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Everything posted by SilverEagle

  1. I guess not anymore. I was looking on their site for hats and found what looked like a pretty good black hat. Of course, Rick and I could have had a better one made for them, but they declined. I'm being told that another vendor sends them e-mails wanting to make stuff for them, but he gets no response from them at all. Not even a "thanks but no thanks".
  2. I would LOVE to have a jacket like that. I'm wondering why the Exes don't get the same people to produce a similar jacket for the Exes.
  3. At least before half-time anyway.
  4. Since we all seem to agree that our greatest weakness this year is in BOTH sides of the line, here is what I found in the latest program. Returning starters (and back-ups) OL Joel Foster, 6-4 X 268 Josh Alexander 6-3 X 282 Adam Venegas (?) 6-3 X 305 Chad Rose 6-3 X 285 Dylan Lineberry 6-3 X 310 Frank Gray 6-1 X 285 Jeremy Brown, 6-5 X 299 Waiting in the wings ? Ajani Banks, 6-3 X 325 Brian Amacker, 5-11 X 267 Drew DuBose, 6-2 X 244 Bryan Glass, 6-0 X 280 Jack Crumes, 6-4 X 270 Now DL Joseph Miller, 6-3 X 275 (DL) Sky Pruitt, 6-2 X 295 (DL) Montey Stevenson 6-2 X 267 (DL) Jeremiah Chapman 6-4 X 245 (DE) Blake Burruss, 6-7 X 252 (DE) Willie Ransom, 6-3 X 250 (DE) Waiting in the wings ? David Collins, 6-4 X 210 (DE) Jonathan Stewart, 6-2 X 260 (DL) Chad Cooley, 6-2 X 228 (DE) Robert Peachy, 6-5 X 270 (DL) Issac Thomas, 5-11 X 290 (DL) T.J. Raymond, 6-2 X 310 (DL) Coming back???? Chase Pistole, 6-3 X 260 (DL) Raifu Durodoye 6-1 X 237 (DE) The average weight of our RETURNING OL starters is 290. The average weight of our "waiting in the wings" OL is 277! If you took out Banks (who is 325), then it's 265! The average weight of our RETURNING INTERIOR DL (minus T.J. because we don't know if he will be back) is 279 lbs!!! The average weight of our "waiting in the wings" INTERIOR DL is 270! Recruitment wise, I don't call this progress. We either have to get these guys serious about working out in the weight room during the off-season, or we need to pick up LOTS OF BEEF during the next round of recruitment.
  5. I totally agree.
  6. I think that it has to do with NCAA rules about the number of "official contacts" that a recruit can have with school officials, as well as alumni. It wouldn't take much effort on the Angel's part, or on the part of the University for that matter, to explain the situation to fans at the game. Did I say "effort"?.......OOPS! What was I thinking! ........
  7. Do you think that we could get our "all-pro-lineman-one-time-player-of-the-week-in-the-NFL" alumni to come help us recruit O-linemen this year?
  8. He'll get his recruitment abilities put to a severe test now. Let's see, selling a player on playing in Florida and playing in the Big East, or selling a player on playing in Kansas in the B-12. WTH? Why would a B-east coach who has basically built his program up from scratch, go to the plains of Kansas where it's a constant struggle to get quality players to come and play?
  9. He certainly does! You just haven't lived until you try and pitch a new idea to our old (and some new ones for that matter) University officials. Their first reaction is almost always no.
  10. I'm always a bit suspicious when someone does self-promoting, when they were just being interviewed as a courtesy to a returning former player/alumni. Where has this guy done any coaching? Being a personal trainer doesn't make you a good coach. If he wants to coach at the college level, he needs to enroll in graduate courses and be a graduate assistant, just like the Chris Hurds and Tommy Harrisons of the world.
  11. He'll be in the new trailer parked in the orange lot, right by the entrance to the "village".
  12. Cure-all? Can you give me one example of a cure-all.......anywhere?
  13. If Corky had ever been given six turnovers in a playoff game, he damn sure would have won it. And THEN they would be even on that count.
