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Everything posted by PlummMeanGreen

  1. Agree but there are others similar. Out of 98 matchups with Oklahoma, Kansas State has won only 21 times. (There have been 4 ties). 🦅
  2. When does SMU plan to have the traditional dirt-turning ceremony? For anyone who knows, but the Super Pit received some funding from the state because they included class space for general students so……I wonder what state funding (if any) because of the class space part of the UNT End Zone facility might we get? 🦅
  3. And that tiny part of Apogee always gets 95% of the TV camera shots while few viewers ever see the more impressive press box side. Upon further thought & taking the “this should be UNT instead of SMU” out of the equation; anyhow, I applaud SMU for thinking ahead. It will complete their stadium. BONUS FOR UNT? I think the SMU announcement will raise the stakes for our favorite school to build no less an end zone facility. I also think we have an AD & fund-raisers to make it happen. Since the Athletic Center is to be part of an Apogee End Zone facility could one say we’ve already jump-started our facility? 🦅
  4. Sorry to see another UNT alum leave us. Meat’ was quite an interesting fellow who had to overcome a truly disfunctional Dallas family. His interview on Dan Rather’s “The Big Interview” was super. RIP, Meatloaf.
  5. Probably a little more praise from the 2 UNT alum sportscasters for Dion Novil? Wonder if they know he’s going to play in the Hula Bowl? I bet they do.😊 Phil Bennett? Great gobs of gooey gravy did the 2 sports ladies see the 2020 defense?😳 Littrell gets no credit for anything but bad stuff (& some he deserves) but I don’t think we get 2 things if he were not here: (1) the Indoor Practice Facility (3’rd largest in Texas which few schools in the G5 have) & (2) Phil Bennett. Both have improved this football program & will continue to do so.
  6. If there were any doubts, this (in quotes) came from a Wren Baker tweet right before UNT was added to the American Athletic Conference. ”Expanded athletic center will be taken closer to Apogee! Expanded athletic center is key to the consideration of any additional teams.“ We’re all mostly dreamers of futuristic venues on this forum or we wouldn’t be following this athletic program, but this is what I hope our new building project in Apogee’s south end zone will look a little like? One thing not shown on the one in the below link would be a large Video screen on top the facility. That would stop the need for smaller video screens at Apogee which would not be readable. https://today.appstate.edu/webcams/end-zone 🦅
  7. Was UNT’s 2002 win over the Cincinnati Bearcats our best bowl win ever? After all, Cinci’ was CUSA co-champions with TCU. 🦅
  8. ADLER, I never heard Buddy Parker’s name connected with the early Texas pioneer Parker’s of Cynthia Ann fame. ***Great trivia question, though.
  9. Just texted ADLER & told him I’m surprised you didn’t already have an answer.😱 It is a real stumper.
  10. Always said there is much creative talent among our crowd. Read once when Eagle Don Henley & family were at their Dallas home he said he’d always make the short drive to Denton because he loved being around the (eclectic) bohemian atmosphere of UNT. Then he’d go visit with Dr. Richard Sale of the English Department, a favorite UNT professor of his (& mine for that matter). 👍👍 Very nice, Pseudo Nym. GMG.
  11. I'm stumped, but I'm also 71 years old. Does that still work? (Didn't think so). :)
  12. I heard previously that Navy wanted to be in the Western Division. Seems the Lone Star State is doing its best to keep the service academies stocked up with Texas & Southwest HS recruits as many times as they all get to come here to tee it up. (Gosh! I hope that was not too un'patriotic). * I did enjoy the Army series we had going until that was ditched when one Black Knight at Apogee Stadium almost tore the head off of one of our Mean Green receivers. I heard that single play became an ender for our series and now UTSA & Texas State have picked up with Army where we left off. GMG!
