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Censored by Laurie

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Everything posted by Censored by Laurie

  1. Had K.D. not lost his temper and had the season we all expected...and he worked hard on his handles...he would've been the closest thing since Shawnson Johnson or Chris Davis. IMO the player who may get a long look from some team in summer league is Rich Young (if he's interested). 6'5" 200, a solid outside shot (when he decidees to actually shoot...man he needed to shoot more) more than strong enough for the league and he plays some great defense...poor man's Bruce Bowen.
  2. If you just felt a breeze...I believe that is the collective sigh of releif from the Mean Green Basketball nation. Best wishes to Benny Valentine...but using our last scholarship on a 4th point guard...and these would be 4 pure point guards, no combos...would've been poor management.
  3. UNT wins the toss and defers their option until the second half. OU takes the opening kick out to the 32. Allen Patrick takes 5 hand offs and picks up 3 first downs down to the UNT 24...Joey Halzle then hooks up on a slant to Juaquin Iglesias to the UNT 13...then a stop route to Joe Jon Finley to the UNT 2. First and Goal. Toss right to Patrick is blown up by a great hit on the corner from Colt Mahan. Second and Goal from the 4...Halzle throws a fade for Quentin Chaney which is deflected away by Latif Nurudeen. Third and Goal. Halzle runs play action...Aaron Weathers slips and Joe Jon Finley is wide open in the end zone...but Dominique Green who came on a blitz hits Halzle and the ball pops loose and scooped up by Brandon Monroe who takes off in towards paydirt. He reaches the 50 and the play is blown dead...and the Big 12 refs call a clear fumble an incomplete pass. Garrett Hartley kicks a 22 yard field goal. Micah Mosely then returns the ensuing kick off 97 yards for a touchdown
  4. This paricular jersey sported by Evan Robertson...yes...this is simply a practice jersey...and was used not as means of style but rather a classless message from DD. But how about an actuall black 3rd uniform? Is the stigma of the black jersey to engrained now to be accepted? With the new lighter green as the trim to a white number...this could look pretty clean.
  5. Hands down the best moment of any of these games (or rather post games) was being in the alcohol, party and debautery capital of the U.S....New Orleans...in 2002 following our win over Cincinati and actually being responsible for the closing of Bourbon St. UNT shut down Bourbon Street. Theres something I doubt any other school can claim. Few things are more intimidating than being a hammered 20 year old, walking around a foreign city and being yelled out by mounted police officers...and giving them a good-strong CAW_CAW
  6. I've responded to this line of discussion off the thread and apologized for the redneck statement seeing as how it is quite hypocritcal of me. I would love for this thread to get back on topic...but I have a feeling its hopelessly lost. If you would like to continue the Muslim line of questioning...feel free to send me a message...its more interesting a discussion for me than when will our new uniforms come out...and living up north now too many people agree some of my political leanings and I miss a good old fashion debate.
  7. Every home game from 2001-2006 (for atleast a half) so thats somewhere between 30 and 35 in and of it self...add two games at UT, a game at OU, TCU, Baylor and ALL 4 BOWL GAMES...so 40-45 seems like a reasonable total...plus I think anyone who sat through all 7 overtimes of last years FIU game ought to get a bonus game
  8. I love the redneck mentality to make sure and incorporate a jab at a religion that you don't understand anytime there is some sort of cultural discussion...I guess if the rest of the mega-church, Pat Robertson congregation is doing it too, than it must be right. Ignorance is bliss.
  9. Some suggestions for Arkansas St:
  10. Keep an eye on those Owls...20 of 22 starters return.
  11. If hes transfered here hopefully its another Jamal Brown situation where he did so without a scholarship offer. Where do we need him as a player, let alone as a kid accussed of with two felony charges. And this would be his 3rd school in as many seasons.