  14. Please tell me what sort of "noticable" promotions have been going on to get people to come out to our games. And to make it worse, you don't know how much of a fight FFRick had to go through to convince some pencilheads in the administration that our battleflag was NOT ILLEGAL. The same aforementioned pencilhead(s) kept telling the Talons that they could not wave the battleflag at games because it was an "illegal flag". Rick finally had to talk directly with one of the University attorneys who said that IT WAS NOT ILLEGAL. Even then the aforementioned pencilheads were reluctant to let go of that stupid opinion. If you left it to all the leftover "old nesters" and the morons that they've trained through the years, this University would still be 1-AA, and "tennis applause" would still be the standard for fan behavior at games. And that doesn't even address the issue of non-North Texas graduates trying to tell us what our traditions should be. And non-North Texas graduates who are in charge of promotions. The best promotions ever at North Texas, and the best North Texas icon ever created were done by NORTH TEXAS GRADUATES. And these people were NOT part of the "old nesters" group.
  15. Damn! That was my next question........
  16. Are you the one(s) with the foreign jets? If so, were the pictures taken from one of them?
  17. Well, "letting out practice early" and "practices are a joke" are not the same thing. It could be that DD has decided that his usual "grueling" practices (especially in the spring and fall) haven't produced the results that he had hoped for. So maybe since the championship is no longer a possibility, he's trying something different.
  18. If Cobbs and/or Thomas cannot go, then we will probably switch Mitchell to TB. I think he did just fine last year against ArkSt.
  19. Yes, Corbin continued to play for North Texas and played as long as his eligibility allowed. He earned all-big-west honors as a DE in 1999. I believe that he plays for either an arena, or a semi-pro football team somewhere in the Northeast. I believe that Corbin graduated and has his degree. I believe that he is also married. As far as his "mean streak", he never lost it when he was out on the field. He is often listed on all-time North Texas teams when fans on the board start a thread on that subject. Before he left North Texas, Corbin changed his name back to his birth name "Montgomery". Epps was the name given to him when he was adopted. I have read that Corbin has made contact with his birth mother, and has re-established a relationship with her. I often wish that we had more players on our team with Corbin's "intensity". But I would never wish Corbin's "situation" growing up (which fueled his anger/mean streak) on anyone.
  20. If a player has played QB in Texas, especially in 4-A or 5-A, AND he has taken his team deep into the play-offs, then he's used to the game moving at a pretty fast pace. I believe that Jamario Thomas moved from a 3-A school to D-1 and managed to adjust to the speed of the game just fine. Chris Miller (a true freshman) made the transition just fine. Last year J. Chapman made the change just fine........
  21. I assume that you're talking about a Juco QB that would have come in and practiced in the spring. Otherwise, the learning curve for a Juco QB and a freshmen QB, or RS Freshman QB would be about the same. It has taken Ransom (Juco DE) several games to make any sort of impact out there. I have to think that DE is easier to learn than QB.
  22. Only the ones with money......lots of money.
  23. Both Ken Washington and Greg Carter were about 5'9". Both excellent QB's
  24. If you think DD has it bad and gets criticized unfairly, I would invite you to check out ANY of the B-12 message boards, but especailly the Baylor board. There is a love-fest going on here compared to those places.
  25. I remember looking at a tape of a North Texas/UTA game in 1985. It was played at Fouts and by your standards Fouts was WORSE THAN CRAP. It was in that condition when Hayden Fry arrived in 1973. It was in that condition when Corkey Nelson arrived in 1982. Yet both coaches managed to beat big name opponents, and both coaches managed to ACTIVELY PROMOTE NORTH TEXAS FOOTBALL. And as I have pointed out several times, Corky did it with LESS resources and LESS support from the administration. Also, Corky and Hayden both had additional duties of being the AD as well as being the head coach.
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