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Everything posted by PlummMeanGreen

  1. If this is all so painful to you...then why stay and endure the pain? There are a thousand other things that anyone can do than support anything relating to UNT. We have 200K UNT DFW alums that are proof of that. Or.....are you just enjoying all this attention you get as UNT's new Mr. Negative Ned? Look at all the attention GL2G gets on this board as a UNT hater? Is he your role model or something? Dude, go get yourself a new hobby than kicking what you say is your alma mater in the A$$ every other post.
  2. Kinda' observing as I read this thread who I'd want to or not want to be in a foxhole with in the heat of a real battle. If the outcome of merely one game does it for ya' or doesn't do it for ya' with our alma mater, then I think there is something strongly missing with one's support structure (or lack thereof). Hey guys! This is "ONLY" a freakin' football game...not a life or death Armageddon. What got us to this point had to do with much more than what has taken place in Coach McCarney's previous 2 years. I've seen a few of our alums thru the years get their undies in a wad because I didn't agree with their choice or support of 1 or 2 past UNT HFC's who couldn't carry a legitimate NCAA D1 FBS level coach's jock strap. And such past UNT HFC's cumulative W/L record over a more than fair number of years to judge was the barometer most in the NCAA go by as it is. Oh well, who ever said friends among some would ever be more than that which at best might be called.... shallow? Most of us are only Game Day friends as it is...and that is probably all it ever will be. (I'd bet that a similar Game Day comraderie is a common thread among alums at most all NCAA outposts for that matter.....wouldn't you)? Still......if all these alums due to a possible UTSA loss are going to jump off the UNT bandwagon as advertised on this thread, then what the hell we going to do with Apogee? This? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOhoz9FIqJE GMG!
  3. I'm 62 and whiney! And susceptible to heat strokes when temps are 100 degrees and up and I'm in that temperature for 2 or 3 hours. Rather be a living whiner than a dead whiner!
  4. Whoever the QB is and they are not scoring/winning, Jack....THIS!
  5. Of course, the Texas Rangers would go into extra innings delaying my watching of this Texas HS all star game, dammit! Sorry, Ranger fans, but I stopped caring about MLB after their first strike and now....I'd rather watch grass grow than sit in a baseball stadium in Arlington, Texas, in 100 plus degree heat. What dumb-arses who built that stadium w/o a retractable dome. Addendum: Any more highlights from our UNT-to-be football players for those of you who watched the game live?
  6. And that 1994 football campaign and hoopla surrounding it has not been repeated since. Why? Only the Shadow knows?
  7. My money says the North Texas football coaches will go with the QB who will give them the chance for the most wins and their own job security, too......after all......wouldn't you do the same if you were in their shoes? This will not be relegated to that of a popularity contest except on this message board. GMG!
  8. In over 50 years of watching NCAA football, I've never seen a college QB who had such a command or complete vision of the football field as this kid does. This Aggie QB even seems to know where the coach's water boy (Coke boy?) is on any play, too? Never seen anything like it. (BTW, I started seriously watching NCAA college football at age 12---so do the math). Tiger Woods had the greatest most unbelieveable start for a PGA golfer most any of us had ever seen in our lifetimes. Johnny Football has done the same (abeit only 1 year at the moment) last Fall down in College Station. Sounds like he could use some professional on-campus counseling to help him deal with his celebrity. Someone told me Johnny Football was Mexican or Latino, but he looks more Czech to me as far as national origin goes. I've always had an interest in anyone's national origin or geneology because all that kind of thing just interests the hell out of me. Mine is English/Scottish/Irish--a bunch of Heinz 57 variety mutts we are you might say, but most of my clan actually came from just outside London all you by-golly bloody Mean Green'ers!
  9. Of course my favorite "North Texas Size of Player" story concerns another Mean Green NFL #1 draft choice the year after Mean Joe Greene was drafted #1 by the NFL Pittsburgh Steelers. This for all you newbies: U of North Texas frosh' Cedric Hardman was 5' 10" 185pounds when he first enrolled at UNT. By his senior year, Cedric had grown to 6' 5" approx. 240 and would be drafted #1 in the NFL draft by the 49'ers. He was in the Pro Bowl around 8 or 9 years in a row and still has the all time SF 49'ers total sacks record. If he had played for any NFL team in New York he would have been elected to the NFL Hall of Fame his first year to be elgible for that. Not sure why he isn't in it today other than all the politics involved. So...........size doesn't matter when you first enroll at UNT because you going to get bigger before you leave town! Ask former Mean Green and NFL great Cedric Hardman! Welcome To Mean Green Country...Darin Kyle! PS: Gol' darn that's a great looking football stadium in the 'DK' video!
