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Everything posted by jdennis82

  1. i would think some sort of "rock the vote" campaign would be appropriate given the election year and a student fee vote on the horizon but we may prefer low voter turn out in this case.
  2. it's probably been posted, but i ran across this yahoo article
  3. actually, i guess the issue isn't the downloaded roster, but the game's roster in general. the combination of NCAA waiting on me at home and cowboys training camp makes the work day seem incredibly long. especially since i'm waiting to open the home slate with tulsa and test out my custom stadium sounds. i've got the coffee nods song on there. man, those lyrics are genius!
  4. if you downloaded the same one i did (EAROSTERS), i assume you have some racial discrepancies.
  5. there is a double standard but it's based on many things. mostly because it's fr e aki ng dodge's second year! there's room for patience now and in the near future.
  6. is there a reason Sam Roberson was left off the game? He's one of the newcomers i'm looking most forward to seeing impact our offense. i didn't miss anything about him leaving the team, did i?
  7. man, i can't not go to this thing. i would hate to think about kicking off the season in any other way.
  8. wow. great article. a great representative of NT
  9. i know my sister will be frosh and mentioned "dodge's dogpound" or something being announced.
  10. wow, things got out of control pretty quickly. i too hope their's stadium talk and media pressure put on the higher ups to "get ur done"
  11. if TD has faith, then i'm a believer as well
  12. what's hidden about it? it's on the front page.
  13. i've reached a point where i have to just wait and trust that good news is around the corner.
  14. at least you weren't one of the first on the field when the students stormed the goalposts with time still on the clock a few years ago. i've never been more disappointed in NT football game goers.
  15. isn't there a way to download songs onto the xbox 360 so i can have our fight song in the game? any help would be appreciated. also, i've tried to find the fight song on itunes with no luck. anyone know where i could get it?
  16. sorry, here's the link. logo ranking
  17. i know logo talk gets a lot of attention in the off season and can get old, but that blog that eppy4life mentioned about grubes has a ranking of BCS logos. WSU the #1 spot?
  18. i assume that this announcement means you'll be naming the kiddo after a NT sports legend?
  19. He hasn't signed a LOI, ............if he did sign a LOI it was after signing deadline which means any other school can come in and grab him. This information has been checked out with appropriate individuals in the Athletic Department. Info on prospective recruits needs to be posted on the recruiting forum...he can be taken by any college who looses one of their commits until he actuallyl enrolls at NT. Once a player officially commits to NT in a LOI within the signing period and THAT FACT becomes known publically through commercial recruiitng web sites or in a newspaper article it info can be posted on the regular football board....the high school paper quoted as he has sign is not correct unless it refers to a LOI signed after recruiting period.
  20. i watched the one on chanell 8 last night and came away impressed by coach jones. much more so than the goofy coach drew of baylor on some interview he had last night
  21. i'm not a spurs fan, but i REALLY don't like bruce bowen.
  22. i REALLY like the logo and i'm your standard, non-overly critical fan.
  23. good point. i'll take the horns due to the weather advantage
  24. i like the design, but it would be cool to add "whose house" somewhere in the image. i remember one of the flag runners would always get the crowd chanting that with him.
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