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Jonnyeagle last won the day on October 17 2023

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  1. Yeah Deck sortof messed that up but she is a great player and I hope she comes back.
  2. Typical UNT ladies got screwed on a bad call
  3. Deck is a beast with the early 3!
  4. they have two guards with 4 fouls
  5. Absolutely. And the Alamodome isn't the dump that @emmitt01 and others claim it to be.
  6. STATEMENT FROM VICE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS JARED MOSLEY I want to sincerely thank Coach Hodge for his incredible impact on our men's basketball program over the past eight years. What he accomplished as head coach during our transition into the American Athletic Conference was nothing short of remarkable, elevating the program with back-to-back NIT appearances. Beyond the competitive success, his leadership in the locker room and his influence on the lives of our student-athletes and staff have been truly inspiring. We are grateful to Ross, Shelly, Emery, and Reed for their dedication to UNT Basketball and wish them all the best in this next opportunity at West Virginia. Our national search for the next head coach is already underway as we continue building on our momentum. We will not have further comment until the search is complete. GMG!
  7. You cannot tell me that this fiasco with the luncheon did not impact Ross deserting us for WVA! Head should absolutely roll on this. This ABSOLUTELY impacted our ability to renew Ross. Only at UNT. Only at UNT would this travesty happen.
  8. Another option is Tim Janckovic. He is semi retired but might be willing to come back for the right amount of money. He is also familiar with UNT and the challenges here.
  9. Can we come up with a top 5 list of replacements? Jace Herl, Johnny Estelle and Andre Shaw would all be on my list of possibilities. I would also throw a bone to Scotty Cross the old UTA coach that got shafted. Any other ideas of who we could get that would be a good replacement for Ross?
  10. We are at a minimum a state-wide embarrassment but also quite possibly a national embarrassment over this fiasco.
  11. Valid points. Well stated @MeanGreenTexan
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