Coach Bleil: Very impressed. Big on accountability. Would point out any mistakes made, then encourage the player, though anyone making the same mistake twice would get an earful. Was just as quick to praise good technique, a good read, or a good effort. At one point, the free safety called out coverage, and a DB misunderstood, which let the offense make a big play. Bleil talked to the FS and told him "We are holding the free saftey accountable for coverage mistakes, it's your job to make sure everyone of the DB's knows what to do". A few plays later the same player made a good coverage adjustment and drew equal praise. A public service message from SilverEagle, Folks, It takes much more time and much more energy to do what coach Bleil is doing, than it does to only scream and yell at a player. But it yields much more benefits in the long run. For those who are new parents, and for those who are planning to be parents, please pay close attention to this lesson.