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Jonnyeagle last won the day on October 17 2023

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  1. That is incorrect man! Please stop posting disingenuous information!
  2. https://calendar.unt.edu/event/staff-appreciation-luncheon
  3. A great victory! I never lost hope. This is a BASKETBALL SCHOOL PEEPS!!
  4. Atin needs to step up and be a man here!
  5. State has too much talent unfortunately.
  6. Great crowd!
  7. Very saddening that we cannot watch a tourney game!
  8. Ross is not ever going to play any high school players as the level we recruit to is not game ready for a league as tough as the AAC. I personally see no reason to recruit high school players with this NIL and portal crap and that goes for football as well.
  9. Wasn’t his granny sick or somesuch?
  10. I was really feeling down after the tourney losses but now seem to be reinvigorated with both of our teams participation in the NIT
  11. So extremely proud of this program. I knew they would never let us down. Can’t wait for next game!
  12. Deeply saddened by this showing.
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