  10. Gosh, I don't think anyone hates any MG football player. They may have hated a performance or 2 or 3 or game results, but hate one of our kids who wear the green? I think many of us have gone on record saying we hope Derek Thompson has a career year his last year at UNT (and I'd bet he wants that to happen 10 X's more than anyone on this message board). Again, I think DT#7 puts it all together this Fall and our team wins 6 or 7 games. If we win 7 we go bowling. Not sure 6 wins with a 12 game season would cut the mustard. GMG!
  11. TCU Coach Patterson Fired Immediately After Loss To Lowly NCAA 1-AA School--NW State! (This was a headline that never made the front page of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram).
  12. Too much drama goin' on this board surrounding this one game. TCU lost to those Northwestern "lets hear it for your Demons" State (of the 1-AA Southland Conference) in Coach Patt's first season as Horned Frog HFC. Seems 3-4 conferences later they are now in the Big 12 and Coach Patt is still....the TCU coach. Come on everybody, sure it would be a huge kick in the family jewels to lose to UTSA, but last season they did beat TSU-SM who murdered University of Houston and by Monday AM we would to the person all be saying...."we're in--let's re-group!" GMG!
  13. For those who have FOXSW on the "The Dish" a re-broadcast of this game will begin at 11:00 PM this evening. That would be channel 416 on my version of "The Dish." GMG!
  14. Yes...if we lose this game extreme emotions will hit Mean Green fan(s) in every direction. They'll have to chain off the Wing Sections highest point to keep some of our elect from jumping off and landing darn near Interstate 35-E so if the fall doesn't get them an 18 wheel Peterbilt most assuredly would ............. but still.... .......can we all try to put ourselves in the shoes of a Kansas State fan back in 1989 when the Wildcats would be playing a North Texas football team still 5 years away from regaining its NCAA D1-A status? Can we put ourselves in the shoes of a KSU Wildcat fan even 50 years prior to our game with them on September 28, 1989? North Texas never had a 50 year period of non-stop losing as KSU did. This particular UNT/KSU game would be played in late September with a Wildcats football team which had only won 2 games the 3 previous seasons. Looking at their schedule the day the Mean Green came to Manhatten it was easy to see that if they didn't beat the Mean Green this day they could very well have their 3'rd "0" win season in 4 years so the stakes were very high on that Game Day in Kansas. So one has to wonder how Kansas State fans felt that day, too. Some on this board took a train to that game and you know how all Mean Green fans felt especially in the games last minute TD drive which won Bill Snyder his first football game as KSU's head football coach. Had UNT won that game one has to wonder where fate and history would have taken Corky Nelson's football program, too. As it is, he was terminated at UNT after the next season, but left Denton as close to a .500 W/L record (48-52-1). than any Mean Green HFC since Fry. So if our favorite college football team did lose to UTSA would it be the end of our college football world? Well, I think we all should look toward Manhatten, Kansas, to get our answer to that question. Just an opinion... _______________________________________ Yes, this one is still painful to watch...but it is what it is and the historical aspects of the last minute of this game would be important to one of the nice guys in the NCAA, ie, former Mean Green assistant coach, former Iowa assistant coach (along with Dan McCarney) and (still) Kansas State Wildcat HFC.......Bill Snyder.
  15. Often thought the MAC got a much better rankings push from the media in their footprint than even C-USA has in past years. The Sun Belt Conference is not even on the radar screen of the Top 25 voting media and was one big reason I thought our school should get out of it as soon as we could and that mainly.......... to get in a conference that when we had a good team that team would have a good chance of getting Top 25 rankings. 4 bowl teams last decade to my knowledge (and I stand to be corrected) but as I recall our school didn't even receive Top 25 votes (although we should have). I think Top 25 votes (not rankings) are all Arkansas State and ULaLa's fine football programs are only getting even now. GMG!
  16. Agree.....the new hotel/convention center will be a great asset to our campus, but TCU has neither on theirs. Oh, CW, I think this is mostly a pipe dream, but the University of North Texas and Denton could just as easily host this event as any Texas private university can no matter the city of their location. Before Alliance and Denton County's Texas Motor Speedway became realities with all their added hotel space just 15 minutes from Apogee Stadium probably not but now....it seems quite do-able. I'm also duly impressed with Greater Denton/Lewisvilles larger numbers of quality hotel/motels, too. Bottom line is that UNT, AD Rick Villarreal, the UNT Athletic Department, Coach McCarney and staff would love to show off all our top shelf facilities to such a large contingency as the Texas HS football coaches. Seems a recent Southeast Conference athletic official visitor to Apogee and the Mean Green Village was more than impressed. Just seems like a no-brainer of an idea that I'd bet has already been entertained by some in Denton as it is. GMG!