  13. Who kept saying on this forum this game was a sellout? •••Many seats empty because of Covid quarantine of which I am one. (A local Physical Therapist was already infected during a session & I got the Covid warning call from her supervisor 2 days ago). •••Tried to transfer my ticket via cell phone to another alum who decided he didn’t want to go to the game. •••This day is just not going well And Aune?😩
  14. We could not afford missing a couple of pistons in our engine. We’ll continue to see just how far along our youth movement really is now. Methinks this game just got closer.
  15. Ran into the regional manager of Rally House 2-3 months ago at their SW Fort Worth store off Hulen. Had my UNT cap on & so she guided me over to the very well stocked UNT section. We talked for about 5 minutes. She said they would put a Rally House somewhere off Denton’s University Drive. She also mentioned that she ran into Mean Joe Greene at their Flower Mound store. Said Joe was very nice feller.
  16. Well, we did make this particular UNT conference championship & bowl game count. We beat a school that’s playing for this year’s NCAA National Collegiate Championship. (See video). Your coach seems a real self-serving sorta guy. Some call how he is as being a “grand-stander?” (I just loved the THSCA cap he had on last night. How rich that was).🤮 I also heard Coach T has a new book out entitled: “Humility & How I Attained It.” He subtitled his book: “My life as a Texas HS football coach & how all Texas HS FB Coaches Think I Hung the Friggin’ Moon!” _______________ (Just one more time, babeeee’) CINCINNATI VS NORTH TEXAS
  17. The link below shows the W/L percentages of every UNT Head Football Coach in our history. It’s really worth mulling over & thinking about. In my 5 decades of observing (too closely) this football program I’ve come to my own conclusion for now on SL, but keep in mind that at 1 & 6 many of us thought a search for a new HFC at North Texas would make perfect sense. Like many of you, though, I’ve changed my mind. (Winning changes minds & cures cancer). ••• What Littrell has changed is his Defensive Coordinator, his offensive philosophy which slobber’knocked a #15 ranked football team plus a recruiting game plan that appears will be 50/50; that is half HS recruits & half regular transfers & portal transfers. •••SL’s youth movement (which includes a Freshmen All American) proves to me those highly ranked CUSA 247 annual recruiting lists which UNT finished high or at the very top may have been close to spot on? I think UNT will finish high again in CUSA’s cumulative recruiting lists after this next February signings, too. ••• Didn’t Darrell Dickey’s 4 NO’s Bowl seasons start out similarly as this season’s 1 & 6? ••• OK, SL is no Williams Jennings Bryan of an “ear-tickling” orator, but neither was Tom Landry. I’d rather not have to listen to a media motor mouth who I think most on GMG would tire of quickly. (At UNT it seems we most always want the opposite of what we got).🤢 ••• If UNT could ever put a string of winning seasons together (4 or more) I think most would accept a coach at UNT & Denton that would be both deaf & mute. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_North_Texas_Mean_Green_head_football_coaches#List_of_head_coaches
  18. Why the concern? Are we running out of topics? We once had “about 40,000” for a local bowl game so how has 18,000 ticket sales this Thursday got some singing 🎶 To Dream the Impossible Dream?” 🎶🤔🙃 Matter a fact, we once drew approx. 50,000 against TAMU in what was called a UNT home game at Texas Stadium & I don’t care how many Aggie fans were there. We were there, too. (FWIW, it seems TCU & SMU thru the decades counted traveling Aggies over at Amon Carter & Texas Stadium, respectively, too—so we’re not allowed to do that? Jeez-Louise.😩 Even at 6 & 6 (& some of us said it before) but it will still be “day of game walk up ticket sales” that puts this game over the top at the turnstiles & attendance-wise. ( If not I’ll gladly eat some chicken fried crow with a side of unfrigerated honeydew 🍈 melon). Pardon me while my head explodes!🤢
  19. So now we’re dearly mistaken? What if we did have a 4 year UNT QB? I’m sure you’d get on this forum & say: “Whoops! I was wrong about a 4 year QB at North Texas.” (?) Stipends? I thought that was a good idea during the DKR era at UT & Grant Teaff era at Baylor. SWC schools were apparently already beginning to pay for play even back then (& those 2 probably knew it). Seems they were only trying to cut it off at the pass. I once read a feature on the subject of stipends from the Houston Chronicle’s (I believe) Mickey Herskowitz & that was a long time ago. I’d guess before you were born? Before a bunch of you were born matter of fact. I honestly don’t know what GMG would do without you explaining everything we should (apparently) already know about “all things North Texas.” Thanks for your help.
