBC schools with losing records gives him that entitlement? Oh, brother........." I feel Lane Rawlins will take the recommendation of Chuck Neinas and "suggest" to our AD who we probably need to hire. I (with others) wish our AD would have nipped much of this in the bud when he could have. That's all...signing out...good night, irene!
  24. First of all, Hayden Fry was unemployed for a most definte reason when our UNT Prez' Jitter Nolen took the bull by the horns and hired Fry himself: Nevertheless. Fry got fired from SMU! Lets move on... WWLR'sD? I haven't been the one naming coaches non-stop albeit weeks ago I did vote for Coach Fran on Harry's poll. I have said on this same thread that as one alum I would support any proven commodity and that still stands. Also said I would support Canales if Rawlins, Neinas and Rick V all 3 think he is the coach to usher in a very important new era of Mean Green football BUT CAN WE STILL DISCUSS THIS SINCE YOU SOMEWHAT CALLED ME OUT JUST A TAD? And Cr1028, what is it that you want to catch in a bottle? The same results we've seen time and time again with the same kind of project hires at UNT we've seen for an entire generation now? Again, just maybe we should try another route in Denton for a change? Like the first non-project coach's hire at UNT for the the first time in 30 plus years? WWLR'sD? I will still defer to WWLR'sD; that is, what will our new UNT President Lane Rawlins do with all this--the same ol' 6 & 7? Many are depending on him being the main cog that breaks this terrible cycle of bad hires we've had going in Denton for how long? How about many of our adult lives since 30 plus years would create that for the middle aged and up group. I asked an alum last week how many times were we ranked even in the Top 50 during that span of time. He didn't know but I told him I thought: NO TOP 50 RANKING IN ANY MAJOR VARSITY SPORT AT UNT. Don't Let Yourselves Be In For A Big Time Let Down: Dr. Rawlins does come from Big Time athletic environments even as a president at his last 2 stop-overs and I predict he will use a similar criteria that schools just like the ones he served in the past used to hire their coaches. It would probably be safe to say it would not be the same UNT has been using as their criteria for 3 plus decades. Another alum brought this up while back "why would they retain Chuck Neinas again, pay him all that money, too, just to recommend someone someone in Denton (or UNT Athletic Dept) felt we had on a "one man" short list the whole time? UNT does not have that kind of money to throw around to the Chuck Neinas' of this world. Yet how will the assistant coach we are all discussing stack up against the Jim Leavitts, the Dennis Franciones (or his Texas-based JUCO HFC son); the Steve Kragthorpes and what some feel will be a couple of surprise names that the DRC or this message board have yet to uncover? Of course, another surprise would be there would be no surpise candidates, too. Answer this? Will Chuck Neinas jeapordize his consultant business to recommend a coach because a few of his followers have been beating the drums of support on campus, with campus or civic groups and trying to impress on all UNT alums (even if those alums said they preferred another hiring direction) "that their guy is entitled" for the UNT job because he's paid his dues? You say his dues? Lets put it another way here: He's been a non HFC for the last 25 years so that makes him our man even in light of the high stakes and need of somone who will help UNT sell more season tickets than Dodge/Canales group inspired for this season? Whoever President Rawlins, Chuck Neinas and Rick V come up with most of us have already said we will bury the hatchet, sing Kum Bah Yah, unify and support; but what about those on this board drinking all the Canales-Cool-ade of which a handful have been attempting to intimidate or all but bully those not drinking the Canales Cool-Ade? Not a good approach I'd bet our UNT powers would think. I've never felt more confident that this UNT president, this UNT Board of Regents with recommendations from consultant Chuck Neinas who gets paid to give recommendations will put a high powered microscope on all the resumes they get (or have already gotten) and get us the right choice and................if it's Canales...............so be it. We then move forward. Re-alignment talk, anyone?
  25. An above poster says.........immature? A bunch of obvious new posters extemely pro Chico bashing alums of whom this is not their first rodeo (our alums) of seeing yet another search for a new HFC at North Texas? Don't we do this about every 4 or so years? Some think with the right hirings one day we might even have an athletic program varsity team at UNT finish inside the Top 50. It was explained to me by my UNTHSC (Fort Worth) friend that he thought the new prez needed to see more of the methods being used by some of these new posters with obvious close ties to the assistant coach than whether said assistant coach actually got the job or not. There seems to be a one way street of "our way or the highway" among a few on this board of which none of this group will have absolutely nothing to do with whoever our next new HFC will be. This for both sides of the pro Canales or not pro Canales groups, too. I don't have enough horses in the race to influence any UNT coaches selection or who to name practice fields after for damn sure but I do have an opinion or 2. I think mere speculation is still what most of us do on most any subject on this forum, right? Alums who communicate anything to our power even if just a birthday card? If they are communicating with our powers, then maybe that a hint that they are involved with their alma mater in other ways than just GoMeanGreen.com.? Some on this board have already judged "where were they before" not even knowing who the hell the names are. I know one in Dallas who is livid that North Texas (as he said) would be waving a huge white flag if we don't hire a name coach with FBS experience (with some success to boot). Would he be bashed on GMG.com? No, he wouldn't because he told me long ago he will not waste his time on one of these kinds of collegiate smack boards. This guy has been one of our largest contributors in our schools history who I've know since the late 1970's. This new prez' of ours did not fall off the small time college turnip truck inasmuch as he served in the same role at Washington State and Memphis so I think his perspective for our next North Texas new HFC will probably come from criteria used at schools like the 2 aforementioned--rather than our methods of late which have not produced a winning football program that shows sign of advancement in quite a while--like most of my adult life for starters? Please Do Hear Me Out: I don't care who we get for our next new HFC at UNT as long as he has the talent and true capabilities to take us up to the next level. If Rawlins and RV and Neinas all agree its Coach Chico, then those of us who can will bury the hatchet, sing Kum Bah Yah and will fall in line with Coach Chico with our undivided support and that is a promise because.....If he is successful then our MG football program will be, too, and isn't that what this is all about in the first place? GMG!
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