  17. You da' man, untjim1995. Finally.................we agree! LOL! And....some of these UTSA people seem to have some chicken bones lodged inside a tad crooked up their..........Have An A$$ Day! Looking at what Coach Mac has so quickly (yes.....look how few he had on 'ships when he arrived); nevertheless, look what he's put together in his upcoming Year 3 hustling like a riverboat gambler to get more C-USA/NCAA FBS caliber players on this team. Phil Steele seems to agree, too, putting 7 Mean Greeners on his various C-USA all conference team projections for this Fall. I think we beat this upstart school and could beat them badly. I think it's close for a quarter, maybe 2, but it will get out of hand in quarters 3 and 4. Year 3 For Coach Mac? Coach Bill Snyder didn't go over .500 in career wins at Kansas State until his Year 6. (Thanks to one of our crack research and development guys for that key information on Coach Snyder). GMG!
  18. Just One Opinion Here... There are few sacred cows with this 6'th generation Texan least of all that that comes from some of our public school systems, the all knowing--almighty University Interscholastic League or whatever other cob-webbed covered institution in the Lone Star State that too many times adhere to their forever "Good Ol' Boy Networks (G.O.B.N) for hiring very key and important personnel instead of hiring those probably many times 100% more qualified than those we've all seen which come from..................... the G.O.B.N. Even our dear ol' alma mater, ie, North Texas has hired past football coaches under the G.O.B. N. system with absolutely no input from those who attended our school but (unfortunately for us) with few of those we can all observe in UNT football media guides who ever left UNT over .500 in wins/losses--in fact, some not even close. You know em' well. Some of you even became bud's with a few in past decades and because of it lost your complete objectivity as to what would even be best for our very own school. Hayden Fry was not one of those in the U of North Texas G.O.B.N because Teachers College of the North never had such a network to ever hire from that pedigree or level IMHO. It was namely Roy Busby and ex NTSU Prez' Jitter Nolen who broke the mold; that is they broke the cycle by going off campus to talk to and eventually hire SMU's ex HFC--you know, the one without his name on even an Apogee bathroom entrance sign? Yet he was the last one to leave UNT over .500 for all you newbies who have not been part of this most interesting college athletics journey the last half century or more in MG Country. Still....Anyone Else Notice This & Just Going To Let This One Slide By, Too? If So..........Shame On Us All! Fort Worth (might as well be TCU) is hosting this weeks Texas HS coach's Convention. It's not enough that TCU gets to host the football and basketball games, but hellbells, the TCU HFC Patterson also gets a starring role this week as a keynote speaker. I mean do we now have new meaning here with the hyphenated word... over-kill (and in a most biased sort of way to boot)? Anyone else also notice that even the SMU HFC is on the program platform as a speaker this week, too? Oh yeah, the lamb lays down with the lion on this one since TCU has only recently had a new dis-like for SMU and will probably soon enough drop them off their future football schedule. Yet..............did anyone else notice all the other Texas NCAA Divsion 1 FBS level school HFC's who were not part of this week's festivities? Mr. Tradition will say till we're all blue in the face from hearing it or we get completely covered up on all our respective persons with Mr. Tradition's multi-decades long collection of cobwebs: Anyhow, Ol' Man M.T. would say: "Well, you have to have these conventions in our state's largest cities to host so many." An Answer to Mr. Tradition (M.T.): OK, maybe so, M.T., but this is not even your grand-pappy's Texas anymore and last time I checked Denton, Texas, America, had (not 1--but 2) Texas interstates aimed straightway from the cities of Dallas and Fort Worth which Texas HS football coaches from all over the state could easily drive to. They would all find it quite convenient to get to UNT fabulous 10,000 seat Super Pit with a brand spanking new Pedestrian Bridge from the Super Pit over to Apogee Stadium which can handle thousands upon thousands of pedestrians for any kind of special events. It's all right there that even 100,000 commutes who pass by all 3 of them daily can also very easily see. For those flying into DFW Airport or merely looking for a place to stay around Greater Denton, there are as many hotel/motels as close to Denton, Denton County, Apogee and the Super Pit as there are in south Fort Worth and that school located on Berry Street and University which gets to host this convention quite often. So does UNT and Denton have to make a bid for such a convention at the one presently being held at TCU? If so, then why.................keep going along to get along............... with all these traditions of the cob-webbed past of this particular very important convention that really does introduce many Texas High School football coaches to said NCAA instituion and just bid for the damn thing? Worst possible thing they could say to our officials is........................................no.
