At the risk of sounding insensitive, people need to be smart about what they are doing and know their limitations. I spent some time with my son in First Aid at Apogee due to a Kid Zone injury and listened to the EMT give the limitations lecture to many folks.
There were some alternatives for folks in the physical condition referenced above. From the Apogee FAQ:
I heard the pedicab folks were going to be there. Did they not show up? I can't speak to the reaction of the police and CSC staff because I didn't witness what the writer above wrote about, though it sounds like they weren't there to witness it either.
I wouldn't tie age into it like was done above either. My dad is in his 70's and could have easily made that walk, but he is also very active (hunting, golfing, etc.). You gotta be smart and drink plenty of water of course.
Just my thoughts. Let's be careful out there and GO MEAN GREEN!