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Everything posted by SilverEagle

  1. Yes, going Amtrak won't be an option for people who want to go and come back on the same day. In the past there have been many fans who went down on Friday and didn't come back until Sunday. As to the station being closed, I will e-mail their customer service and ask about that situation. The Station is located at 250 N. Lamar, which makes it walking distance from 6th street. People staying in the 6th street area can walk to the station....and to their Hotels if they are staying on 6th......or close by. All of the Hotels and most of the Motels have a shuttle/van service that can take you to the station......and pick you up from there as well.
  2. Here is Amtrak's response. Dear William Covert, Thank you for contacting us. There are many variables involved in quoting group fares and approving group travel. Amtrak Group rates are available for parties of 20 or more passengers traveling together. For information, please visit: http://www.amtrak.com/servlet/ContentServe...am2Copy&ssid=66 You can e-mail our Group Sales department at GroupSales@Amtrak.com. Or, contact our group desk by phone at 1-800-872-1477 for specific information for your group. Hours of operation are 9 am to 9 pm (ET), Monday through Friday. We look forward to assisting you. Sincerely, Yola Amtrak Customer Service Assuming that enough people are interested, this sounds like something that the Dallas/Tarrant County Exes might want to coordinate.
  3. Then don't participate. And BTW, Amtrak estimates that it's a 4:20 ride. MapQuest estimates (under ideal circumstances) that the drive from downtown Ft Worth to 6th St. in Austin is three hours. Even if Amtrak takes longer than 4:20, it's better than driving on I-35 during the Labor day week-end. I've sent an e-mail to Amtrak asking the questions that UNTBill posed. BTW(2) this particular train route is called the "Texas Eagle".
  4. I believe that they have a "special promotions" section on their web-site.
  5. Out of curiosity, I went to the Amtrak site to see if it would be possible to take the train to and from Austin this year. Well, for those living in the DFW area (and several points between DFW and Austin) it is. As of today, you can take the train down and back for $46. A train ride to Austin and back with rowdy North Texas fans might be fun. Assuming that you're interested, check the schedule for yourself. http://www.amtrak.com/servlet/ContentServe...Amtrak/HomePage
  6. Mello said the luxury suites will double as graduate school classrooms. Hmmm, could it be that they are looking at having a "bonding experience" with students that are more likely to go out and make more money than the general student population? If so, pretty forward thinking on their part.
  7. Against "Texas State" we are 28-6-3. We won our last game in 1994 27-14. Against "New Mexico St" we are 22-9-2. I can't remember the score of the 2004 game....which we won. Against "SMU" we are 3-27-1. We lost our last game in 1992 28-14
  8. You are correct. We have played Texas State a total of 37 times. The last game was in 1994. Second place goes to New Mexico State with 33 games. Third place goes to (and I had to look at it twice to believe it) SMU with 31 games. Anyone want to know about our record against any other schools?
  9. I would be more inclined to use the word "distrust" rather than disdain... Still an understandable feeling/attitude, in light of the type of motivational speeches they receive.
  10. This is Jim Reeves' (FWST) take on it. http://www.dfw.com/mld/dfw/sports/football/14142299.htm Some of my favorite quotes. The devil, in this case, just happens to be named Terrell Owens, who also brought along his personal butt-kisser, a rodent named Drew Rosenhaus. Rosenhaus is to Owens what the bug-eating Renfield was to Dracula.
  11. Hmmm, from what I saw, I'd give the DL a +5. Everyone that showed up to practice this spring was either noticably better than last year, or played very solid. So, assuming that Sky Pruitt has been working very hard on his re-hab this spring/summer, and assuming that Ransom & Chapman come back healthy this fall, I feel that that DL is a slight improvement over last year. And that is not taking into account that maybe one of the freshman DL's will be an impact player this fall. Also, I think that (collectively) the RB effectiveness will be about the same this fall, rather than a -10%. So, for me, that makes for a +30 over last year. That would mean that we could/should be over .500. At least 7-4.....possibly 8-3.
  12. I certainly hope he said that out of RF's earshot.
  13. I seriously doubt that any successful coach in America motivates his team solely by telling them that they can't count on the fans, so they had better count on one another......and the coaching staff. I was standing by Adler and none of what DD said hurt my feelings. I was however rather dismayed, because I was hearing the same ol' "us-against-them-bunker/siege-mentality" message.
  14. Well, I agree that he did go out of his way to thank the participants of the "cook-out", as did many of the players. However, I didn't hear any disclaimers/exceptions (ie guys! I'm not talking about all those dedicated fans who went through a lot to cook for you last week....and who drive all night and day to attend games in the far reaches of the conference) in his speech to the players about capricious fans. I just heard the same'ol "us-against-the-world" bunker mentality.
