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Everything posted by PlummMeanGreen

  1. If AD's and presidents of conferences we want to be in are reading these boards and basing their decisions on what they see and read on conference smack boards, then maybe your are right; but I really in my heart of hearts think that is not the case.. In fact, I think the fate of North Texas to be in either CUSA or MWC this re-alignment go around has probably already been decided. Those who decide are not going to get on a board like this and say: "Wow! You posters have convinced us without us having to do one minutes worth of our own research." Just sayin'.... GMG! PS: Of course how much did the Big East really research........oh, hell, forget it, I am not going there again. PS II: Ed, we are getting slammed on some of these boards based on what we've been doing in Mean Green Country athletically most of the last 25 years. We have had a little more success than SMU in that same timeline, but we don't get the same "sweet precious media darling" attitude that SMU gets from some media outlets, either. (Of course, SMU also knows how to and who to wave that money they most impressively have in their coffers, too). GMG!
  2. E.R.R., I have Gil Brandt's exact quote on the signature part of every post I post. (Check bottom of this post) I don't think he was just joshin' us, either. And the Neinas quote was what others have said about our getting one helluva' deal for $78 million. Heard one couple weeks ago say that if construction were begun now on Apogee Stadium that it would cost at least $100,000,000.oo to build it. Of course, the depressed state of the USA economy last few years probably helped UNT get a good quote from those who built Apogee, too.. If we had built Apogee at an initial capacity of 40,000 (only 9K more seats than present capacity), we would have received even more plaudits from many others like Gil Brandt, too, IMHO. But I know that day will come and probably sooner than most will say on this board. I wonder how all this new "non AQ conference" BCS that Nienas projects will include stadium size minimums? It has before if we will all recall. GMG!
  3. Of course, lets see what their final product will be since initial renderings so many times never look like anything close to the final product. Remember one of our very first renderings of our new stadium? Not even close to the football palace we now have. North Texas when it expands Apogee in the future can still fancy her up as much as future leaders want, but for now our "Taj Mahal" (as Gil Brandt called Apogee) is already a fancy enough stadium for most of us. We just need to put a football team in her now with winning seasons for the next 20 or so years in a row. If some expect Apogee Stadium (alone) is enough to coast on for now and is going to build a football program on its own merit, the next 25 years could end up being as dismal as much of the last 25. Just sayin' what I been see'in for a long time in Denton---like as in most my adult years? GMG!
  4. http://img97.imagesh...56/stadium1.jpg Above link shows just how close to I-35 the "proposed" new Baylor Stadium will be. Has North Texas with our Apogee Stadium started a new trend with aquatics-scaping (instead of land-scaping) near a college football stadium? GMG!
  5. I still have not changed my mind. Cain has been and is still my main man. He speaks my language. Herman Cain is getting zoomed from these "15 years ago for chrissake's" allegations. Uh.................duh? Come on, folks, figure it out for yourselves. Today even CNN reported that one of his accusers pulled the very same thing with the very next job she had after she worked for Cain. Can't wait to see where the money trail for all these "15 years a bit late" allegations ends up and my money says it will be at a very famous American residence. Some out there will still tell a lie when telling the truth would be so much easier. Cain did great during the debates last night. Perry? Well.................he'll be coming back to Texas.
  6. As long as you drink that Shiner Bock in a coffee cup, like many of the Baptist do. Wonder what their final product will look like since Apogee Stadium doesn't resembe hardly anything compared to our very first rendering. In fact, that first rendering was about as basic as could be. GMG!
  7. I'll let Mean Green Gem know...and I know he will listen to your critique but knowing him as I do he would probaby like to see a few more UNT posters on that MWC board maybe posting a bit less aggresively than he is. I will convince him to back off, though, because you are right in your assessment. On the upside, though, we do have a few posters who have changed their minds about UNT in the last 2 weeks and have started putting us down on their lists. Hell, the MWC could be down to 6 members in the next few weeks so why the hell wouldn't they? You are so right about the California (SDSU) boys, except one of em' was on this board last year quite a bit when one of our assistants coaches was most understandably and and in a professionally tactful way (on his part) trying for the North Texas HFC job and I think that Calif. posters might be the most bitter because that UNT coach did not get that job for now; because last year you would have thought from that Calif. poster that we were the next Notre Dame. He's turned 180 degrees about his attitude concerning North Texas from last year and its probably easy to understand why. As I have felt for years, though, I don't think much said on some of these boards will convince any presidents and AD's of conferences we want to be part of. I think they already know what UNT would bring to their table and their conference TV packages truth be told. I also think Chuck Neinas has let some of these leagues know about our unbelievable upside, too. He seems to have been a frequent visitor at North Texas albeit some of those were paid visits. GMG!
  8. Now there's a poster with some real raisin' (or is it "rearin')? GMG! PS: If I see a thread I dont' want to read ....I don't read it (usually) for sheer lack of interest in the subject, that's all.