  19. And welcome to you, too, Chief Rising Eagle ! Which tribe are you affiliated only if you wish to divulge? GMG!
  20. Idaho is (4-5) against North Texas Average score: Idaho 22.4 - North Texas 24.8 Per decade W L T PFPG PAPG 2000's 1 4 0 17.2 29.8 1990's 3 1 0 29.0 18.5 All games 2004/11/13 Idaho 29 - North Texas 51 L 2003/10/11 Idaho 14 - North Texas 24 L 2002/11/09 Idaho 0 - North Texas 10 L 2001/11/17 Idaho 27 - North Texas 50 L 2000/11/04 Idaho 16 - North Texas 14 W 1999/10/09 Idaho 28 - North Texas 10 W 1998/10/31 Idaho 41 - North Texas 23 W 1997/10/04 Idaho 30 - North Texas 17 W http://mcubed.net/ncaaf/series/id/nt.shtml ________________________________________________ Not that a stadium can score touchdowns or prevent them from being scored but I don't think the good folks from Idaho know just how well we play at Apogee Stadium. My Prediction: The entire Vandals team will be stare'n at all 3 of Apogee's wind turbines throughout the game therefore going into a complete catatonic trance thus leaving our team to score at will. It could get ugly very quickly because of that, too. Yeppers, that is what's going to happen alright.
  21. I think the Power 5 people have every angle of all this covered with their lawyers, quite frankly.
  22. Now that we have multi-millions of dollars paid per year to many Power 5 HFC's how soon will it be before they start running the entire show in the NCAA? Why they see so many problems with the present NCAA FBS set-up is beyond me. Might they only check the annual TV revenues for all the G5 conferences along with the anemic G5 bowl guarantees as to rest their minds at ease and then realize that they are still getting the majority of the family farm? For crissake, do they just want it all? Some of them have built their100,000 seat capacity stadiums so whats next....250,000 seaters? Does greed ever have a stopping point with this bunch? This Power 5 group of coaches don't seem to have mathamatics as their strong suit since if (as some of you have posted) they start playing (only) each other that there will be more 6 & 5 or 5 & 6 W/L records but I suppose that they have worked all that out in their greedy little minds, too? Wonder what the alums of all these Power 5 schools will say about 6 & 5 or 5 & 6, though? And how long till the truly Big Boys start putting the squeeze on the Baylors, Iowa States and TCU's to exit their elite little world? On that subject...never say never. The Power 5 crowd will soon be taking the complete amateurism out of the sport and many of us who can no longer stomach the over-paid NFL professionals any longer will have to go elsewhere to get our amateur college athletic sports fix and I suppose for all of us we will get ours in Denton. Power Five'ers......a suggestion to you: Don't burn your barns down to kill what you perceive to be a much too expensive mouse inside your respective barns; namely the G5 conferences and its schools who take so very little corn from your silos as it is. GMG!
  23. This Fall North Texas will have 36,000+ football season ticket holders and most of you know where I'm coming from with that. It remains the job for those on campus top to botttom (and even professors touting Game Days in the classroom) to inspire as many of those 36,000 plus season ticket holders to use each of their respective tickets on each Game Day at Apogee Stadium. If the Wing Zone Family Plan ticket sales really ever took off (as I think they will in time) North Texas would start averaging 26-28,000 per home game. I think UNT student attendance will continue to grow (and impress us all). GMG! PS: This is the kind of synergy UNT freshmen will bring to our Game Day party in just a few weeks. I believe I read where this Fall's freshmen class will be larger than last Falls, too. The best part of this video starts at 1:18 on the timeline. Warning: A few explicit lyrics
  24. Allow me 1 senior moment per thread, right?
  25. Amended Twice Since Posting The Original: Had your hearing checked lately, techdawg88? And......uh......you can always start with Hog Dawg as one of our non-fans. My, uh, discomfort with your school first came in 1977 when we went over to Ruston that Fall, schooled yall in that football game to the tune of 41 to 14 and then La Tech gets an Independance Bowl invite a mere few weeks later? NOTE: In fact, I believe North Texas had even been ranked as high as #16 in a poll that same season. I guess the Indy' bowl folks forgot that part, too. because I assure you La Tech had not been ranked in any NCAA D1 poll that or any other season during that era. Just 1 year before we had travelled approx. 20,000 fans down to UT-Austin to play the Longhorns off their hooves so surely the Indy' Bowl people knew that North Texas would travel well. And our being hours away from Shreveport more of our fans would have stayed in their hotels with some doing a a little gambling in their casinos with La Tech fans merely going back to their homes which I'd bet most of which were within a 1 hour radius of Shreveport. techdawg88, all that a long time ago but I assure you there are still some on this forum today who still have a very bad taste in their mouths over that total act of inter-collegiate injustice. I mean come on now, you don't invite a team that has a good reputation of travelling well and had beaten the other team that got the bowl invite, uh, 41 to 14? Our 1977 Mean Green football season with results: http://mcubed.net/ncaaf/1977/nt.shtml GMG!
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