  15. ....how can I forget.
  16. Those are probably the same people that believe that there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. On a lighter note. If the sports world gets any crazier, North Texas might actually have an OCC win this fall........... ........ to continue the lyrics There's a man with a gun over there Telling me I got to beware
  17. I'm not touting him as a starter. But he went through the whole spring without injury (or getting his bell rung etc), and he took hits just like all the other RBs. I believe that Maldonado is listed as being 171 lbs. I don't know what his forty time is, but I'm guessing that it must be pretty close to 4.4, otherwise the coaching staff would not have allowed him to walk-on. He was offensive player of the year at Sachse HS in 2004 (a 5-A school). In the early drills, he was firing through the line just as quickly as Robertson. BTW, I believe that there is a pro RB from Oklahoma who is about 5'6". And furthur. In 1981, the North Texas team leader for all-purpose yards was Carlen Charleston (#42 on your program). His total was 947 yards (run 420, rec 94, rtn 433). In the 2002 media guide, Carlen Charleston was listed as #6 all time in total career yards (2997 total). That puts him ahead of such players as John Love, Bernard Jackson, Leo Taylor, Erric Pegram, Troy Redwine, Ron Shanklin, Hut Allred, Barry Moore, and Malcom Jones. Carlen Charleston was actually 5'5" X 155lbs. Part of his jersey number was tucked down into his pants, and his name on his jersey drooped on each end because it did not fit across the back of his shoulder pads. Do I have to dig out that old saying about a dog fight? Of course, all this discussion may be moot since the coaching staff has demonstrated a propensity to invite players to walk-on, and even when those players out-perform some of the "ship" players (Scott Wissel last spring comes to mind), they don't invite them back to walk-on in the fall.
  18. Ok, lets review the situation. If, and that's a big IF Ja-Mo were not available to play this fall then the team will be in capable hands. I would guess that either (and possibly both) Devin Cox or James Mitchell (remember him? he got 166 yrds in 04 when Ja-Mo couldn't go against Ark-St.) would start at RB. Kerona Henderson would start at FB. After that, I would use either Evan Robertson or Joshua Moldonado.
  19. “We have three guys we feel good about and a fourth guy who shows flashes of doing things, but at times shows he has a long ways to go, and that’s Jonathan,” UNT coach Darrell Dickey said. “ First of all. That's a charitable assessment. Second of all. Assuming that it's accurate, that's what you say about someone in their freshman year....or RS freshman year. This guy is still hanging around, while the coaching staff didn't bother to invite Scott Wissle to walk-on last fall (after a very good spring) when he was clearly a better QB than Ieans.....and Haynes too for that matter. That reminds me. What happened to Kellen Haynes?
  20. I couldn't agree more with Mr. Wilson. However, throwing the occasional long TD pass is not what leadership is all about. I'm hoping that whoever steps out on the field to play QB this fall against Texas has it all together as a leader. The TD's, via passes or otherwise, will then follow.
  21. ......confirms the observation that I already made. But then, no one ever listens to me.... ............... ......
  22. What concerns me these days is that we don't seem to have athletic personnel that want to (or are able to) get out into the public to share their vision about North Texas athletics. I rememeber when Hayden Fry took over (yes, I'm going to bring him up again, so all you younger people stop rolling your eyes). One of the first things he did was call a "town meeting" in one of the main auditoriums and invited everyone to attend. Hayden shared his vision of North Texas athletics with the crowd, and he talked about what he was going to do. He then talked about ways in which the student body, faculty, and anyone else who wanted to get on board, could help. He then went on a speaking tour of Denton County to do the same thing. I don't remember that Corky did the same thing, but he did make some speaking appearances in the community, and was more than willing to talk to any group that invited him to make a presentation. I'm not sure that North Texas will ever "drive a Cadillac". But we will never even drive a mid-sized Buick if we don't start getting out into the community and getting more involvement from the community. We also need to get more "bang for our buck" when it comes to hiring people.
  23. OR! It could be cultural inertia. Just like the object that will continue along it's path until enough force is applied to change it's direction. The same thing happens with cultures, families, and individual habits. The "We-just-want-to-be-the-best-little-teacher's-college-and-we-don't-need-anymore-money-for-athletics-than-we-already-have" mentality that has gone on for decades (even before Dr. Matthews) at North Texas hasn't had enough force applied to it (and for a sufficient amount of time) to change it's direction. ...or it could be a conspiracy.
  24. The Green trailer hitches are finished and they look GREAT! I have mine, and Rick has the rest. If I knew how to down-load a digital picture onto this site, I would post one.
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