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Everything posted by Sound_Man

  1. the black border is not cut straight all the way around them and they are not all cleanly cut so 2 bucks each on these. Rick, I should get yours tomorow and see how those came out paypal to eric@esl-usa.com
  2. Well finally got them from the printer this morning. Unfortunatly they didn't come out as good as I had hoped due to the small size and the chrome material. Those that had ordered I sent an email to already those who have not I got the guy down to 2 bucks a piece on them. so if you want one let me know, I'll try and get a picture later on today. They look good from about 2-3 feet but up close the edges aren't that sharp and hte border didn't come out as hoped eric
  3. I never made it to hte hopitality room last year, what comes with it?
  4. Everything was dropped at the printer this morning, should have the order back by Thursday and will ship out paid orders on Friday I will also have a few extra of the long style ones that are 4"s wide. please specify if you want that one
  5. here we go stickers are 5 a piece and 2 bucks shipping per order. not really in the mood to drive all over town to try and meet up and spend more than 2 bucks in gas. paypal, no credit cards to eric@esl-usa.com include name and addy or check / cash to eric becker 7548 Preston Rd Suite #141-53 Frisco, TX 75034 If for some reason you want soemthing else made entirely ie windshield sticker or maybe some company logo or yard sign or anythign vinyl let me know. I can also do one of the other designs and different colors if wanted Ialso have a whole slew of full color talons stickers for sale to if anyone wants any. would be willing to make a deal on those to get the rechid things gone
  6. if you tell me the design you want and size and color i can print you up somehting cheap
  7. well the one i did with the eagle on the right and smaller was on the site. I will redo the coloring on the option a though
  8. It's all just mind games that have been planted
  9. here it is 3.5" wide by roughly 2" tall
  10. Sounds good, I will redesign it with option A
  11. Sorry for the delay it's been hectic around here. Here is what I have, the Silver will be a mirrored chrome and anywhere that is white will be a cutout and show your vehicle color through. Once I have a consensus we can get the ordering started. If anyone would liek one of these (or something else) in a solid color let me knwo and i can work it up right now the size is 9.5" wide by 5.5" tall
  12. fyi... In texas there is no such thing as a small buisness liscence
  13. Let me get the design finalized and i will get it posted up here and then i can start on orders
  14. On that note Greenbackers need to figure out how we want to work everything this next year
  15. well i can do any of those Single Color Standard vinyl - $3 Two color Standard Vinyl - $5 Chrome Vinyl - $5 Plus shipping
  16. What graphic were people wanting?, and how big? probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 5 bucks each in a mirrored chrome or like 3 in a standard vinyl
  17. I could do them out of chrome mirrored vinyl fairly cheap
  18. Your price is probably pretty close to what i figured when you do the math that this is about 3 times the size of a standard volleyball court
  19. I don't hink labor wil lbe a problem, cash wil lprobably take a bit to get drummed up, but the main thing is if this is really wanted/needed andif it has been approved. still waiting to hear from davidson
  20. Alright my source puts mason sand and the drainage stone at 17.50/ton delivered so about 150 tons of gravel a little under a foot deep and 200 tons of sand, a little over a foot deep rock = 2625 sand = 3500 total = 6125 then need to add wood 300 linear feet of treated 2 x 12's - maybe brad and frisco lumber can help us here, and drainage pipe and fabric best bet is to wait and see if davidson can get us some confirmation from the athletic department that this is all good and we have the space avaialble and that this is a feasible projectg
  21. I have no rpoblem being a collection point of cash for this project if it does in fact go through, but i would say lets hold off on getting money together till we can get an exact price nailed down. but I guess folks could start posting up pledges to get some idea where we stand. Davidson, Any idea on depth of sand needed? or gravel? I would assume gravel is just for drainage so maybe we could cut the gravel down to liek 6 inches and maybe a little over a foot of sand. not sure?
  22. I'll try to get exact quotes tomorow. also need to figure in another 500 to move a dozer from aubrey to campus and back
  23. Did some quick math on this. at a foot deep it is about 133 yards of sand. When i did my shop i paid like 10 a yard for the sand, but that isn't the right sand. Then if you do gravel also at a foot deep lets estiamte it at like 25 a yard. Here is the projected amount of money we would need to donate to the Athletic Department for this project: $1333 for sand $3325 for gravel $150 for drainage supplies $500 for railroad ties so around 5308 on the low side. I am no expert so maybe it can only be a foot deep, and maybe you don't need gravel jsut making guesses here
  24. check will be in the mail monday
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