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Mean Green Scrappy

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About Mean Green Scrappy

  • Birthday 08/02/1983

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    Coppell, TX

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  1. I don't even think RV really hired/picked Seth, President Smatresk did in my opinion. RV was on his way out at that time and Smatresk was very involved in the hiring of Seth.
  2. It was a great win and I've really enjoyed watching this team at The Super Pit so far this season. Right now I believe the women's team is the brightest star out of the big 3 and yes deserve our show of support.
  3. Just wait, we'll look competitive in this game then come back to face UTA and get our asses handed to us. I feel like over the past couple of years that is exactly how this team likes to crush me.
  4. I am actually about to head off to meet with John Nitardy. We are going to discuss my disappointments with the ticket office and Mean Green Club and some of the current situations surrounding those offices. I am very disappointed in how things are being run and how people are being treated. I know the ticket office is short handed and going through change but that really isn't an excuse to how things are being run in my opinion. Anyways, thought it was interested you post this just as I am about to head out. My meeting wont be about sports and the status of the teams. Strictly how things are being handled on a business end. Hoping for positive change.
  5. Not butt hurt, just sharing and arguing my opinions. From the past 24 hours it seems like you get the most upset at other people's opinions. What were you promised? NCAA tournaments and bowl games every season? There's a Mean Green team seeded #1 in a conference tourney this week. Why don't you be positive and cheer them on and applaud those who made that team's success possible. I simply choose to support the student athletes who represent my university by showing up in the stands despite what my thoughts or feelings are of the coaches leading them.
  6. There's no reason for negativity when it comes to loyal fans choosing to support their team by buying season tickets. Not everyone bails when things aren't going as well as they could. To some its bigger than just one coach or wins and losses. Its about the university.
  7. You are exactly why people hate this board and stay away from it. You want to beat up on people for being fans and supportive of the university they love even during the down times.
  8. Oh boy, your useless negativity has made its way over to my favorite sport of basketball.
  9. Don't need tickets this early, I'm sure you'll be able to walk up and pay. I just like to plan ahead and wanted to make sure I had seats as close to our bench as possible. Really interested to see their new arena and yeah... can't be any worse than the last game there on the stage.
  10. Just got off the phone with the Mavericks' box office and purchased 4 tickets to the game in Arlington. Who else will be checking out their new arena and going to the game?
  11. Disagree about who the people are sitting in the floor seats. Most of the people sitting in those seats are the actual season ticket holders and show up 99% of the time to support the team and university despite what their personal thoughts might be about the coaching staff or AD. Same goes for a large chunk of season ticket holders who sit in the lower bowl. Overall I think the Super Pit is a great arena and not much needs to be done to enhance the game day experience. With the limited $ the things I would change would be putting in new seats in the lower/upper bowls, have better lighting, update restrooms, update players lounges if that is needed (I have never seen them), add the ticket booths, and finally create or build a new space for the MGC room to be on the main concourse level. I think it would be better served up there and not hidden in the tunnels below the seats. It would be more visible and could help in the drive to get new members or to get current members to up their current level.
  12. I don't think you'll find an AD that is more of a visionary than RV Grass is green enough for me too. Doesn't mean I don't want success cause I do, but I like who we are and enjoy what our athletic department provides.
  13. Local news should give us some love tonight so everyone be sure to check that out. I am recording Babe and Dale
  14. Figures, The TV is on mute behind me so again warn me if they ever get to the smaller, pointless, not worth mentioning bowls... I've taken my anger to twitter against ESPN and ESPN Dallas which isn't good. I need to step outside and cool off.
  15. I bet... and I'm just a clueless college football fan if I don't listen to Lou Holtz.
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