  9. 100% in agreement with you on that, Judge Joe. Would 4 more letters have been so much a problem? GMG!
  10. Diversify... You were not forced at gun point to read any of this, were you? UH board has given us pleny of plaudits on our new stadium and I didn't read that our stadium was garbage over there. A few of you are downright rude, must have been raised in a damn barn or never got outside the Denton city limits one.
  11. http://www.baylorbears.com/sports/m-footbl/spec-rel/110511aab.html Looks like Baylor supporter Drayton McClane is going to open up his pocketbook after reading the above link. By the way, back in the day, McClane barely outbid our own North Texas Ex, ie, the late Robert Randall Onstead in the purchase the the Houstom Astros. Mr. Onstead was really for the first time in his life getting involved with North Texas until on a European vacation he suddenly died of a heart attack. After his death, the Onstead family gave the University of North Texas some serious money for Willis Llibrary esplanade.
  12. There is enough dislike that would for certain translate onto the football field and in the stands and that's for damn sure. To quote conservative talk guy Mark Levin: There! I said it!
  13. Did I read (or just wishful thinking on my part) an article with Neinas quotes that could benefit non AQ's? If so, someone YouTube Handel's Halleluha Chorus! GMG PS: Funny part is how this may affect all those schools who have scurried coast to coast to get on board what may now be the Titantic for them; that is, w/o their having the need to change their conference at all. Hurry up! CUSA! LOL GMG!
  14. This whole thing reeks and will cost some people their futures, careers and marriages, too, especially those who did not report what they were too scared to report. Joe-Pa will have to end an illustrious career in a way that almost makes you want to cry for him, but you have to report this kind of stuff because about 20 kids who were affected will probably now spend the rest of their lives in and out of counseling offices. Some of these 20 kids will even blame themselves for this happening and hopefully don't go to extremes. If America could just get its hormones in check, many would still be married to their first spouse and divorce lawyers would soon go out of business. I could write a book on that. This whole thing reeks...
  15. Being vocal doesn't always mean not being spot on, though. You will find some just can't handle the spot on part because they themselves usually don't have a clue--expect a red number from many of that group. A few Rules For Smack Board Posters: (1) Keep in mind that it is just that...a smack board. Many times very informative with good facts and data, though. (2) Must have tough skin and be able to grin and bare through the personal insults and even laugh off some of them. (3) Must be able to stay friends with those who get pissed at your opinions then get pissed off at you for expressing said opinion. At its extreme, it can be a friend-ender with some (a shallow friendship, I'd venture) (4) Write wordy posts as long as you want because some posters on these boards have sleep apnea and you can be of humanitarian service to them. GMG!
  16. Have you not read BulldogsBarks&Bytes in the last 10 years, ScottC? I rest my case. PS: My great-great grandfather was a Texas Ranger in the 1830's. I guess I may have some of that "shoot first-ask questions later" in my bloodline because of it I suppose. Nothing personal, but North Texas and the SBC have been isolated and demonized for years on your alma mater's smack board.
  17. There are many non AQ schools that have a similar problem toward the end of the season. La Tech is desperate because they are in a league that has no viable future. I look forward to seeing an SMU/UConn end of season Big East classic at Ford Stadium in the near future and the "22,000" that we can already predict will be a that game. Even if North Texas doesn't improve its own conference lot in life this re-alignment go around, we at least are still in a conference that has a couple of bowl tie-ins and a conference TV package. La Tech has pissed off so many in the SBC that the 'Belt may not even be a lifeline for the Dawgs any longer so some of their fans may get their wish and just go back to the Southland Conference (or just drop football) rather than lower themselves to come to the SBC. (Uh......right). One of the best last home and end of season game attendance most of us have seen was about 23,000 (?) for a New Mexico State game when the goal posts came down after our win. And that game took place at our new (old) Track & Field Stadiium, too. The NCAA Land of Texas Story Telling: Still, if SMU with their real attendance numbers can get in the Big East, I still like our chances to get admitted to CUSA 10 to 1 over La Tech's chances and I think many of the Tech posters on their BB&B propaganda board see the hand writing on the wall with that, too. The CUSAbbs board is simply amazing with all the "way off the radar/non TV market" schools they are mentioning for CUSA membership. And the false data and information some are listing for UNT is almost laughable, specifically the part of our athletic budget with some of their "hater" posters who chose not to list the truth with our present $22 million budget (which will be $24 million next fiscal year), but their having the audacity to have North Texas listed at $10 milliion. You know there are just some out there who will tell lies non-stop when telling the truth would be so much easier.
  18. Does most of our's 6'th sense tell us that this HFC and assistants are going to be able to settle down and recuit linemen for a change? For non AQ schools they are the toughest to land as I understand it but nobody told Boise State that 10 plus years ago when they started making some real hay in the NCAA. I understand that in this era that most recruits also stick with who they committ, too, also. GMG!