  12. I think most Native Americans would rather be honored by having a place to live that isn't just where white folk would never choose to reside...but I guess the mascot of a mid-major football program will have to be sufficient. Syracuse and St. Johns needed to change their names...that was the equivilant of some of the Negro League baseball team names...but I believe that the intent of ASU, FSU and Illinois ect is to honor the pride and culture of Native Americans. However, wheres the purpose in honoring a race of people with a mascot. We don't have any Black, Hispanic or White deravations as mascots (yes Notre Dame, but the Irish had a strong hand in the founding and it's catholic base) so is that saying we wouldn't respect the history and traditions behind the Tuskegee State Darkies, the Texas Valley Chicanos or the White Settlement W.A.S.P.s? If Native Americans have a problem with these schools nicknames then there needs to be an open forum for discussion and appease both sides...and if that means a couple of mascots change that is truely the way to honor this sect of society
  13. because he's a tight end and wouldn't see the field in dodge's system
  14. This is a lot harder of a list to put together for football than it is for basketball...I think a top ten might be a bit more realistic. Theres only 5 conferences and 3 independent schools to pull from so you do have to start picking from the middle of the WAC and CUSA to fill out a top 25. Its tough to argue with this list not including another SBC school with no clear cut number 2. I do think Troy should be a spot or two higher...but thats the SBC stigma.
  15. A win over SMU in the early 80s and we rush the field, take the goal post, carry them across 75, down Greenville to the Dubliner or the Barley House, get drunker than drunk, and go back to Eric Dickerson's dorm and piss in a UNT pattern on anyone of the import sports cars bought for him by SMU alumni...personally I'd have gone for the Mazzerati...f'n Italians. However, I feel that we are only a step or two away from being at SMU's level...consistantly...and soon surpassing it...so we need to take our win this year as something we expected to happen. I say everyone meets in the south end zone and ala "Wind" (great movie if you havent seen it) we start singing the fight song and walk across 75, down Greenville to the Dubliner or the Barley House and get drunker than drunk... I don't see why that part would have to change
  16. Exactly right. I don't know if "luck" is the best word for it...but Dickey's recruiting philosophy was to wait and see who the bigger boys didn't pick up...he found some gems without a doubt...however its a philosophy that doesn't play out over the long term. Also, as great as the 4 straight SBC titles was...and I was there for all four years and all four bowl games...it does need to be said that the Sun Belt is a MUCH better and deeper conference then it was during those years. If you put the 2002 team that got Patrick Cobbs a national rushing title, or the 03 team that got J.T. the same, they would have had success last year, but I doubt either churns out 2000 yards. Todd Dodge's recruiting philosophy has me incredibly excited. He has a specific type of player he's targeting and is making the statement that he isn't afraid of any school and is willing to compete with them for the guys he wants. Its refreshing.
  17. and Cedric Benson definently enjoyed a toke quite frequently. UT has their pick of whomever they want at any postion...to Mack this is nothing more than a guy transfering out. I am a big propponent of charcter being a HUGE factor in deciding who to bring into your program...no matter how talented the player may be. If this kid is facing pending legal charges and seems to have a track record of similar poor decision making...lets leave him for someone else
  18. Like the Tic Price women's restroom? Man...even I feel a little bit guilty for this one...but my immaturity will not allow me to pass this up
  19. I knew I knew this name. I'm willing to give a kid a second chance and allow him to mature...but damn...that was one of the sorryest things I have heard in recent years. Provided he stays clean this year I still think he should be on something of a leash when he makes his way to Denton.
  20. I guess if you need assistance in having fun and getting drunk...have your Beerman party...I'll be at Lou's having conversation, throwing darts, hitting on cute hippie girls and getting just as drunk without having to hear the obligatory and over-used Hank Williams, Jr. cover.
  21. Man...this kid must be smart too...rivals says he scored a 1910 on his SAT. I love linebackers who wear that elevated neck brace...so throwback and hardcore. Kinda looks like a John Lynch type player...and if he helps open up an SLC pipeline the future look very bright
  22. yup...tavern has a juke box and UNT has plenty of people who know the chords and words to margaritaville...all the way through...hes a beating
  23. is betrays the word you want here? portrays? anywho...I agree...and The Mean Green is unique and what we've been running with for the past 10 years. As for Scrappy...he stays...the Auburn Tigers has an Eagle, the Crimson Tide has an elephant, a Midshipman is somehow represented by a Ram and I'm sure there are more examples.
  24. Please, please, please tell me this is sarcasm. Beerman wouldn't be the biggest whip in the world if he could actually finish a song without a guitar noodling and "lets drink a beer." But since he can't...I think he even did a cover of Eric Clapton's "Tears in Heaven" and asked us to drink a beer halfway through. Give me Lou's when Gibby's working, Riprocks when Anessa's working and Tavern when Dearing or Banner is working.
  25. Has anybody been to the Troy stadium? If this is acurate this is what we should be pursuing...those fans are right on the field
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