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Everything posted by Jonnyeagle

  1. You are right. I sense that you will start to see the best G5 head coaches leave to become assistants at the richer programs. The money and greed of the coaches and schools are to blame for this. I do not blame the networks. It is ridiculous for coaches to be paid millions of dollars and same for AD’s when the players can’t pay their bills. I fear our programs as we know and knew them to be are basically over. We are North Texas State Junior College now.
  2. I think that players who are leaving now are looking to cash out knowing that they probably won't be starters. That is the rub. The big P5 powers have the budget to throw around 100K like it is nothing and our guys can take that money and in their minds justifiably sit the bench. Tylor Perry was different, as he had the ability to start right away. My point is that we need to go after guys that want to play ball and not sit the bench for money.
  3. Good point. Again, the secrecy of this regime is part of the problem. Morris really limits access and info unlike any other coach I have ever seen. He supposedly got this from Leach but I didn't notice it as much with Littrell.
  4. UNT in the past would never likely have done his. This tells me they realize the stakes have risen and they must adapt to the situation they face. I applaud them for it and hope the young man finds a rightful home.
  5. Are you kidding? Indiana State lost their entire starting lineup and 3 others (8 total) to the portal. There are plenty of other examples. Saint Louis just lost Bradley Ezewiro and Djordje Curcic. They already lost Gibson Jimerson, Sincere Parker, Cian Medley, Stef van Bussel and Abou Magassa to the portal. Arkansas lost basically their entire team. There are too many to post.
  6. I hear you but, and no offense to the team but I mean we can and have been better. We barely made the NIT this year for goodness sakes. Everyone is acting so sad about losing the guys to the portal but honestly that same team back again probably doesn't get to the NCAA either. That's just the honest truth if you ask me. What do we have to lose?
  7. I think Earle will get the start because he knows the plays best but ultimately Morris will take over the saddle and lead the team.
  8. Neither does anyone else but we need to put on our big boy britches and accept that it is the reality we face.
  9. I feel like we must land at least one decent big. Every program worth anything has that. Heck Seton Hall had several.
  10. Not really very interested at this point.
  11. I am pleased with how the season is going overall.
  12. We are on the ropes here.
  13. Adam Scott having a good game
  14. How can you say that when we lost our best offensive lineman?
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