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Censored by Laurie

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Censored by Laurie last won the day on March 9

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About Censored by Laurie

  • Birthday 03/23/1983

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    foxes. and nothing else.

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  1. no doubt...but I'm hard pulling for UC-Irvine...UAB has been such a thorn for the last few seasons, I just want no part of them
  2. I'm happy to be proved wrong, but I felt that there's no way that shot first was in time
  3. we're +5 in turnovers.
  4. and OSU was at 20 points from 4:16 til the last shot of the half. we're fine. everyone chill the eff out. I'll point out too...a lot of our "scoring droughts" didn't involve this current scoring-assertive Jasper Floyd. when your ball-dominant PG is now also taking the most shots on the team you see fewer of the last second on the shot clock heaves. we're up 5 in a NIT quarterfinal and yet the pessimism here is unbearable. why do y'all even like sports?
  5. maybe join them? it's been a highly competitive, fun game so far against a solid Big 12 team that is clearly engaged and motivated. we're playing well and one lil turnover at the end of the half isn't a death blow. you people are the effing worst sometimes
  6. bUt ThiS iS tEXas aNd I lOve foOtBaLl!1!
  7. did you not see the plea to come support the team thread in the football forum? there were more excuses and "I only like football" posts than anything else. there's what...50 regular posters here and even convincing the local ones to drive an hour max for a game is a non-starter. this is a big reason why I keep saying enjoy what we have while we have it...because largely we don't deserve it.
  8. We can’t pay more than a Big 12 program, a Big 12 program will consistently draw 3-4 times our average attendance and a Big 12 program doesn’t bump a basketball game for a fajita mixer. Hodge may love it here and really feel committed to building this program, but we’ve done nothing to show it’s reciprocal
  9. https://cal.wvu.edu/coliseum_829 nothing booked until April 5th
  10. this had better at least be a guiness record-sized skillet of fajitas
  11. I did the same check on the '23 home NIT games...wondering if there was a method to the madness of under-reporting. I've seen enough games at the Pit to know what 1500 reported as 2600 and 2600 hundred reported as 4500 looks like. if either of these NIT games were AAC games, they're showing up as 4K+. I gotta assume both Furman and ASU are due some part of the gate and the AD is actively under-reporting sales so their payout is lower. full blown conspiracy...does anyone know if Ross gets an attendance bonus?
  12. I hear those 61 Bobans will be attending the luncheon, if anyone wants to meet them
  13. 2661…but 61 of them were part of a Boban look-a-like conference, so they filled up a lot more space than your average 61 people
  14. I'm not here to comment on a coaching rumor...more here to defend West Virginia...I can tell most of you have never explored or even just driven through as it has some of the prettiest areas in the country. New River Gorge, Blackwater Falls, the Cheat River...all stunning. now the people...well that's different.
  15. we could've even turned this into a cool Promo Night... Fan Stay After The Game and Clean The Pit Night ever wondered how the basketball court gets broken down and stored? wanna see how a ten foot hoop fits through an 8 foot door? wanna hear a real live UNT team celebration from outside the locker room while you mop the floor? now you can be a part of all the action! free stale popcorn and dasani water to the first 250 fans Jared, I'll send you my LinkedIn and salary demands
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