  19. AQ, you are just too general in your descriptions on some of your posts.
  20. Since we are North Texas greatest & most astute constructive criticizers, I will wager that this the rate will be adjusted and that next Fall when all our fans from Texas high schools on up have better and closer access to Apogee Stadium after that $3,000,000,000 Pedestrian Bridge crossing I-35E is finished; then we will start seeing some Texas HS play-offs at Apogee Stadium. I would love it if the Denton C of C got involved with brochures promoting this as some of you have said happens at other collegiate outpost cities, but I will not hold my breath waiting for that to happen. Former AD Andy Everest (who was an assistant on Fry's staff) once told me "you can't believe all the comp tickets we give all these movers and shakers of Denton." Some promotional things with North Texas Athletics are worth trade-offs, but you can also "trade-off" your program into oblivion if you get caught up in that game, too. (What the hell are we talking about here again) ? Oh, I remember................. IN CLOSING...In light of our leaders trying to get Apogee Stadium "football season ready" as well as hiring, training and getting its full Game Day staff/attendants into some kind of working order for the 2011 football campaign, I think this year we give our leaders a pass on this Texas HS play-off thing, but next year will be a different story as in.... ...we need an adjusted rate so we can get as many Texas HS football teams, their parents, grandparents, relatives, their respective fans, students plus all their marching bands at Apogee Stadium as we can get and I think North Texas powers that be will get this fixed in time for next Fall. Honestly, which regional university stands to recruit the most general students from all these Texas HS's who bring their play-off teams to Denton? Some of which will be the girl friends of some of these Rivals multi-star'ed players? PS: Wonder if they could telemarket from campus calling all Texas HS's in this region about what Apogee has to offer or merely get brochure packets out to Texas HS AD's and HFC's, too? And in these packets an aerial photo of the Mean Green Village with the new Pedestrian Bridge super-imposed in such a photo with its completion date of , Aug. 2012, on the photo, too? GMG!
  21. It is easy to see that UTSA is using the old SMU Mustang Mania massive ticket give away promotion. Many of us guessed that was the program they were using and literally had the last 2 and 3 years to sell and give away en mass for their inaugural season this Fall. Back in the late 70's SMU drew "an announced" 5,000 against Rice and soon after hired AD Russ Potts from U of Maryland and he proceeded to create the Mustang Mania promotion. 2 years later the SMU promotion guy Brad Thomas was said to have organized an an army of SMU'er who were giving away en mass 200,000 free tickets per SMU home game with many seat aisle, rows and number duplicated to the number of about 3 or 4 frfee tickets per seat. NOTE: Russ Potts philosophy was "an empty seat cannot buy a hot dog, a coke, a program, an SMU T-shirt, etc....and he was spot on with that but sitll..... .....next time Rice came to town they drew 65,000 in Texas Stadium. Long story short that UTSA will learn soon enough by merely looking toward Mockingbird Lane over in University Park is just what kind of fan base did all those free tickets build for SMU 1, 2 and 3 decades later? Part of you says "sure get them in the stadium no matter how you have to do it, but other schools who had similar free ticket give-aways have never been known to build their school's fan base. Seems TCU has solved their problems pre-Big 12 invite bt from 1974 to almost the day they hired the late Jim Wacker, TCU was averaging 2 wins per football seasons for almost 10 plus years. North Texas is not the only school in the Metroplex that has seen hard times. The Big 12 for TCU will seem like Happy Days Are Here Again and will now see 10,000 or more visiting fans from many of their Big 12 opponents at the new ACS. (I think TCU if the Big 12 stays in tact will soon have to expand ACS to whatever she can handle in expansion which is ..............anybody know how large TCU can expand ACS after they re-open her next year? When UTSA stops giving away tickets en mass and the Road Runners are in their 4'th or 5'th losing seson in a row, they will experience what SMU is now even as the 'Stangs are winning but hopefully when R'Runners start to win they will draw more than the 12-16,000 which at Ford Stadium of late always seems to turn into 22,000 in the Sunday AM box scores. Uh........just saying' what most of you already know.
  22. La Tech?
  23. Quote 50,345 - East Carolina (vs. Southern Miss) 36,712 - UCF (vs. Tulsa) 20,106 - SMU (vs. Tulane) 14,372 - Rice (vs. UTEP) 13,909 - UAB (vs. Houston) Average: 49,958 - East Carolina 36,914 - UCF 31,499 - Houston 27,783 - Southern Miss 27,392 - UTEP 26,729 - Marshall 22,453 - SMU 22,140 - Tulsa 21,880 - Memphis 20,140 - Tulane 17,796 - Rice 17,198 - UAB Hmmm? No comment.
  24. $75 million by the time UAB would break ground will not build much. A handful have said that Apogee Stadium would cost $100 million (minimum) if we started from scratch next week. Even Chuck Neinas in my signature below below said we were getting a whole lot of stadium for just $78 million and truth be known......we are. GMG!
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