With the season fast approaching wanted to let everyone know what the GreenBackers had in store for the upcoming season. We will be stationed in the Orange parking lot along the side by the practice fields with tents smoker and banner. We plan on offering a variety of items this year including but not limited to brisket, chicken, ribs, and sausage. Please let us know if you have any addiotional food item suggestions. Some changes this year will include the fact that the meals will also have sides such as beans, potato salad, cole slaw, etc.. with them, but NO DRINKS. With everything involved drinks are the hardest part of the whole operation, so everyone should bring drinks and water for themselves if you are going to participate with the GreenBackers. To cover expenses we are asking for a 5 dollar donation per head, to cover expenses. All we can ask is that everyone helps out, if we end up with too many freeloaders it will all quickly come to an end. At season's end, any excess money will be used for the player parties. In addition to money this is a group effort to pull these tailgaiting events off. Therefore, just because you contribute money to cover your food, help is still needed each week with everything from the cooking of food, to set-up, to serving, to clean-up. If it ends up being a burden on just a few people then the parties will stop. The parties are open to everyone who wants to join in on the fun, so if you know of others to include, please feel free to pass this on to them to let them know. If you plan on joining us this season please just let me know so that we can get an idea of how many to plan for, for each event. For starters we will probably plan on enough food for 150-200 people per game. Any question, ideas, or suggestions, feel free to reply here, pm me or shoot me an email eric@esl-usa.com GMG Eric