  20. We are all bonafide experts on what the problems are & have been for decades, but maybe it’s time for a few— S-O-L-U-T-I-O-N-S ? Bashing North Texas & kicking the school in the nutsack seems a common theme with some of the clique that is on this forum. There are those who seem to find joy in repeating those same old themes. •••Surely dementia has not set in with a handful & they can no longer remember that they’ve already posted (again) the same old problems at UNT (again)? One might wonder if an SRO crowd at Toyota Stadium this Thursday would even disappoint a hardy handful on GMG because—Whoops! They’d suddenly have to put UNT bowl attendance on the back-burner? The various points of all our problems at UNT get raised frequently & st times to levels of ad nauseam. A G5 existence & an existence in this new era of NIL will be something we will all have to get used to; that is, until someone at the NCAA headquarters pulls the reins in with this “red ink creating” conundrum; that is except for the few mega-rich schools who probably created NIL in the first place. ________________________ One Solution? Would not a modest monthly stipend for the intercollegiate revenue-producing varsity sports athletes on campus have been the sensible (& more affordable) thing to do all the time? The stipend thing was a discussion years & years ago, but is it too late for that now that the mega-monies genie is out of the bottle? 🦅
  21. Who went to BB games during the Bill Blakely era (besides myself)? Even UNT Psychology doctoral student & later (Dr.) Phil McGraw was a regular at Mean Green basketball games in the mid-1970’s (so he says). Phil & his wife also loved “The Texas Pickup” eatery & it’s Redneck Mutha’ hamburger, too. (I did too).👅 The first 10 yrs after the Super Pit opened I rarely missed a basketball game. Of course, I lived in Denton most that time, too. Has the Super Pit become too far for dorm students to walk over to? I know it’s a different generation than We of the Gerontology Crowd, but those young legs can handle that short walk from Kendall Hall to the Super Pit. The first step of such a short journey begins with the first step?
  22. Amen, amen & amen! Hell at 1 & 6 most of us were ready to grab a torch & march up to Frankenstein’s castle, but most of us have now changed our minds—not all, but most. As an admitted novice the main thing I’d like to see Littrell & staff to do now is bear down on portal recruiting. I think it’s that which gets us ready to compete in the American Conference. ••• Hope to see many, many familiar faces next Thursday at the Frisco Classic. GMG!
  23. In the mid 1980’s my “2 degrees” from TAMU boss & I squeezed thru a loosely chained door to the Baker Hotel because we wanted to see how it looked. We both knew its history from the post-Great Gatsby era. Well, it was in shambles & the Brazos Ball Room where Big Bands like Tommy Dorsey had played was equally in shambles. (No, we saw no ghosts on that day). An old timer in Weatherford told me as a kid he was a Baker Hotel bell hop & I immediately thought of the kid in “The Shining”(no, take it back I meant the kid in the lobby in Christopher Reeves/Jane Seymour’s “Somewhere In Time” which was filmed at Michigan’s Grand Hotel). Anyway the local old timer told me how one day he took Doris Day’s luggage to her Baker room & then said “that was the ugliest woman I ever saw plus she didn’t even tip me.” 😊 Some of the famous names to appear on the Baker Hotel guest list include Judy Garland, Clark Gable, the Three Stooges, Lyndon Johnson and Lady Bird, Roy Rogers, Will Rogers, Marlene Dietrich, Mary Martin, General Pershing, Dorothy Lamour, Sammy Kaye, Jack Dempsey, Helen Keller, and Ronald Reagan. Note: I think they left Jimmy Stewart & Doris Day off the above list. 🦅
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