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Everything posted by Sound_Man

  1. Greenbackers will be firing up the party friday night also
  2. not sure how many bars will be open at 10am
  3. does an ex eppy count?
  4. I'l lbe in the shop listening on the radio while trying to get the smoker done for the following weekend
  5. That's the hope, to make if FUN again, instead of a chore. I have no problem cooking for 200 or so people
  6. With the season fast approaching wanted to let everyone know what the GreenBackers had in store for the upcoming season. We will be stationed in the Orange parking lot along the side by the practice fields with tents smoker and banner. We plan on offering a variety of items this year including but not limited to brisket, chicken, ribs, and sausage. Please let us know if you have any addiotional food item suggestions. Some changes this year will include the fact that the meals will also have sides such as beans, potato salad, cole slaw, etc.. with them, but NO DRINKS. With everything involved drinks are the hardest part of the whole operation, so everyone should bring drinks and water for themselves if you are going to participate with the GreenBackers. To cover expenses we are asking for a 5 dollar donation per head, to cover expenses. All we can ask is that everyone helps out, if we end up with too many freeloaders it will all quickly come to an end. At season's end, any excess money will be used for the player parties. In addition to money this is a group effort to pull these tailgaiting events off. Therefore, just because you contribute money to cover your food, help is still needed each week with everything from the cooking of food, to set-up, to serving, to clean-up. If it ends up being a burden on just a few people then the parties will stop. The parties are open to everyone who wants to join in on the fun, so if you know of others to include, please feel free to pass this on to them to let them know. If you plan on joining us this season please just let me know so that we can get an idea of how many to plan for, for each event. For starters we will probably plan on enough food for 150-200 people per game. Any question, ideas, or suggestions, feel free to reply here, pm me or shoot me an email eric@esl-usa.com GMG Eric
  7. greenbackers w/ big smoker and two tenst wil lbe in orange
  8. I think it belongs to one of the realtors, or lawyers, or mortgage guys, or banks in town
  9. So those of you who vote to feed the masses, you should be chiming in on how you are going to help make it happen also
  10. What is everyones thoughts on Tailgating for this coming year. It seams as if it is getting frustrating for many and very time consuming with littel to no reward to feed the masses. So the thought is to go to feeding board members and parents and charging a fee to hang out with us, and then the food is free, or something to that effect, without charging per plate of food. It just seams as if every year it is the same people donating cash the same very few doing all the work and then lots of people eating and hten complaining about it. It seams if everyone lieks the food and the atmosphere then everyone needs to step up to hte plate instead of a few people feeding everyone let me know your toughts and ideas so we can get the ball rolling for the season
  11. I bought mine but nnever got my tickets in the mail. guess I should check on that
  12. Alright I believe I am all caught up on decals if anyone has paid nad didn't get hteres / or hte shipment was wrong let me know. otherwise I still have some of the large and small chrome ones left and if anyone wants anything custom done, let me know eric
  13. I was leaning towards the interlocked NT nice and simple and hsould come out well
  14. well you get 2 free tickets per a ccount...we ordered 6 season tickets, but only get 2 of these tickets. And for hte cook-out instead of outsourcing why don't they use the greenbackers for the food?
  15. I could also get them made for not to much all it is is a laser cut piece of steel with a handle welded on what kind of interest? atleast 15 or so orders?
  16. If someone finds a decent size one that is in the 1000 dollar and up range let me know. Or we could jsut start cooking in hte parking lot for jsut hte gmg guys :-)
  17. Before I go to my other sources I was looking to see if anyone in the Mean Green World does any fabrication work with stainless steel? I need to get 3 cutting boards made for the smokers and one prep table also if anyone here works for northern tool, or other place and can get us hte hook-up on a 12 volt water pump
  18. got a bunch of both left. smaller stacked ones are 2 each and the larger long style ones are 5 each rick, sent yours out also. eppy - i am out of chrome and it isn't even breakevenable to buy a whole roll just to make one eagle head, i can do it in another color if you wish though, or when i get a larger job for chrome i will let you know
  19. shipped out a batch today and shoud be up to date. If for some reason i have forgetton someone or gotten something wrong let me know, it's been hectic around here, and i will get it corrected asap
  20. http://kdka.com/video/?id=17022@kdka.dayport.com
  21. I thought i had processed them all, if you give me your paypal e-mail i will send it back to you. also got the other style in will get a photo of it up tonight
  22. shipping is 2 bucks per order the red thing is a doggie kong hting
  23. well as chrom it won't happen, to many issues. But if you give me dimensions you want and wether you want it one color or two i wil lwork it up and a price for you
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