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About kalebschumann

  • Birthday 07/14/1989

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  1. Just got them from the HoD website... Didn't know about the revenue thing... Where is section 5 relative to everything else?? Hope I'm near other green people...
  2. How is the OOC schedule note firmly in place? Why is this such an issue? New stadium, team on the rise, in the metroplex.... There should be literally no problem getting a team. This should have been planned and settle years ago. I'm honestly a little shocked that there isn't a game for this spot. Am I wildly out of line here?
  3. I was also there! Definitely a good place to watch the away games.
  4. No... As much as I think Dr. Williams would love having hoards of UNT fanboys critique a band that has already been recognized as the best band in college football... I'm using my Veto on this one.
  5. Man... Look at that handsome guy in the hardhat and bow tie!
  6. Though I was quite happy with the return, the entire time that the play was being lined up, I kept asking my buddy why they still had Brelan in there!!?? No need to get our best people out there on a punt return that had no impact on the game at all, since all the damage had been done.
  7. Keep Hey Baby!!! He "auctions" off who conducts it every game, and I have a nice winning streak going. Also, no band trips this year. But I totally agree- the green hats are 1000x's better than the tan hats I rocked when I was in the GB.
  8. Hey man! Some of us like getting to come down and conduct Hey Baby!! But really, It's not very "hyped", but it's one of the things that the Green Brigade and surrounding students/alumni know is going to come every game. Beginning of the 4th quarter means "Hey Baby"... And it has for the last decade at least.
  9. I like this one! It's old school. There's a super sweet banner with this logo at Rooster's that I want to steal.
  10. This is pretty much the only team that I wanted to see in the CUSA with us. I love to hate them so much! This hate stems all the way back to the 2007 Thanksgiving Weekend football game. Staying in the same hotel as their basketball team in Mobile in 2008 was also good fun. And the recent on the court battles we've had in the conference tourny certainly helped too. What is a hilltopper?
  11. Well played sir... -- Additionally, how would police/SWAT officers know who is the gunman and who is a vigilante citizen? Just more thoughts and questions that I don't have the answers to.
  12. Who would -1 this? It's completely right. Convenient store inventory is completely different than the students I teach every day. I am completely opposed to teachers carrying guns. Does anybody want the 60 year old English teacher carrying? I sure as heck don't.
  13. Indoor track is a thing? Raise your hand if you knew this existed?
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