Hmmm, I'm all for universities being hot beds of academia rather than sports, but I still don't get Rice. Hot beds of Academia for lack of a better word "produce" something for the benefit of mankind and the community. They do lots of research to make the world better, safer, and (in spite of what I've seen lately) more insightful. The Harvards, Princtons, Dukes, Stanfords and even the UTs and A&M's of the world are trying very hard to cure cancer, come up with more hardy and productive crops, improve renewable energy etc, etc. Their graduates and/or professors are constantly being asked to come on national news programs to discuss the latest medical, scientific, or legal challenge to our world, and what they are trying to do about it. None of those experts are ever from Rice.
So to paraphrase one of my best supervisors at CPS....."It's not enough to be academically busy, the question is what are you academically busy about?"